High resolution protein localization using soft X‐ray
期刊名称: Journal of Microscopy
作者: W. Meyer‐Il,D. Hamamoto,A. Nair,S. A. Lelièvre,G. Denbeaux,L.
适合宝妈开的小店Johnson,A. L. Pearson,D. Yager,M. A. Legros,C. A. Larabell
年份: 2001年小黑蚊
梦见黑猫扑向自己关键词: Immunogold;protein localization;soft X‐ray microscopy网络使人更亲近
摘要:Soft X‐ray microscopes can be ud to examine whole, hydrated cells up
to 10 µm thick and produce images approaching 30 nm resolution. Since cells are imaged in the X‐ray transmissive 'water window', where organic material absorbs approximately an order of magnitude more strongly than water, chemical contrast enhancement agents are not required to view the distributi
脚印的联想on of cellular structures. Although living specimens cannot be examined, cells can be rapidly frozen at a preci moment in time and examined in a cryostage, revealing information that夏日清凉记事
朝花夕拾原名most cloly approximates that in live cells. In this study, we ud a transmission X‐ray microscope at photon energies just below the oxygen edge (λ = 2.4 nm) to examine rapidly frozen mou 3T3 cells and obtained excellent cellular morphology at better than 50 nm