Comparison of xylazine and medetomidine as premedicants for cats being anaesthetid with
期刊名称: Veterinary Record
小孩半夜咳嗽作者: Selmi, A. L.,Mendes, G. M.,Lins, B. T.,Figueiredo, J. P.,Barbudo-Selmi, G. R.
年份: 2005年
期号: 第5期
关键词: cloning;Pasteurella multocida rogroup B : 2;transferrin-binding
摘要:The effects of premedicating cats with saline, xylazine or medetomidine before anaesthetising them with propofol-voflurane were compared. Twenty-four cats were randomly assigned to three groups of eight to receive either 0.25 ml of saline, 0.50 mg/kg of xylazine or 0.02 mg/kg of medetomidin小李子莱昂纳多
奇妙五福星e intravenously, and anaesthesia was induced with propofol and maintained with voflurane. Medetomidine produced a greater reduction in the induction do of propofol and fewer adver postoperative effects than saline or xylazine. Hypoxaemia was obrved after induction with propofol in the cats premedicated with saline and xylazine, but not in the cats given medetomidine. The cats treated with medetomidine and xylazine developed profound bradycardia. The blood pressure of the cats premedicated with saline and xylazine decread, but 小米电力猫