【春眠不觉晓,处处闻啼鸟。夜来风雨声,花落知多少。】(唐 孟浩然《春晓》)
①I awake light-hearted this morning of spring. / Everywhere round me the singing of birds – / But now I remember the night, the storm, / And I wonder how many blossoms were broken. (Witter Bynner & Kiang Kang-hu) ②春节作文开头Into my slumber in spring steal beams of morning, / and now to my ears come the voices of birds all around. / Yet I heard the sounds of winds and rains in the night, / I wonder how many flowers are fallen down to the ground. (万昌盛 王僴中)③Oversleeping in spring I misd the dawn; / Now everywhere the cries of birds are heard. / Tumult of wind and rain had filled the night — / How many blossoms fell during the storm? (张廷琛 & Bruce M. Wilson)④O’er spring drow, lo! The morning dawns, / And everywhere birds’ songs call. / It rained last night, and winds rustled so — / Plenty, me thinks, the blossoms’ fall. (林同济)晒内衣⑤ Slumbering, I know not the spring dawn is peeping, / But everywhere the singing birds are cheeping. / Last night I heard the rain dripping and wind weeping, / how many petals are now on the ground sleeping? (吴钧陶)
⑥Spring slumber slips by till daybreak, / Around me the birds are chirping awake. / Now I recall last night the wind and the rain, / And wonder how many petals have fallen. (刘军平)⑦Unconscious of dawning in the spring, / I hear birds crying all around. / There was sound of wind and rain all night; / How many flowers have fallen aground? (赵甄陶)⑧I wake to find the spring morn bright, / And hear birds singing all around. / Wind and rain was heavy last night, / How many flowers fell aground? (杨纪鹤)⑨This morn of spring in bed I’m lying, not to awake till birds are crying. After one night of wind and showers, how many are the fallen flowers! (许渊冲)我的妈妈是精灵读后感⑩I slept in spring, unconscious of the dawn, / When songs of birds were heard on every lawn; / At night came sounds of rain and wind that blew, / How many a blossom fell no one knew!(许渊冲)⑪In springtide’s dreams the dawn is sweetly drowned; / Till everywhere the songs of birds resound. / I heard last night the rush of wind and rain. / How many flowers have fallen to the ground? (许渊冲)⑫Late! This spring morning as I awake I know. / All around me the birds are crying. The storm / last night, I nd its fury, How many, / I wonder, are fallen, poor dear flowers!(翁显良)⑬沥青道路施工I scarcely knew it was dawn, So sound was the sleep of sprin
g; / Everywhere there was birdsong. / All night long was the sough of wind and rain; / How many flowers have fallen to the ground? (翁显良)⑭How suddenly the morning comes in spring! / On every side you hear the sweet birds sing: / Last night amidst the storm —Ah, who can tell, / With wind and rain, how many blossoms fell? (翁显良)⑮Sleeping in the spring, one hardly knows it’s daylight, / Birds are heard everywhere trilling. / There’ve been sounds of wind and rain in the night, / How many blossoms have been falling? (翁显良)⑯I slept in spring not conscious of the dawn, / But heard the gay birds chattering all round, / I remember, there was a storm at night. / Pray, how many blossoms have fallen down? (翁显良)谋生的英文⑰Sleeping in spring oblivious of dawn / everywhere I hear birds / after the wind and rain last night / I wonder how many petals fell (Red Pine) ⑱Asleep in the spring, dawn comes to me unawares; / I hear the birds singing all round. / When night comes there’s the sound of wind and rain; / Who knows how many blossoms fall to the ground. (Peter Harris) ⑲I scarcely knew it was dawn, / So round was the sleep of spring; / Everywhere there was birdsong. / All night long was the sough of wind and rain; / How many flowers have fallen to the ground? (刘师舜 1967)
丁香花的特点⑳How suddenly the morning comes in Spring! / On every side you hear the sweet birds sing. / Last night amidst the storm – Ah, who can tell, / With wind and rain, how many blossoms fell? (DAWN IN SPRING John Turner) 21.In drowsy spring I slept till daybreak / When the birds cry here and there, I awake. / Last night I heard a storm of wind and rain, / How many blossoms have fallen again? (《中国翻译》杂志2001年第2期)雨后小故事图22. This spring morning in bed I’m lying / Not awake till I hear birds crying. / After one night of wind and showers / How many are the fallen flowers? (《中国翻译》杂志2001黄龙沟年第2期)