王遂舟【摘要】 目的 探讨P504S、P63、ck/34BE12三项指标联合检测对前列腺良恶性病变的病理鉴别诊断的意义。方法 收集40例前列腺良恶性病理活检及切除标本进行常规星空知识HE及免疫组织化学观察并结合文献讨论。结果 正常前列腺基底细胞染色ck/34BE12(98%)、P63(100%)助学金申请表唐朝历史简介、P504S(-);前列腺癌染色P63(-)三山撑四水绕口令、P504S(+)、ck/34BE12(-);PIN染色P63(+)、P504S(+)、ck/34BE12(+);良性病变P63(+)、P504S(-)、ck/34BE12(+)。结论 P504S染前列腺腺癌和PIN胞浆,P63、ck/34BE12染PIN和良性前列腺基底细胞核。在同一张切片上,同时用两种染色显示基底细胞和癌细胞,良性腺体为单一的P63、ck/34BE12着色,恶性腺体为单一的P504S着色,二者同时显色的腺体多半是PIN,因此,作为诊断前列腺癌的阴性抗体(P63、ck/34BE12)与阳性抗体(P504S)联合应用是鉴别前列腺肿瘤良恶性的最佳指标。
【Abstract】 Objective Discuss the significance ofP504S、P63 and ck/34BE12 together in dignosing benign/m alignant prostate carcinomas.Methods To collect 40 cas of benign/m alignant prostate dia and carry out HE dying and immunohistochemistry obrve the changes of their morphology and immunology.Results Dying of normal prostate basal cell of
ck/34BE12(98%).P63(100%)and P504S(-).Pying of prostate carcinoma P63(-)、P504s(+)and ck/34BE12(-).PINdying exhibits P63(+)、P504S(+)And ck/34BE12(+).Benign transformation exhibit:P63(+)、P504S(-)and ck/34BE12(+).Conclusion U P504S dying techniques to exhibit prostate cancer and PIN plasma membrane.Ultilising dyes of P63 and ck/34BE12 on PIN and basal cell nucleus of benign prostate epithelial Place basal cell and carcinoma cell on the same slide.Both of the cells will exhibit changes in conquence of P504S and P63初一数学书.ck/34BE12 dying.P63.ck/34BE12 will exhibit only benign changes.P504S will exhibit only m alignant changes.In addition,changes due to effects of both dyes(P504S and P63、ck/34BE12)will most likely to be PIN.Hence,in making pathological diagnosis of benign/m alignarct prostate carcinomas,the techmque of ultilising both negative antigen(P63、ck/34BE12)and positive antigen(P504S)on cells will be the optimum method.