1. 论据法
(1)a varieties of scientist/politicians can be cited to illustrate this point, …
(2)while such cas are rare, they do occur occasionally.
(3)Paragons, such as A and B, respectively, come immediately to my mind.
(4)when telling historical examples involves ...
2. 引用法
引用老话,谚语:as a proverb goes, …, which is to say …
(1)”Knowledge is power.” Such is a remark of Bacon, one of the greatest famous educators.
(2)According to a well know scientist X , and I paraphra, ..., which is to say/this illustrates the point that …
survey, statistics
according to a survey, we can estimate that …
3. 引申法
4. 反证法
5. 类比法
By the same token, in like manner, similarly, likewi…
6. 定义解析法
1. 全局变量类词汇
▲show: indicate, reveal, confirm, reflect, demonstrate, convey, imply, illustrate
▲important: vital, crucial, esntial, significant, profound, play a key role
▲I think: I guess, I suppo, I assume, I maintain that, I insist that, personally, from the personal perspective, in my eyes, in my view, I am convinced that
▲problem, question: issue, incident, event, occurrence
▲热门的: heated, urgent, burning, pressing, pervasive, rampant, prevalent
▲面临,见证: confront, encounter, witness
▲争议,争论: controversy, debate, contend, dispute
▲难以解决的问题,棘手的问题: intractable, involved, troublesome, tough, stubborn
▲解决方案: solution, approach, recipe, scheme
▲迅速的,有效地: valid, sound, effectual, efficacious, potent
2. 话题型词汇
(1) counterproductive 适得其反的
It is counterproductive to be too enough.
(2) Seminal: 萌芽的,潜在的,开创性的,有重大影响的
(3) forgo: 放弃
(4) intuition: 直觉
(5) 拿鸡毛当令箭satisfy: v.证明是正当的,为……寻找理由
(6) resort to ... : 诉诸于……
(7) hinge on …: 以……为转移
(8) lend some credence to …: 提供支持
(9) dimension: n. 大小,体积,范围,面积,程度
(10) amount to: 相当于,等于
(11) inspire: v. 激励,鼓舞
inspiration: 灵感
(12) provide necessary impetus for …: 给予……动力
(13) paradigm: 样式,典范,范例
(14) obscure: v. 使阴暗,使朦胧
(15) nascent: adj. 初生的
(16) irrespective for whether …: 无论如何
(17) draw a distinction between: 区分
(18) catalyst: 催化剂,刺激因素
(19) proviso: 限制性条款,附带条件
(20) proceeding: 行动,进行,会议
international proceeding 瑞士英语国际性会议
(21) thwart: v. 反对,阻碍,挫败
(22) unprecedented: 空前的
(23) inexorable: adj. 不可阻挡的,坚持不懈的,无情的
(24) take precedence over …: 居先于……,优先于……
(25) rve as a substitute for …: 取代
be superded by: 代替,取代
(26) emerge from …: 源自于……
(27) 灌输,教育:instill, inculcate, impart, foster, nurture
(28) 名人:celebrity, elite, personality, notable figures
(29) 普遍的,流行的:prevailing
(30) 若干刃,若干重:a double-edged sword
a two-edged weapon
(31) 消除,减轻:eliminate, diminish, endermine
(32) 加剧,恶化:exacerbate
(33) 过度,过分:exorbitant, undue
(34) 导致,造成:关于家的诗歌po, render, breed, burgeon, outgrowth
(35) 探求,努力:ek to …, strive to, probe
(36) 资助,赞助:subsidize, subsidization, patron, on the patronage of …, under the auspices of 使劲日…鸡翅尖的做法
(37) 增强,提高:escalate, enhance, promote, augment, elevate
浪潮之巅3. 逻辑连接词汇
(1) 之前地,先前地:previously, anteriorly
(2) 同时地:simultaneously, co-instantaneously
(3) 最后,最终地:ultimately, eventually
(4) 其次:posteriorly
Being that, owing to, in virtue of, in view of, in respect that, on account of, conquently, hence, inevitably, resultingly, thereupon, whereupon
Natheless, whereas, howbeit, instead, converly, notwithstanding
Furthermore, withal(加之,同样,然而), ulteriorly(进一步地), detailedly(世界海洋日是几月几日详细地说), minutely(详细地说)
Similarly, in like manner, likewi, analogically, analogously, approximatively
Especially, particularly, determinately, authentically, undoubtedly, undeniablely, definitely, demonstrably(明显地,显然地), assuredly(确实地,确信地)