原句是人心不足蛇吞象,世事到头螳捕蝉。 明·罗洪先《醒世歌》 自古为人欲见机 见机终久得便宜 人非已事休招惹 事若亏心切莫为 得胜胜中饶一首 因...对应英文:It is exciting to swallow an elephant, in the end Mantis catching cicada. Ming Luo Hongxian "moralizing song" since ancient times for people to e the machine it cheap non has leisure to do if someone never to win a victory in the first due
人心不足蛇吞象 ( é ī ù ú é ū à ) 【解 释】 比喻人贪心不足,就像蛇想吞食大象一样。
【出 处】 《山海经·海内南经》"巴蛇食象,三岁而出其骨...对应英文:Which tries to swallow an elephant (é ī ù ú é ū à) [explain]: greedy and dissatisfied, just like the snake to swallow an elephant. [out], "ShanHaiChing at a off the south by the" "Ba snake eating elephants, three years of age and
表达爱意的成语比喻人贪心不足,就象蛇想吞食大象一样。 【出自】《山海经·海内南经》"巴蛇食象,三岁而出其骨。"战国楚·屈原《天问》"一蛇吞象,厥大何如" 【示例】罗洪宪诗"~,...对应英文:Describe people greedy and dissatisfied, like a snake to swallow an elephant. [from] "ShanHaiChing · a off the south by the" "Ba snake eating elephants, three years of age and the bone. "The Warring States Chu Qu Yuan" heaven "" a snake like, and how "[example] in Luo Hongxian poetry",...
他受到神仙的指点,把他的井水变成了酒,本来可以挣很多 的钱了,但是你知道他还说什么呢"井水变成酒,但欠猪没糟"真是人心不足蛇吞象,做人是不能太贪心。对应英文:He received the guidance of the gods, his water into wine, could have earned a lot of money, but do you know what he said "well water into wine, but less pig not bad" is really tries to swallow an elephant, a person is not too greedy.
"人心不足蛇吞象。" 象是森林中的一个庞然大物,蛇却是一条细长细长的爬虫,肚皮很小,吞吃一只青蛙、老鼠什么的还差不多,居然妄想一口吞下一只庞大的象,真有点太自不量...对应英文:A man who heart is not content is like a snake which tries to swallow an elephant. "Like a huge monster in the forest, the snake is a long slender crawler, belly is very small, eating a frog, the mou what is almost incredibly paranoid, swallowed a large like, really a little too
人心不足蛇吞象 .对应英文:A man who heart is not content is like a snake which tries to swallow an elephant.
蛇,就是一种生肖对应英文:The snake, is a kind of animal
"蛇吞象"是办不到的,它的用意不过是告诫人们不要"人心不足",而要"知足",还有句成语叫"知足常乐"对应英文:"She Tunxiang" is impossible, it is intended is warning people not to "human", and to "content", and the phra called "contentment"
请开始表演"战国楚·屈原《天问》"一蛇吞象,厥大何如" 示例罗洪宪诗"人心不足蛇吞象,世事到头螳捕蝉。
"(清·翟灏《通俗编·禽鱼》) "人心不足蛇吞相"的由来 "人心不足蛇吞相"这句...对应英文:"The Warring States Chu Qu Yuan" heaven "" a snake like, and how "big sample Luo Hongxian poem" which tries to swallow an elephant, in the end Mantis catching cicada. "(Qing Dynasty" Zhai Hao popular ries, bird fish ")" which tries to swallow "origin" which tries to swallow. "
出句人心不足蛇吞象 对句世事难料鼠吓猫对应英文:A ntence which tries to swallow an elephant couplet shishinanliao mou frighten the cat
陈逸飞油画作品俗语人心不足蛇吞象rén xīn bù zú shé tūn xiàng是翻译整理编辑,详细注释了中文意思及例子和对应的英文,如需转载请注明出处。原文地址:changyong/52.shtml,如随意抓取,会追究相关责任。