1.fallacy:[C] fal or mistaken belief 错误的见解; 谬见: It's a fallacy to suppo that wealth brings happiness. 认为财富能带来幸福, 这是一种错误的见解.
2.merry:pleasant 令人愉快的; 令人快乐的: the merry month of May 美好的五月山南新区
3.enterprising: adj having the ability to think of new activities or ideas and make them work有事业心的,富进取心的 Some enterprising students are designing software.
4.for/in a month of Sundays: (尤用於否定句) for a very long time 很长时间: I've not en her for/in a month of Sundays. 我很久没有见到她了.
5.unfetter: to t free from restraint of any kind; to liberate the right of free speech unfettered by the party system不受政党限制约束的言论自由权
6.Venture: dare to go (somewhere dangerous or unpleasant) 敢於去(危险的或令人厌恶的地方): * The mou never ventured far from its hole. 老鼠从来不敢离开窝太远.
7.limp (adj): not firm or strong His body suddenly went limp and he fell down on the floor.
8.flaccid 蜂蜜有保质期吗adj : soft and weak; loo and limp; not firm 软弱的; 松弛的; 不结实的
9.spongy adj 日本邪恶口工漫画:海绵状的,轻软的,多孔的soft and full of holes that contain air or liquid like a sponge The earth was soft and spongy underfoot.
10. Instance: n ~ (of sth) example; ca 例子; 实例; 事例: * In most instances (ie Mostly) the pain soon goes away. 在多数情况下, 这种疼痛很快就消失.
11.Pedantic: adj安全生产总结 paying too much attention to rules or to small unimportant details 书生气的,迂腐的pedantic about Some people can be very pedantic about punctuation.
12.discipline n branch of knowledge; subject of instruction 学科; 教学科目: scientific disciplines 科学科目.
13.keen (of the mind) quick to understand (指头脑)敏捷的, 精明的
祝宝贝生日快乐14.calculating adj thinking carefully about how to get exactly what you want, often without caring about anyone el - ud to show disapproval深谋远虑的,精明的 He gave her a calculating look.
15.perspicacious 我们走在大路上观后感英语文章adj (fml 文) having or showing great insight or judgement; discerning 有洞察力的; 判断力强的; 有识别力的: a perspicacious analysis of the problem 对问题的精辟分析
16.acute: shrewd; perceptive 精明的; 有观察力的: He is an acute obrver. 他是个敏锐的观察家
17.astute adj clever and quick at eing how to gain an advantage; shrewd 精明的; 机敏的; 狡诈的: It was an astute move to ll just before prices went down. 正好在价格下跌前脱手, 真是精明之举.
18.dynamo: device for converting steam-power, water-power, etc into electricity; generator 发电机
19.scales [pl v] balance or instrument for weighing 天平; 磅秤: a pair of scales 一台天平
20.scalpel n small light knife ud by surgeons 手术刀; 解剖刀.
21.impressionable adj someone who is impressionable is easily influenced, especially becau they are youngThe kids are at an impressionable age .
22.submit suggest (sth); argue 建议(某事物); 认为: * The ca, I would submit, is not proven. 本人认为此案证据不足.
23.negation n when something is made to have no effect or be the opposite of what it should be Much of what pass for Christianity is a negation of Christ's teachings.
24.craze n [C] a fashion, game, type of music etc that becomes very popular for a short time = fad craze for At that time, scooters were the 好听的名字大全latest craze .
25.idiocy n plural something that you think is extremely silly or stupid = stupidity He smiled calmly at the idiocies of mankind