( ) 1. You can’t catch up with other s ______ you work hard.
A. until
B. after
C. unles s
D. when
( ) 2. The kidna p ping________ betwe e n 9 p.m and
A. took place
B. took the place
C. took place of
D. was taken place ( ) 3. Yeste r day night someo n e ________ the shop and took away lots of watch e s.
A. broke out
B. broke up
C. broke off
D. broke into
( ) 4. The old man told us _____acros s the stree t yeste r day.
A. to not go
B. don’t go
C. didn’t go
D. not to go
( ) 5. I like playi n g_______ footb a ll, but I don’t like playi n g ______ guita r.
A. the, /
B. the, the
C. /, the
D. /, /
( ) 6. The hard work made me _____very tired.
A. feel
B. to feel
C. feeli n g
D. feels
( )7. The polic e man is still not sure ______the young man kille d him l f or was kille d.
A. if
B. that
C. wheth e r
D. weath e r
( ) 8. One of the suspe c ts is _________ schoo l boy.
A. a 18-year-old
B. an 18-years-old
C. a 18 years old
D. an 18-year-old
( ) 9. He told me that light_______ at high speed.
A. trave l ed
B. would trave l
有志者C. will trave l
D. trave l s
( )10. Thoug h he is charg e d ______ the murde r, he isn’t invol v ed ______the ca.
A. to, of
B. with, of
C. to, in
D. with, in
( )11. ---How much did you ______ all tho thing s? ---About300 yuan.
A give B. cost C. spend D. pay for
( )12. --- Can I get you a drink?
--- That’s very nice of you. I’ve alrea d y got .
A. it
B. one
C. that
D. this
( )13. _____of the stude n ts will take part in the sport s meeti n g.
A. Three five
B. Three fives
C. Third s fifth s
D. Three fifth s
( )14. If you don’t under s tand________, you can rai your hands to ask.
A. what your teach e r say
B. what does your teach e r say
C. what your teach e r tells
D. what your teach e r says
( ) 15. The numbe r of stude n ts in my class_______ 48. And a large numbe r of them _______ to schoo l by bike.
A. is, go
B. are, go
C. is, goes
D. are, goes
Some years ago, Chine s e high schoo l stude n ts would show their new schoo l bags, new cloth e s or new pens to their class m ates when the new term start e d. Today, howev e r, all have 16 . If yo
u still come back to schoo l _17 only the thing s, you are falli n g out-of-date(过时的). Studen ts in big cities like to bringthe latest high-tech things to school, and feel happyand _18 to show off (炫耀) thethings to __19_ . Mobile phones, MP3 player s, CD players, electr onicdictio n arie s, the list is endles s.
Young peopl e think that, livin g in the 21st centu r y, they must keep up with the 20 .They don’t want to fall 21 . Besid e s, they think22 they need to keep in touch with their class m ates,so they need mobil e phone s. They also like to 23 the pop music,so they need CD playe r s. They expla i n that, 24 like elect r onic dicti o nari e s, the can be 25 in their study,26 .They think that their paren t s shoul d under s tand27 they want the thing s.
Forei g n stude n ts will also bring some lates t high-tech thing s when they 28 to schoo l at the begin n ing of a new term. __29 , they often u the money which they made by thems e lves durin g the holid a y to ___30the high-tech thing s that they want.篮球基本动作
16.A. chang e d B. come C joine d D stopp e d
17.A. to B from C of D with
18. A. right B. lucky C. nice D. pleas e d
19. A. other B. the other C. other s D. the other s
20.A. times B. days C. years D. date
21.A. down B. off C. behin d D. back
22. A. that B. how C. if D. which
23. A. hear B. liste n to C. read D. play
24.A. look B. just C. feel D. somet h ing
25.A. new B. moder n C. lates t D. ufu l
26.A. also B. too C. eithe r D. then
27.A. where B. which C. what D. why
28.A. retur n B. retur n back C. reach D. arriv e
29.A. Althou gh B. Howev e r C. So D. Still
30.A. borro w B. buy C. lend D. take
Tom walked into a shop. It had a sign outsid e : "Second-hand (旧的) clothe s bou ght and sold." He was carryi ng an old pair of trouse rs and askedthe ownerof the shop, "How much will you give me for the?" The man looked at them and then said: "Two dollars."
"What!" said Tom. "I had guess e d they were worth at least five dolla r s." "No," said the man, "they aren’t worth a cent more than two dolla r s." "Well," said Tom, takin g two dolla r s out of his pocke t. "Here's your money.The trous e rs were hangi n g outsi d e your shop. The list price(标价)of them was six dollar s and a half. But I thought that was too much money, so I wanted to find out how much they were really worth ."
Then he walke d out of the shop with the pair of trous e rs and disap p eare d befor e the shop owner could think of anyth i ng to say.
( )1. At first the owner of the shop thoug h t that Tom ______.
A. wante d to steal the trous e rs
B. wante d to ll the trous e rs
C. wante d to fool him
D. wante d to buy the trous e rs
( )2. The owner of the shop____ for the old trous e rs.
