古英语Old English 450-1066 《Beowulf》
中世纪英语(文学) Medieval English 1066 - middle 14th century
乔叟Geoffrey Chaucer - the father of English poetry 《The Canterbury Tales》first time to u 'heroic couplet' 英雄体双行诗
文艺复兴(含义)The Renaissance - rebirth or revival
人文主义Humanism - the esnce of the Renaissance, the dignity of human being & the importance of the prent life
1.斯宾塞Edmund Spenr - the poets' poet 《The Faerie Queene》诗人中的诗人《仙后》
2.马洛Christopher Marlowe - University Wits, the pioneer of English drama Blank ver 无韵诗体, hyperbole夸张
浮士德博士的悲剧《Dr. Faustus》-- the human passion for knowledge, power and happiness 对知识、权利、幸福的追求
《The Passionate Shepherd to His Love》pastoral(牧人的,田园的) life
3.莎士比亚William Shakespeare - above all writers in the past and in the prent time寺内寿一
四大悲剧Four tragedies - Hamlet, Othello, King Lear & Macbeth
十四行诗第18首《Sonnet 18》eternal or immortal beauty
《威尼斯商人》《The Merchant of Venice》to prai the friendship between Antonio and Bassanio, to idealize Portia a heroine of great beauty, wit and loyalty, to expo the insati
able greed and brutality
《哈姆雷特》《Hamlet》hesitate between fact and fiction, language and action, too sophisticated to degrade his nature to the conventional role of a stage revenger (复仇者) To be, or not to be - to live on in this world or to die; to suffer or to take action
独白Soliloquy or monologue - fully reveal the inner conflict of the characters
4.培根Francis Bacon - brevity, compactness(简洁) & powerfulness, his essays is an important landmark in the development of English pro Inductive method 归纳法in place of deductive method 演绎法
《论学习》《Of Studies》us and benefits of study - studies rve for delight, for ornament, and for ability. Studies perfect nature, and are perfected by experience. Different ways adopted by different people to pursue studies - studies and experience are complementary 互补to each other. The correct attitude to reading books - to weigh and consider. How studies exert influence over human character - reading maketh a full man, conference a ready man, and writing an exact man.
5.邓恩John Donne
小学班会课教案玄学诗派metaphysical poetry - break away from love poetry, a emingly unfocud diversity of experiences and attitudes, and a free range of feelings and moods Conceits, syllogism 三段论
《日出》《The Sun Rising》the busy sun is always ready to interfere with(干扰) other things and everywhere
《致死神》《Death, Be Not Proud》whatever you are, you can not escape from death. When you are living, you are always in the shadow of death. Death only lasts a moment, our life after death is eternal. The more pleasure the death gives people, not only the pleasure of the rest & the sleep, becau 'whom the gods love die young'. Though death is usually considered powerful, it actually provides a rest for a man's body and a birth for his soul.
6.弥尔顿John Milton
《失乐园》《Paradi Lost》the only generally acknowledged epic in English literature since Beowulf. The conflict is between human love and spiritual duty. In heaven, Satan led a rebellion against God with his unconquerable will.
《复乐园》《Paradi Regained》
《力士参孙》《Samson Agonistes》the most perfect example of the ver drama after the Greek style in English.
新古典主义Neoclassicism - a revival of interest in the old classical works, order, logic, restrained emotion抑制情感& accuracy 怯懦
启蒙思想(运动) Enlightenment - a progressive intellectual movement, reason (rationality), equality & science
哥特式小说Gothic novel - mystery, horror & castles 神秘、恐怖
7.班扬John Bunyan
(“浮华集市”) 《The Vanity Fair》from 《天路历程》《The Pilgrim's Progress》, a religious allegory (寓言), pursue the truth
8..蒲伯Alexander Pope
《论批评》《An Essay on Criticism》a poem written in heroic couplets, criticize the prent poem lack of true taste & call on people to turn to the old Greek and Roman writers for guidance(指导), 'true wit' is best t in a plain (simple & clear) style.
9. 笛福Daniel Defoe - the first writer study of the lower-class people《罗宾汉》《Robinson Crusoe》, prai the human labor and the Puritan fortitude 清教徒坚韧
10.斯威夫待Jonathan Swift - a master satirist讽刺作家. In his opinion, human nature is riously and permanently永存的flawed有瑕疵的Proper words in proper places
《温和的建议》《A Modest Proposal》
《格列佛游记》《Gulliver's Travels》, four parts - Lilliput, Brobdingnag, Flying Island & Houyhnhnm室内手绘效果图
11.菲尔丁Henry Fielding –英语小说之父Father of English novel, Pro Homer Comic epic in pro
《汤姆·琼斯》《The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling》
工作祝福语12.约翰逊Samuel Johnson - first combine an English dictionary, last neoclassicist enlightener
《英文字典》《A Dictionary of the English Language》
致切斯特菲尔德勋爵的信《To the Right Honorable the Earl of Chesterfield》
13. 谢里丹Richard Brinsley Sheridan - the only important English dramatist of the 18th century
《?情敌》《The Rivals》and《造谣学校》《The School for Scandal》are regarded as important links between the masterpieces of Shakespeare and tho of Bernard Shaw.