S S -7
2014 年 第 8 卷·第 6 期
天 然 气 技 术 与 经 济
Natural Gas Technology and Economy Vol.8,No.6
doi :10. 3969
/j. issn. 2095-1132. 2014. 06. 007
马海宾 1,2 冯朋鑫 1,2 王宪文 1,2 徐文龙 1,2 茹志娟 1,2 宋汉华
(1. 低渗透油气田勘探开发国家工程实验室,陕西 西安 710018;
2. 中国石油长庆油田分公司苏里格气田研究中心,陕西 西安 710018)
摘 要 气井最小携液流量是采气工程方案编制的一个重要参数,目前现场主要应用的是 Turner 、李闽和王毅忠 模型进行气井最小携液流量计算,结合苏里格气田的实际情况,提出采用动能因子计算苏里格气田积液气井的判断标 准,摸索出了与苏里格气田实际情况较接近的计算最小携液流量的新方法,其计算结果与苏里格气田气井的实际情况 最为接近。
关键词 苏里格气田 动能因子 最小携液流量 文献标识码:B
0 引言
随着苏里格气田开发年限的增加,气井积液正 逐渐成为其面临的最棘手的问题之一。为了准确识 别积液气井,选择气井的临界携液流量作为研究切 入点。在对苏里格气田气井实际临界携液流量计算 中,采用常见的临界携液流量模型主要有 Turner [1] 模型、李闽[2] 模型和王毅忠[3] 模型,
发现许多气井 的产量低于 Turne r 模型、李闽模型和王毅忠模型计 算出来的最小携液流量,气井未发生积液,仍能正 常生产。如何计算出适应苏里格气田的临界携液流 量,保证气井稳产、避免井筒积液就显得尤为重要。
1 基本原理及修正最小携液流量模型的建立
根据 BoYun Guo [4] 等人的研究结果,积液的主要控 制因素是井底条件。用油管鞋处的动能因子 E 作为评 价气井携液能力的依据[5],计算公式如下:
三星a8D 为油管直径,m ;Z S 为气体在油管鞋处压力、温度 条件下的天然气偏差系数。
中原油田赵先进[6] 等把 E =8 作为判断气井是否 积液的标准,但该标准是否适用于苏里格气田,还 需要实测数据进行检验。笔者根据苏里格气田 59 口 气井的实际生产数据,先对 E =8 时气井的积液情况 进行分析计算,然后采用逐步逼近法计算与实测结 果符合率最高的值,进而确定苏里格气田的积液气 井判断标准。
根据 59 口气井测流压基础数据资料,结合气井 动能因子计算气井的临界携液流量,结果表明,当 E =8 时 , 其 计 算 结 果 与 实 测 值 之 间 的 符 合 率 为 62.7 %;当动能因子由 8.5 减少到 6.0 时,
计算结果与 实测值之间的符合率呈倒抛物线形状; 当 E =6.5
时,达到最大值 66.1 %。因此不能把 E =8 作为苏里 格气田识别积液气井的判断标准。通过以上分
析可 以推断出苏里格气田识别积液气井判断标准为 E = 6.5。 Q E =ννS 9.3 × 10 × D 2(1) 由公式(1)可以推导出气井生产携液流量公式: 2
式中, νS 为气体在油管鞋处的流速,m /s ;ρS 为气
体折算到油管鞋处的密度,kg /m 3;Q 为气井在标准 状态条件下的产气量,m 3/d ;γ为气体相对密度;T 为井下温度,K ;P S 为油管鞋处的流动压力,MPa ; Q =1.075 × 106 × ED (γZ T P )0.5 (2)
将苏里格气田临界动能因子 E =6.5 代入公式 (2),即可推导出苏里格气田的临界携液流量公式:
修订回稿日期:2014-09-01 基金项目:中国石油集团(股份)公司重大科技专项“苏里格低渗气藏有效开发技术攻关及现场试验”(编号:2008B-1103) 的部分成果。
作者简介:马海宾(1984-),工程师,从事采气工艺技术研究工作。E-mail :*******************。
天然气技术与经济/ 25
第 8 卷
马海宾,等:一种计算苏里格气田最小携液流量的方法 第 6 期
Q =6.987 5 × 106 ×
D 2 0.5
2 应用效果分析
(γZ S T P S )
针对苏里格气田 59 口气井,分别利用 Turner 模 型、李闽模型、王毅忠模型和临界携液新模型进行 分析比较,分析结果见表 1。
表 1 4 种计算结果对比表
图 3 李闽模型计算与实测结果散点图
临界携液流量 平均
值/(104m 3·d -1
(E =6.5)
0.577 9 85 %
Tu rner 模型
6.540 4 10 %
李闽 模型 2.972 9
15 %
王毅忠 模型
2.140 5 25 %
在所分析的 59 口气井中,经测试,其中 20 口气 井不存在积液,经统计分析可知,利用新模型计算 未积液气井有 17 口,与实测结果的符合率为 85 %(图 1);而 Turner 模型计算出仅有 2 口气井未积液,与实 测结果的符合率仅为 10 %(图 2);李闽模型的计算结 果与实测结果的符合率为 15 %(
图 3);王毅忠模型的 计算结果与实测结果的符合率为 25 %(图 4)。由以上 分析可知,临界携液流量模型公式(3)与苏里格气田 气井的实际情况最为接近。
图 1 新模型计算与实测结果散点图
图 2 Turner 模型计算与实测结果散点图
图 4 王毅忠模型计算与实测结果散点图
3 结论
1) 根据 BoYun Guo 等人的研究结果,气井积液
2) 从气井井底条件出发,笔者采用动能因子计 算苏里格气田积液气井的判断标准,进而摸索出了 相应计算最小携液流量的新方法,其计算结果与苏 里格气田气井的实际情况最为接近。
[1] Turner R G. Analysis and prediction of minimum flow
rate for the continuous removeal of liquids from gas wells. JPT ,1969:1 475-1 482. [2] 李闽,郭平,谭光天. 气井携液新观点[J ]. 石油勘探与
[3] 王毅忠,刘庆文. 计算气井最小携液临界流量的新方法
