GRE 红宝书
●n. 小儿科
●[英]n. 小儿科 ( a branch of medicine dealing with dias of children)
●[记]ped ( 儿童) +iatrics ( 医学科) -> 儿科学
●[同]参考: podiatrics ( 足病学) ;psychiatrics ( 精神病学)
Webster Collegiate
noun plural but singular or plural in construction
●Date: 1884
●a branch of medicine dealing with the development, care, and dias of children
GRE 红宝书
●n.家系, 祖先
●[英]n.家系, 祖先 ( ancestry; lineage)
●[例]a pedigre registration certificate ( 纯种系谱登*记证明)
Webster Collegiate
●Etymology: Middle English pedegru, from Anglo-French pé de grue, literally, crane's foot; from the
shape made by the lines of a genealogical chart
●Date: 15th century
●1. a register recording a line of ancestors
m a. an ancestral line ; lineage
m b. the origin and the history of something; broadly background, history
m a. a distinguished ancestry
m b. the recorded purity of breed of an individual or strain
●?~d or ~ adjective
GRE 红宝书
●n. 同等之人, 同辈
●[英]n. 同等之人, 同辈 ( one belonging to the same societal group)
●[例]A student of high caliber, he easily exceled his peers.
Webster Collegiate
I. noun
●Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French per, from per, adjective, equal, from Latin par
●Date: 13th century
●1. one that is of equal standing with another ; equal; especially one belonging to the same societal
group especially bad on age, grade, or status
●2. archaic companion
m a. a member of one of the five ranks (as duke, marquess, earl, viscount, or baron) of the British
m b. noble 1
●?~ adjective
九阳豆浆机使用说明II. transitive verb
●Date: 14th century
●archaic rival, match
III. intransitive verb
●Etymology: perhaps by shortening & alteration from appear
●Date: 1580
●1. to look narrowly or curiously; especially to look archingly at something difficult to discern
●2. to come slightly into view ; emerge partly
GRE 红宝书
Webster Collegiate
●Date: 14th century
●matchless, incomparable
GRE 红宝书
●adj. 坏脾气的, 易怒的
●[英]adj. 坏脾气的, 易怒的 ( querulous; fretful)
●[类]mawkish : ntimental / peevish : annoyed ( 同义: 多愁善感的 / 烦躁易怒的)
●[例]a peevish child
Webster Collegiate
●Etymology: Middle English pevish spiteful
●5g时代的创业机会Date: circa 1530
●1. querulous in temperament or mood ; fretful
●2. perverly obstinate <a ~ child>
●3. marked by ill temper
●?~ly adverb
●?~ness noun
GRE 红宝书
●adj. 带有轻蔑意义的, 贬低的
●[英]adj. 带有轻蔑意义的, 贬低的 ( tending to disparage or belittle; depreciatory)
●[类]反义词: laudatory ( 赞美的)
●[记]上海车牌摇号pejor ( 坏) +ative -> 变坏的 -> 贬低的;
●[同]参考: pejorate ( 恶化)
Webster Collegiate
I. noun
●Date: 1882
●a ~ word or phra
II. adjective
●Etymology: Late Latin pejoratus, past participle of pejorare to make or become wor, from Latin
pejor wor; akin to Sanskrit padyate he falls, Latin ped-, pes foot--more at foot
●Date: circa 1888
●having negative connotations; especially tending to disparage or belittle ; depreciatory
●?~ly adverb
GRE 红宝书
●n. 财富, 钱
●[英]n. 财富, 钱山西刀削面 ( money, riches)
Webster Collegiate
●Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French ~re booty
●Date: 14th century
●money, riches
GRE 红宝书
●adv. 混乱地
●[英]adv. 混乱地 ( in mingled confusion or disorder)
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●adj. 清晰的, 清澈的
单位接收函格式●[英]adj. 清晰的, 清澈的 ( transparent, clear)
●[类]venial : excu / pellucid : understand ( 轻微的[错]能被原谅 / 清晰的[事]能被懂得) 反义
词: murky ( ???
●[记]pell ( =per全部) +lucid ( 清澈的) -> 十分清澈的
Webster Collegiate
●Etymology: Latin ~us, from per through + lucidus lucid--more at for
●Date: 1610
●1. admitting maximum passage of light without diffusion or distortion <a ~ stream>
●2. reflecting light evenly from all surfaces
●3. easy to understand
●?~ly adverb
GRE 红宝书
●n. 毛皮; v. 投掷; ( 雨) 猛降
●[英]n. 毛皮 ( skin with its hair) ; v. 投掷 ( hurl, throw) ;
●[例]The children chad each other and pelted snowballs.
Webster Collegiate
I. noun
●Etymology: Middle English, probably from pelett animal skin, from Anglo-French pelette--more at
●Date: 15th century
●1. a usually undresd skin with its hair, wool, or fur
●2. a skin stripped of hair or wool for tanning
II. transitive verb
●Date: 1596
●to strip off the skin or ~ of (an animal)
III. verb
●Etymology: Middle English
●Date: 15th century
●transitive verb