大同旅游景点有哪些景点推荐Imaginary Ecologies: Landscape, American Literature, and the Reconstruction of Space in the
21 st Century
皮的笔画雅致人生期刊名称: Anglia - Zeitschrift für englische Philologie
作者: Gersdorf,Catrin
年份: 2006年
期号: 第1期
摘要:The following essay takes issue with the abnce of landscape from so much of 20th-century American Studies literary scholarship. It argues that this conceptual blank results from landscape's perception as a celebratory, culturally conrvative category. With this essay, I intend to counter the apprehensions and discuss how the formation of "social and subjective identities" (Mitchell) through process of landscaping is ushered by, if not predicated on imagined, fictionalized landscapes. Bad on a critical revision of Leo Marx's concept of the middle landscape, the essay outlines landscape's co
nceptual history and discuss its implication in the modern discour on nature. This will include remarks on landscape in literature, referencing authors such as Thomas Jefferson, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Willa Cather, and science