[J ]. 大庆石油地质与开发,2007,26(6):82-85.
[4] Guo B , Ghalambor A , Xu C. A systematic approach
to predict liquid loading in gas wells [A ]. SPE 94 081, 2005:17-19.
[5] 刘志森. 塔河凝析气井井筒积液判断标准[J ]. 断块油气
[6] 赵先进,姜青梅. 用动能因子确定产水气井合理工作制
度[J ]. 断块油气田,1996(4):64-67.
26 /Natural Gas Technology and Economy
marily came from oil spitting in the early T x 2
age. A difference be- 2
tion gas rervoir in the field are taken as examples. And their pro- tween methane and ethane contents in T 3x 4
and Xujiahe 4 Member
duction time all exceeds one year. On the assumption of no shut-in (T 3x )reprents the effect of thermo- maturation on gas composi- tion. However, another difference between methane and ethane con- tents in the Jurassic reflects that gas migrated vertically from the
Middle Jurassic to the Upper Jurassic. For the gas from the T x 2
and T x 4 and the Middle Jurassic, there are two migration phas of wa- ter dissolving and free ones. The dissolving pha of the Middle Ju-
and keeping the regular production, a technology of production-da- ta analysis is prented to calculate the physical-property parame- ters of single well, well- control radius, and rerves by means of the dynamic change of both production and pressure, the well spac- ing density, and the maximum shut-in casing pressure before a gas well went into production. This technology may very simply and 2 4
rassic gas is stronger than that for T 3x and T 3x . And the Upper Ju- rassic gas is dominated by free-pha migration.
Key Words: Xiaoquan- Xinchang area, natural- gas genesis, mi- gration pha, carbon isotope, light hydrocarbon
Sequence and Sedimentary Facies of the Cambrian, Shaya Uplift
By SHEN Tao, YANG Yanfeng and LI Hui
ABSTRACT: Many cores and thin ctions were obtained from the Cambrian among 10 wells in Shaya Uplift, northern Tarim Basin. After their obrvation and analysis, as well as the combination of drilling, mud- logging, and well- logging data, we deem that this Cambrian can be divided into v
en three-order quences, four - quences for the Lower Cambrian and three quences for the Mid- dle and Upper Cambrian, individually. The C ambrian is mainly compod of powder to microcrystal dolomites, fine to powder crys- tal dolomites, powder to fine crystal dolomites, coar to moderate crystal dolomites, granule dolomites, algal dolomites, sandy dolo- mites, botryoidal dolomites, and breccia dolomites. In addition, af- ter the combination of the structure, composition, and compound features of the deposits, it is considered that the dimentary facies in this area includes dominantly restricted platform, platform mar- gin, and r amp.