A. would give Tom two dolla r s不要再来伤害我歌词
B. would pay three dolla r s
C. would pay five dolla r s
D. would give Tom six dolla r s and a half ( ) 3. The shop owner insis t ed that the trous e rs were worth only two dolla r s becau s e .
A. he wante d to ll them cheap l y
B. he wante d to buy them cheap l y
C. he didn’t like the trous e rs
D. they were old and dirty
( )4. In fact, the trous e rs_____.
A. were hangi n g insid e the shop
B. were stole n by Tom from the shop
C. had been the shop owner's
D. had been Tom's
( )5.From the story we know that _____cheap e r than the list price.
A. the owner sold the trous e rs two dolla r s
B. Tom sold the trous e rs one dolla r and a half
C. the owner bough t the trous e rs three dolla r s
D. Tom bough t the trous e rs four dolla r s and a half
For most peopl e, the word “fashi o n”means“cloth e s” . But peopl e may ask the quest i on, “What cloth e s are in fashi o n ?” And they u the adjec t ive “fashi o nabl e colou r .”
But of cours e there are fashi o ns in many thing s, not only in cloth e s . There are fashi o ns in holid a ys , in resta u rant s , in films and books. There are even fashi o ns in schoo l subje c ts , job …., and in langu a ges .
Fashi o ns chang e as time goes . If you look at pictu r es of peopl e or thing s from the past , you will e that fashi o ns have alway s chang e d . An Engli s h hou of 1750 was diffe r ent from one 1650 . A fashi o nabl e man in 1780 looke d very diffe r ent from his grand s on in 1860 .
Todayf ashio n s change very quickl y . Some of this is natural(自然的) . We hear about things much more quickl y than in the past . Newspa pers , radios , teleph on esand televi sionnd inform ation from one countr y to anothe r in a few hours .
New fashi o ns mean that peopl e will buy new thing s, so you e there is money in fashi o n .
( )36. From this passa g e we know that “ fashi o n ” means_________ .
A. cloth e s
B. some thing s
C. most of the popul a r thing s
D. every t hing
( )37 .Which of the follo w ing thing s is fashi o nabl e today?
A. Surfi n g on the Inter n et
B. Havin g a famil y dinne r on New Y ear’s Day .
C. Learn i ng to sing songs on the radio
D. Doing morni n g exerc i s at schoo l
( )38. Today fashi o ns chang e very quick l y becau s e ____________ .
A.people read newspa perseveryday
B.radios nd inform ation from one countr y to another
C.new things that people like are oftenshownon TV.
D.People quickl y learnwhat is happen ing in the world
( )39. Which one is not rightin the follo w ing state m ents?
A. As time goes , fashio n s can be differ ent from what they are now .
B. In the moder n world, fashi o ns chang e very quick l y .
C. The word “fashi o n ” doesn’t only mean “cloth e s ” .
D. Fashi o ns are in many thing s , but there aren’t any ones in schoo l subje c ts .
E-mail is a way of ndi n g messa g e to other peopl e. E-mail is a fast and cheap way tokee p in to
uch with frien d s and famil y. It’s much quick e r than ndi n g a lette r. Peopl e who u e-mail have an e-mail addre s s. This addre s s must have lette r s and dots and the symbo l “@”meani n g at. This is what an addre s s looks like. Peopl e can nd the messa g es acros s the Inter n et. It is quick, easy and fun.
( )40.If you know about compu t ers, you must know the lette r “e” “in e-mail” stand s for __________
A. elect r onic
B. easy程度副词有哪些
C. extra
D. effec t ive
阿迪达斯广告A) 从下面方框中选择适当的单词或短语填空,其中有一个选项是多余的。
41、--How much is the shirt, Ted?---I ten dolla r s on it yeste r day.
42、Any perso n who does somet h ing the law will be put into priso n.
43、Rememb er to wash your handsbefore food .
44、I am not sure ________ he is right or not.
45、How can he _______ that he’s not guilty?
B) 根据句子意思,用括号中所给单词的正确形式填空。
46、She brokethe ______ (记录) of high jump at the sports meetin g .
47、Our earthis becomi ng more and more (污染).
48、The young super s tar’s ______is a great loss to the film indus t ry. (die)
49、All of us reall y(agree) with you. You shoul d give up your idea.
50、A witne s s repor t ed he was breat h ing _____________(heavy)
C) 用所给动词正确的形式完成短文。
A murder happen ed between 9:30 and 12:00 last night. The body of the victim51 (find)in his dining room. He was a 26-year-old youngm an 52 (call)Johnso n. He was a busine ssman. They believ ed the victim knew the murder very well, becaus e therewas two cups of coffe e on the table. One of Johns o n’s neigh b ours repor t ed that he heard his frien d Brown53 (shout) at him at about 10:30 that eveni n g. The polic e decid e d 54 (arres t)him. This morni n g, the polic e55 (catch)him at the railw a y stati o n.