目的 研究良性前列腺增生症在使用尿道前列腺等离子剜除术治疗后的临床效果价值。方法 选自我院2016年10月~2017年3月23例采用尿道前列腺等离子剜除术治疗患者,其手术指征均符合BPH患者,观察术前术后的残余尿量,术后膀胱的冲洗时间,观察手术的时间,最大尿流率,以及国际前列腺症状评分等指标,并且分析总结。结果 手术时间在30~130 min内,全过程顺利,冲洗膀胱时间为(21±2.1)h,并且术后无继发性出血。手术结束后3个月与术前相比,残余尿量明显减少,而最大尿流速明显增加,IPSS评分明显提高。结论 尿道前列腺等离子剜除术具有出血少,安全性高,恢复快的特点,同时又属于微创手术,适用于大体积前列腺的临床治疗。
Abstract:Objective To study the clinical value of benign prostatic hyperplasia after the u of urethral rection of the prostate.Methods From October 2016 to March 2017,23 patients were treated with urethral rection of the prostate.The surgical indications were met with BPH patients.The residual urine volume was obrved before and after operation.The postoperative bladder rin time,obrve the time of surgery,the maximu
练声曲简谱m urinary flow rate,as well as the international prostate symptom score and so on indicators,and analysis summary.Results The operation time was 30~130 min, the whole process was smooth,the time of bladder rin was(21±2.1)h,and no condary bleeding after operation.At the end of 3 months after operation,the residual urine volume was significantly reduced,and the maximum urinary flow rate was significantly incread and the IPSS score was significantly improved.Conclusion Urethral plasma enucleation has the characteristics of less bleeding,high safety and quick recovery,and it belongs to minimally invasive surgery,which is suitable for the clinical treatment of large volume prostate.