Key Words: Shaya Uplift, Cambrian, dimentary facies, - quence stratigraphy动人心弦什么意思
书架效果图A Method to Calculate the Minimum Liq⁃ uid-carrying Flow Rate, Sulige Gasfield
By MA Haibin, FENG Pengxin, WANG Xianwen, XU Wenlong, RU Zhijuan and SONG Hanhua
ABSTRACT: For a gas well, the minimum liquid- carrying flow rate is an important parameter to prepare a gas- production engi- neering scheme. Three common-ud methods of Turner model, Li- min model, and Wangyizhong model are ud to calculate this flow rate at work sites. Here, we prent a judgment standard to calcu- late the liquid loading in Sulige gasfield by means of adopting ki- netic energy factor, and further explore a new method to calculate the minimum liquid- carrying flo
w rate. The calculated result is very clo to the actual one in Sulige gasfield.
Key Words: Sulige gasfield, kinetic energy factor, minimum liq- uid-carrying flow r ate
A New Method to Analyze Connectivity of Low-permeability Gas Rervoirs
By LIU Qi, BU Chengzhong and SHUAI Jianjun
ABSTRACT: For gas rervoirs, whether connectivity and interfer- ence existing among wells or not during production are a matter of great concern. The traditional methods are shut-in pressure test or interference well testing. For typical low-permeability and low-po- rosity gas rervoirs, Sulige gasfield, the shut- in operation often needs a longer period. So, the traditional methods are not highly im- practicable. In this study, some wells from Shihezhi-Shanxi Forma-
reasonably decide whether connectivity and interference exist or not, which has proved itlf to be a new method to analyze the con- nectivity of low-permeability rervoirs in Sulige gasfield.
Key Words: gas well, well connectivity, traditional method, pro- duction analysis technology
Rervoir Protection Technologies for Deep Wells, Xushen Gasfield
By GUAN L ongfeng
ABSTRACT: Some problems may occur during the production of deep wells in Xushen gasfield, such as rious leakage of killing fluid, long operating period, and obvious decrea of both deliver- ability and pressure after an operation even resulting in being inca- pable of normal production. Moreover, many wells may be polluted again due to the replacement of completion pipe strings while well killing after a fracturing gas test, significantly affecting a develop- ment effect. In this study, from the view of rervoir protection, three technologies of mechanically temporary plugging, no- killing operation for horizontal wells, and shielding temporary plugging are analyzed and applied; the formate killing-fluid system is prented; the three systems are optimized; and the compatibility of both sys- tems and rervoir is evaluated. It is deemed that the temporary plugging technology should be the first choice only when killing op- eration has to be carried on. In addition, the technology of solidi- fied- water killing is worth popularizing. The formate killing- fluid is ud at the same time in order to achieve the goal of rervoir protection.
Key Words: optimization of killing fluid, shielding temporary plugging, rervoir protection
Application of Efficient and Low- damage Guar Gum Fracturing-fluid System to Su⁃ lige Gasfield
By WANG Ya’nan, LU Li and LIU Lamei
ABSTRACT: This study prents a fracturing- fluid system with efficiency and low damage, and its composition, and some experi- mental results on its various behaviors. Moreover, field experiments in Sulige gasfield were carried on. Results show that the system has not only some better behaviors of forming gum, shear resistance, sand suspension, and breaking gum, but also low damage, which may meet the requirements of hydraulic fracturing.
Key Words: efficient fracturing fluid, low damage, behavior eval- uation
Behavior Evaluation of Low-damage Frac⁃ turing Fluid with Heat and Shear Resis⁃ tance and Its Application
By LI Dong, YANG Yu, GUO Chengfei, LU Songsong and CHEN Jian
ABSTRACT: In Xinchang gasfield, the Xujiahe Formation with high temperature and pressure, and low permeability is a tight res-
78 /Natural Gas Technology and Economy