
更新时间:2023-06-03 02:00:57 阅读: 评论:0

1. 音节概念
双音节词:go, he, stand, think, plea, take, some, what, glad, smoke, child, taught
双音节词:teacher, brother, Sunday, neighbor, darkness, brea假期计划表kfast, comment , open
多音节词:exerci, holiday, separate, celebrate, institute, opportunity
2. 单词重音
例:Sunday [’sʌndi] begin [bi’ɡin]
3. 开音节
例:goəʊ], he [hi:], no [nəʊ], we [wi:], who [hu:]
另一种叫做相对开音节,即发音的元音字母后有一个辅音字母(r 除外)再加一个不发音
例:make [meik], note [nəʊt], the [ði:z], like [laik], u [ju:z]
4. 闭音节
例:bad [bæd], thank [θæŋk], desk [desk], sit [sit], stick [stik], fog [fɒɡ], shop [小牛血清去蛋白ʃɒp]; sun [sʌn], must [mʌst]
5. 元音字母在开音节中的一般发音
A a [ei], Ee [i:], Ii [ai], Oo [əʊ], Uu [ju:]
例:take [teik], late [leit], he [hi:], theme [θi:m], time [taim], nice [nais], no [nəʊ]; joke [jəʊk], tune [tju:n], cute [kju:t];
6. 元音字母在重读闭音节中的一般发音
A a [æ], Ee [e], Ii [i], Oo [ɒ], Uu [ʌ]
例:lamp [læmp], plan [plæn], well [wel], best [best], mill [mil], wish [wiʃ], hot [hɒt]; drop [drɒp], club [cl感慨人生ʌb], but [bʌt]
7. 各元音在开音节和闭音节的读音规则
1)A a
开音节中多读 [ei] 字母本身的音。 词例:name, plane, cake, take;
但have中却发 [æ]
重读闭音节中多读 [æ]。 词例:bad, lamp, tank, cat, map
a 的前面是辅音[w]时读作[ɒ]。 词例:want, wash, what, quality
a 的后面是 ss, st, sp, sk, th, f, n 时常读作[a:]。 词例:class, fast, grasp, ask, bath, staff, dance, command
2) E e
开音节中多读 [i:] 字母本身的音 词例:he, she, be, the
重读闭音节中多读 [e]。词例:pen, yes, well, desk, best
3) I i (y)
开音节中多读 [ai] 字母本身的音 词例:like, time, bike, why,
但give和 live中却发 [i]
重读闭音节中多读 [i]。词例:stick, ship, big, mill
词尾是-nd和 -ld时,i 可读作[ai] 词例:kind, find, child
4) O o
开音节中多读 [əʊ] 字母本身的音 词例:no, home, joke, smoke, joke
但to, do, who, move, shoe中却发 [u:]
重读闭音节中多读 [ɒ]。词例:hot, fog, shop, long, drop
词尾是-st和 -ld时,o 可读作[əʊ] 词例:most, post, bold, cold, 例外both, comb
o的后面是 m, n, v, th 时,可读作[ʌ] 词例:son, some, come, one, done, love, glove, mother, brother被讨厌的勇气读后感
5)U u
开音节中多读 [əʊ] 字母本身的音 词例:u, tune, cute, mule
u 在辅音字母l, r, j后面时读作[u:] 词例:blue, rule, true, June
重读闭音节中多读 [ʌ] 或[u]。词例:sun, but, club, must, full, put
但truth, busy中却发 [u:]
8. -r 音节-re音节的读音规则
ar 常读作[a:] 词例:car, park, large, star; 但war, warm, ward却读[ɔ:]
er常读作[з:] 词例:verb, term, rve, stern;
ir常读作[з:] 词例:girl, first, shirt, bird
or常读作[ɔ:] 词例:hor, short, north, sport; 但word, work, world却读[з:]
ur常读作[з:] 词例:burn, nur, hurt, fur
are常读作[eə] 词例:care, dare, stare, rare
ere常读作[iə]或[eə] 词例:mere, here, there, were; 但were 却读[з:]
ore常读作[ɔ:] 词例:more, wore, sore, store
ire常读作[aiə] 词例:fire, tire, hire, mire
ure常读作[juə]或[uə] 词例:pure, cure, manure, sure
9. 元音字母组合的读音规则
al 常读作[ɔ:] 词例:ball, walk, talk, walk, also,
其后有f 或m 时可读[a:] 例:half, calm, palm
au 和augh 常读作[ɔ:] 词例:cau, fault, launch; taught, daughter
例外:laugh [a:]
aw常读作[ɔ:] 词例:law, saw, claw, awful
ai 和ay常读作[ei] 词例:wait, main; day, play
air 和are常读作[eə] 词例:hair, pair, chair; fare, care, dare, stare, share
ea常读作[i:] 或[e] 词例:meat, plea, peace, clean; head, dead, lead, bread
例外:great, break读作 [ei]
ee常读作[i:] 词例:meet, three, steel, green, tree, street,need
ei和 ie常读作[i:] 词例:field, piece, ceiling, receive
有时ei 和ey一样。读作[ei] 词例:eight, neighbor; prey, grey
例外:friend, 读作[e] height读作[ai], review读作 [ju:]
ew常读作[ju:] 词例:new, few, dew.
ew在辅音字母l, r, j后面读作[u:] 词例:blew, crew, Jew
ear常读作[iə] 词例:hear, dear, tear;
有时读[eə] 词例:bear, wear, pear
后面有辅音字母时读作[з:] 词例:learn, pearl, early, earth
例外:heart, 读作[a:] year读作[jə]
eer常读作[iə] 词例:deer, cheer, beer, pioneer, engineer
oa常读作[əʊ虾仁的热量] 词例:coat, boat, soap, float
oi和oy常读作[ɔi] 词例:oil, voice, point; boy, joy
oul 常读作[ʊ] 词例:could, would, should
oo 常读作[u:] 词例:food, tooth, spoon, school, moon
例外:foot, good, stood, 读作[ʊ] ; blood, flood读作[ʌ]
oo 后面是k时读作[ʊ] 词例:book, look, cook, brook
oor和 oar 常读作[ɔ:] 词例:door, floor; board, coar
例外:poor, 读作[u过三闾庙ə]
ou 常读作[au]或 [ʌ] 词例:loud, hou, mouth; young, touch, country, trouble
例外:group, 读作[u:], youth 读作[ju:], soul, 读作[əʊ]
ough 常读作[ɔ:] 词例:bouught, fought, thought
例外:though, 读作[əʊ], through 读作[u:]
our 常读作[ɔ:] 或 [auə] 词例:four, cour, pour; our, hour, sour, flour

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标签:音节   元音   单词   字母
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