Male and Female Rolesin Marria ge
In the tradit ional marria ge, the man worked to earn moneyfor the family. / The womanstayed at home to care for the childr en and her husban d. / In recent years, many couple s contin ue to have a tradit ional relati onshi p of this kind. / Some people are happywith it. But others thinkdiffer ently. /
Thereare two majordiffer ences in male and female rolesnow. / One is that both men and womenhave many more choice s. / They may choose to marryor stay single. / They may choose to work or to stay at home. / A cond differ enceis that, within marria ge many decisi ons are shared. / If a couple has childr en, the man may take care of them /some of the time, all of the time or not at all. / The womanmay want to stay at home / or she may want to go to work. / Men and womennow decide thethings togeth er in a marria ge.
Conver satio n one
1. Why is the trip to Mars a one-way trip? 答案:B
A. The return trip is too expensive.
B. Therei s no technologyto get people back.
C. People don’t want to return.
D. The return trip is too risky.
2. According to the man, what is more import ant for thorecrui ts? 答案:D
A. Intelligenc e.
B. Health.
C. Skills.
秋深帖D. Calmness.
3. What is the last part of the conver satio n about?答案: A
A. The kind of people suitable for the trip.
B. Intere sts and hobbie s of the speakers.
C. Recrui tment of people for the trip.
D. Preparation for the trip to Mars.
Conver satio n T wo
4. What is showro oming? 答案: D
A. Goingto the high street.
B. Visiti ng everyd ay shops.
C. Buying things like electr i calg oods.
D. Visiti ng shopsand buying online.
5. According to the conversatio n, the man had bought all the following things online EXCEPT答案:A .
A. shoes
B. CDs
C. camera
D. Food
6. Accord ing to the conversatio n, the percen tageof people who showro om edwhileChristm as shoppi ng was 答案:D . .
A. 3%
B. 33%
C. 42%
D. 24%
7. One reason for people to showro om is that they 答案:C . .
A. want to know more about pricin g
B. can return the product later
C. want to e the real thingfirst
D. can bargai n for a lowershop price
Conver satio n Three
8. What is the conver satio n mainly about? B
A. How to avoidclashe s of exams.
B. How to schedu l e exams.
C. How to u the faculty lounge.
D. How to choose the course s.
9. What does the studen t have to do firstin orderto take the exams?答案:A
A. To choose a date on the draft schedu l e.
B. To find the inform ation on the bulletin board.
C. To draw up the final schedu l e.
D. To arrang e an invigi lator.
10. According to the conversatio n, the Dean will 答案: D .
A. sign the sheeti n the faculty lounge
B. take care of the bulletin board
C. consul t the studen ts
D. finalize the exam schedu le
Passag e One
11. Whichof the following cities has the oldest Chinat own in NorthAmerica? 答案:B
A. New Y ork.
B. San Franci sco.
C. Boston.
D. San Diego.
12. The Chinat own in San Franci sco attrac ts touris ts a year. 答案:C
A. 20 ,000
B. 100 ,000保安培训资料
走路英语C. 7 millio n
D. 17 millio n
13. Wherecan touris ts e the fish markets? 答案: A
A. In Stockt on Street.
糖醋泡蒜B. In GrantA venue.
C. In Portsm outhSquare.
D. In Bush Street.
Passag e T wo
14. Whichof the following is NOT mentio n ed in the passag e? 答案:C
A. Obesity can damage one’s health.
B. Obesity is a growin g proble m all over the world.
C. Obesity is directly relate d to one’s habit.
D. Obesity has affect ed both boys and girls.
15. The purpos e of the three-y ear studyis to 答案:B .
A. find out why some childr en find it diffic u lt to go to sleep
B. learnm ore aboutthe link between sleepand weight
C. identify the ways parent s reduce theirkids’weight
D. e if thereis differ encein sleeppatter n s over the period
16. According to the study, the dailyhealth y sleeptime for the 3rd to 6th grader s should be around __B___ hours.
A. 8
B. 9
C. 10
D. 11
17. According to the passag e, obesity is most likely relate d to __A___ .
A. sleeptime
B. gender
C. race
D. Parent s
Passage Three
18. Accord ing to a number of studen ts, __C___ is the main factor for early-age smokin g.
A. gender
B. person ality
C. enviro nment
D. Money
19. Whichof the following statem entsi s CORRECT? 答案: C
A. V ery few contin u e smokin g throug h outtheirteenag e years.
B. Most early-age smokers soon stop experi menti ng.
C. Some early-age smoker s neverg o beyond experimenti ng.
D. Childr en quickl y become regula r smoker s by carryi ng cigare ttes.
20. All the following are features of smoker s EXCEPT __D___ .
A. strong peer influen ce
B. low nof achiev ement
C. high nof rebell ion
D. clof amily relati onshi p
News Item 1
21. Why were some childr en offere d only fruit and milk for lunch?答案:B
A. The school stoppe d provid i ng school lunch.
B. Theirparent s failed to pay for school lunch.
C. Some parent s prefer red fruit and milk for lunch.
D. Thechildr en choto have someth ing differ ent.
22. How did parent s reactto the school’s way of handli ng the situation? 答案: A
A. They were upt.
B. They were furiou s.
C. They were surpri d.
D. They were sad.
News Item 2
23. According to the news, what is the main advant age of the digita l key? 答案:B
A. Guests can pay withou t goingto the front desk.
B. Guests can go direct to theirrooms.
C. Guests can checkout any time.
D. Guests can make room rerv ation s.
24. The hotel compan y intends to have the system in __A___ of its hotels in the next threem onths.
A. 2
B. 3
C. 100
D. 150
News Item 3
25. According to the court ruling, Shrien Dewani __D___ .
A. will return to the U.K. for medical treatm ent
B. will remain in SouthAfrica for medical treatm ent
C. will standtrialin SouthAfrica once proved fit
D. will be extraditedeven if he is unfit to standtrial
26. What was Dewani accuse d of? 答案:A
A. Having his wife killed.
B. Killin g his wife in the U.K.
C. Beinginvolv ed in a taxi acciden t.
D. Hiring a crew of hit men.