At prent,the rearch field of education and teaching at home and abroad is gradually improving the rearch depth of students'core literacy, and the important role of the formation and development of core literacy in the individual growth of students,the optimization of talent structure in the national and social reform and development,etc.The concept of core quality education advocates the cultivation of students'ideological character,ability and quality,values and outlook on life,etc.This educational and teaching concept has gradually become the educational management direction generally recognized by the teaching circle at home and abroad.Under the guidance of the concept of core quality education,the teaching and education in schools at all levels have ushered in new opportunities and challenges.One of the important ways of aesthetic education in junior middle school is art education and teaching classroom.Art education embodies the combination of intellectual education and aesthetic education in middle school,and also one of the important manife
stations of school moral education.Art education in junior middle school has important educational significance for the formation of students'complete cognitive structure,the establishment of good learning habits,the shaping of individual quality and the cultivation of noble aesthetic orientation.At prent,the state has invested a large amount of financial and material resources in the development of education,especially in rural areas.Aesthetic education in rural junior middle schools in China is increasingly put on the agenda of educational reform.This development momentum points out the direction for the
overall reform and improvement of fine arts teaching in rural junior middle schools and provides a favorable opportunity for the optimization and implementation of fine arts teaching in rural junior middle schools.
This study to the current rural junior middle school fine arts education teaching practice situation as the main basis,a systematic defects in the process of rural education of fine arts,under the guide of theory support and practical experience for the study of both cities in the fine arts education successful cas,some effective measures to explore suitable for rural education of fine arts teachin
g the new form,new methods,on the premi of core literacy training theory and practice of rural art education development strategy is put forward.Through the analysis of the sample at the situation of school art education practice,put forward improving strategies,thus for China's rural junior middle school fine arts education curriculum optimization provides practical reference, promote rural art education cau rapid ascension,in the field of rural junior middle school fine arts education to find a practical way out as soon as possible,really implement and carry out the national macroscopic education reform policy.
Key words:Core literacy;Art core quality;Rural art teaching;Prent situation;Countermeasure.
摘要............................................................................................................II 第一章引言 (1)
大扫除看图写话二年级第一节研究背景 (1)
一、核心素养提出的背景 (1)
二、农村初中美术教学的现状 (2)
第二节研究意义 (4)
一、理论意义 (4)
二、实践意义 (5)
第三节概念界定 (5)
二、美术学科核心素养 (5)杋怎么读
三、美术教学 (7)
第四节文献综述 (9)
美女头像图片一、关于核心素养的研究 (9)
二、关于美术学科核心素养的研究 (11)
三、关于农村美术教学的研究 (15)
第五节研究方法 (18)
一、文献研究法 (18)
二、案例研究法 (19)
三、问卷调查法 (19)
四、访谈法 (19)
第六节研究思路 (19)
第二章农村初中美术教学的现状调查 (21)
第一节调查设计 (21)
第二节调查结果 (21)
一、图像识读方面 (21)
二、美术表现方面 (24)
三、审美判断方面 (26)
四、创意实践方面 (29)
五、文化理解方面 (31)
第三章农村初中美术教学存在的问题 (34)
第一节美术核心素养理念贯彻不够 (34)
千锤百炼的意思第二节美术教育的学科作用被忽视 (35)
第三节美术教学方式陈旧缺乏创新 (35)
第四节农村美术教学师资力量薄弱 (36)
第四章农村初中美术教学存在问题的原因 (38)
第一节农村地区美术教学资源匮乏 (38)
花都开好了第二节农村初中美术教师专业素养不高 (39)
第三节农村初中美术教学评价方式单一 (40)
第四节农村家庭对学生美术学习欠重视 (41)
第五章促进农村初中美术教学改革的策略 (44)
第一节农村初中美术教学应突出地域性特点 (44)
第二节树立美术核心素养教育教学的新理念 (45)
第三节重视美术学科教学在课程体系中的地位 (46)
第四节农村初中美术教学应融合学生生活实际 (47)
结语 (49)
参考文献 (50)
附录 (53)
后记 (59)
湖南师范大学学位论文原创性声明 (58)
湖南师范大学学位论文版权使用授权书 (58)