授课教师姓名 | 微课名称 | 自然拼读Letter O (闭音节) | |
知识点来源 | □学科:英语 □年级: 二年级 □教材版本:沪教牛津深圳版 □所属章节:2A Module3 Unit8 梦见被僵尸追 | ||
录制工具和方法 | 录制工具:Camtasia Studio 录制方法:PPT录制 | well的意思||
设计思路 | 本节课授课对象为二年级学生,他们经过一年的英语学习,对英语学习兴趣浓厚,尤其对英语绘本阅读课更是喜爱。孩子们已经基本上掌握了26个字母的letter name,80%以上的学生能把字母名和字母音准确对应,能听字母名说字母音,能够识别单词首音和尾音,熟悉用手指进行音素组合训练的方法,但是对于单词解码以及音素切分的能力还有待加强。根据沪教牛津深圳版2AM3U8章节中出现的“O for ox”和上学年攀登英语一年级目标中的教学目标,学生在一年级已经非常熟悉音素歌曲,也初步感知过攀登英语阅读系列·有趣的字母的绘本,所以这节课复习绘本内容并在学生掌握Oo发音的基础上,进一步学习Fantastic Phonics Book 1解码书中关于Pop and his pot的故事,从而系统地让学生感知字母音op和ot,巩固字母发音。复习音素歌曲,学习攀登绘本,感知发音。复习攀登绘本,渗透字母组合,提升解码能力。 | ||
教学设计 | |||
内 容 | |||
教学目的 | 复习音素歌和绘本故事,感知字母op和ot在单词中的发音以及尝试解码单词和阅读解码书。 | ||
教学重点难点 | (1)教学重点:感知字母O在单词中的发音,掌握字母O的音、形对应,感知字母op和ot在单词中的发音,尝试对解码书的单词进行解码。 (2)教学难点:二年级学生对于字母O的单词中积累还有待加强,所以对于解码书里面的新单词,更要多引导学生掌握拼读方法,能拼能读,积累并形成系统性记忆,扩充知识面。 | ||
教学过程 | 1.Pre-task preparations: Teacher’s activity: Play the part of letter song about Oo. Student’s activity: Listen to the song and follow it. 2. While-task procedures: Teacher’s activity: Review the story What’s going on with the sound of letter O. Review the words with the sound of letter O in the story What’s going on. Ask students that can you find out more words with the sound of letter O. Elicit the foot rhyme op and ot. U the Spell calendar with op and ot. ( Pop pot hot top hop spot mop ) 属马人今日财运Elicit the story Pop and his Pot with the foot rhyme op and ot. 蔡文姬Student’s activity: Review and consolidate the story What’s going on with the sound of letter O. Review and consolidate the words with the sound of letter O in the story. Try to think out more words with the sound of letter O. Watch and follow the video with the foot rhyme op and ot. 3. Post-task activities: Teacher’s activity: Make them try to read the story Pop and his Pot ntence by ntence. Student’s activity: 展风采To read the story in group with the context and then by themlves. 暗示的意思4. Homework: Try to find out more words with the sound of letter O. Try to read the whole story by themlves. | ||
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