_______________________________________________________________________ (Name of Client) (the “Company) certified true extracts of resolution(s) pasd by the board (the “Board”) of directors (the “Director”) of the Company on ________________________________________ (Date) held at ________________________________________________________________________________ (Address) _______________________________________________________________________ (客戶名稱)( 以下簡稱「本公司」) 於________________________________________ (日期)在_____________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________(地址)舉行的公司董事(以下簡稱「董事」)會(以下簡稱「董事會」)所通過決議之核証真實摘要
I hereby certify that the following is a true and correct copy of the resolution(s) validly pasd and adopted by the Board at a duly convened meeting of the Company at which a quorum was prent throughout the meeting; and that the following resolution(s) had been duly recorded in the minute bo
ok of the Company; and that they had not been rescinded or modified and are now in full force and effect:
1.curities trading account(s) (the “Account(s)”), whether on cash, margin or other terms, be opened and maintained with聚餐活动方案
Oriental Patron Securities Limited (the “Broker”) in accordance with such terms and conditions which the Broker may from time to time prescribe for the Account(s);
在東英亞洲證券有限公司(「經紀」)開立和維持的證券交易戶口(「戶口」) , 不論是現金,保證金或其他條款,均按經紀不時規定有關戶口的條款細則開立和維持;
2.any one of the following persons be and is hereby appointed as trading officer of the Company (the “Trading Officer”) and be
authorized to give orders or trading instructions to the Broker, whether in writing, orally or otherwi, in respect of any transactions of the Account(s) for and on behalf of and in the name of the Company:
Name 姓名ID / Passport No.身份證 或 護照號碼Signature 簽署
3.Any _________ (plea specify the number) of the following persons be and is/are hereby appointed as signing officer(s) of
the Company (the “Signing Officer”) and be authorized:
任何下述 _________ 位人士(請填上數目)均特此獲委任為本公司的文件簽署人員(「文件簽署人員」)並獲授權進行以下事項:
(a)to sign, execute and deliver any and all agreements, connts, letters of instruction or other documents required by the
Broker for the ttlement of curities transactions with the Broker or in connection with the opening or operation of the Account(s);
(b)to withdraw or transfer any money, curities, collateral or other property into or out of the Account(s); and
(c)to make, execute and deliver any and all written endorments and documents necessary or proper to effect the authority
conferred by this resolution:
Name 姓名ID / Passport No.身份證 或 護照號碼Signature 簽署
4.without prejudice to paragraphs 2 and 3 above, the Client Agreement including the Risk Disclosure Statement enclod herein
of the Broker (a draft copy of which had been tabled and considered by the Board) be approved and any one of the Signing Officers be and is hereby authorized to sign or execute on the Company’s behalf the Account Opening Form and sign, execute and complete all other relevant documents and acknowledge that he/she is aware of the potential risk involved on the Company’s behalf in connection with the opening and operation of the Account(s);
炸冰激凌5.the Company shall notify the Broker from time to time of any change which may render the information in the Account小学五年级奥数题
Opening Form untrue or misleading; and生育保险怎么交
去散步英语6.the Broker be supplied with any documents which it may reasonably require in connection with the opening and operation of
the Account(s), including, without limitation, copies of identity card/passport of the Directors, the Trading Officers and the Signing Officers, the certificate of incorporation, the business registration certificate and the memorandum and articles of association or other constitutional documents of the Company, financial statements of the Company and certified true extracts of any resolution relating to the Account(s).
Dated 日期: ______________________________________
Certified True Extract
Director / Secretary
董事 / 秘書