Task 1
1.Distinguish between the informal and the formal words in the following pairs:
Informal Formal
boss, superior;
brainy, intelligent;
pal, friend;
flunk, fail;
folks, relatives,
job, position;
kid, child;
knock off, stop working;
mean, ill-natured;
skimpy, meagre;
sloppy, untidy;
nap, snooze;
bike, bicycle;
lab, laboratory;
exam, examination;
guy, man.
2. Classify the following as formal, informal, slang, etc.
1)cash , currency, dough, legal tender, lucre, money, sugar;
2)all in, exhausted, fagged out, fatigued, tired, weary;
3)apparel, clothes, garments, rags, raiment, clothing;
4)cinema, films, flickers, motion pictures, movies, photoplays, pictures;
5)世界第一部电影job, place, position, post, situation, station;
6)pay, salary, wages, income.
common | formal | informal | slang | derogatory | legal | literary & old u | ud | AmE. |
money 基因英文 | currency | cash | dough sugar | | lucre | legal tender | | |
exhausted tired weary | fatigued | all in芽苗菜如何种植 | fagged out | | | | | |
clothes | clothing garment | | | | | apparel raiment | rags | |
film movies photoplays | | cinema | flickers | | | | | motion酱油怎么洗 pictures |
job place | position post situation | 欢乐水魔方 | | | | station | | | 关于幸福的名人名言
| | | | | | | | |
3. Can you think of an informal way of saying the following words or phras?
grandmother; (Gran/Granny/Nana)
annually; (each/every year)
child; (kid)
hand in notice; (quit, leave)
a great deal of; (loads of, plenty of)
correspondence. (letters, mail)
4. Can you think of a formal way of saying the following words or phras?
change; (transform)
phone you back; (return your call)
bin man; (refu collector)
get your money back; (refund your payment)
pay your bill; (ttle your account)
nd on all letters (forward all correspondence)
5. The following is a student’s essay in which the author us a mixed style. Revi the essay, making it consistent in style.
Practice Makes Perfect
A famous saying goes that “practice makes perfect”. It means that when people are learning to do something new, they will be good at it only after having lots of practice over and over again.
I have had such experiences for many times. In learning English it’s especially true. To learn English well, we must read more, speak more, listen more and write more. At the beginning, I couldn’t speak English fluently, so I took every chance to practice, such as g
oing to the English corner, talking to foreigners, reading English aloud in the morning, and even speaking to mylf, from time to time. I kept the practice for a long time and to my delight, my spoken English was much better than before. It’s also the same in English listening and writing.
Another example, when people first learn to type, they are not familiar with the keyboard and can’t type very fast. As long as they keep on practicing, they are sure to learn the skill and type fast enough.
I like the saying – practice makes perfect, which encourages me to practice more till I reach perfectness.
(将缩写形式改正,如:it’s改为 it is, couldn’t 改为 could not, 就成为较正式文体。反之,若改为缩写形式,则为不正式文体。)
Task 2
1.List enough specific, concrete details to make each of the following abstractions
meaningful and tangible. (下面给出几个例子)
1) virtue: honesty, integrity, uprightness, justice, fortitude, hard-working, kind, …
2) unlfish: considerate, generous, kind, helpful, benevolent, …
3) beautiful: blonde, slim, good-looking, delicate, rosy, …
4) happiness: cheer, laughter, delight, felicity, joyfulness, …
5) brotherly love: kind, helpful, friendly, loyal, tender, forgiving, …
6) evil: deceptive, immoral, corrupt, pollution, disaster, cur, scandal, …
7) xy: 略
8) reality: 略
9) difficult: exhausting, tedious, heavy, painful,…
10) important: big, historic, meaningful, influential,…
2.Decide which word in each group is more general, which next, etc. Number the words, marking the most general word 1, the next general 2, etc.
1)book, publication, Huckleberry Finn, novel
publication-book-novel-Huckleberry Finn
2)clothing, men’s wear, jeans, trours
clothing-men’s wear-trours-jeans (这道题有些疑问)
3)food, apple, fruit, Winesap
4)tools, equipment, wrenches, crescent wrenches
equipment-tools-wrenches-crescent wrenches
5)music, art, Beethoven’s Fifth, piano concerto
art-music-piano concerto-Beethoven’s Fifth
3.Rewrite the following ntences, making general words more specific.