1. “We all consider him a thief.” The underlined part
is the ______ of the ntence.
A. direct object
B. indirect object
C. adverbial
D. object complement
草色青青2. “It’s virtue to admit and overcome one’s own
shortcomings.”The underlined part is the _____ of the ntence.
A. adverbial
B. subject
C. object complement
D. object
3. “The purpo of the exchange program is to promote the
understanding between the two countries.”The underlined part is the _________ of the ntence.
A. object
B. adverbial
C. predicative
D. subject
4. “I prefer to call off the meeting on account of our
director’s abnce.”The underlined part is the ________ of the ntence.
A. object
B. predicative
C. appositive
D. adverbial
5. “He thought it a great thing not to have invited her.”
The underlined part is the ________ of the ntence.
A. object
B. predicative
C. appositive炸猪肉条
D. object complement
6. “I enjoy listening to classic music.”The underlined
part is the ________ of the ntence.
A. adverbial
B. object
C. object complement
D. appositive
7. “He deemed it no good trying once more.”
A. adverbial
B. object complement
C. object
D. appositive
8. In the following ntences, which one does not contain
a dangling modifier
A. Being a movie fan, Avatar is his favorite.
B. If caught, the police will punish the thief.
C. The car suddenly stopped, while passing through a
D. To pass the exam, a book is needed.
9. In the following ntences, which one contains an
unacceptable dangling modifier
A. Frankly speaking, the novel is terrible.
B. Judging from its appearance, the box must have been
there for hundreds of years.
C. Allowing for his young age, the boy is very
D. Standing on the mountain-top, the whole village
could be en clearly.
化妆初学者教程10. In the following ntences, which one does not contain
a nominative absolute structure
A. The sun having rin, we start work.
B. There being nothing el to do, we played games.
C. The work done, we went to bed.
D. His face looked pale, we took his temperature.
11. In the following ntences, which one does not contain
an inrtion
行业趋势分析A. He is, I am afraid, still very childish.
B. His wife, I presume, was not listening to him.
C. The shop, you know, is a cret gambling hou.
D. This hou, by the high way, will be sold to a rich
12. “Only after the accident did he become cautious.” It
contains a/an ______ ntence.
A. inrtion
B. inversion
C. omission
D. cleft
13. Which of the following is a cleft ntence
A. It is a difficult book to read.
B. It was not until he went back that the other people
C. It is surprising that the 9-year-old boy goes to
恐龙化石资料D. It is no good arguing with him.
14. Which of the following ntences contains a correct
A. When you in doubt, ask the chairman himlf.
B. Becau ill, he didn’t attend the meeting.
C. Put a comma where needed.
D. Although was frightened, he managed to run away.
15. Which of the following is not correct
A. The earth is 49 times than the size of the moon.
B. This room is twice as wide as that room.
C. Pole One is three times longer than Pole Two.
D. He is double her age.
16. Which of the following ntences indicates politeness
through verb ten
A. Have you been reading this novel all the time, Sir
B. Are you listening to the music, Sir
C. Will you be needing anything el, Sir
D. Are you going to leave, Sir