LosAngeles. L.A. The City of Angels. City of Flowers and Sunshine. TheBig Orange. The Entertainment Capital of the World. Tinl town.La-La-Land. Center of the Univer. All names ud to describe thisamorphous 469 square mile (1,215km) stretch of land in SouthernCalifornia.
Los Angeleshas captivated the attention of the world for decades and is thecenter of pop culture, with Hollywood at the center producingblockbuster hits year after year.
However, ifone wants to pull back the thinly layered curtain and gain a deeperinsight into the City of Angels, one must first learn the lingo thatlocals u. There is an almost endless
amount of slang andcolloquialisms that natives u in daily life. Where to begin?
In thisarticle, I will give a general overview of the geography of LosAngeles and how locals refer to it. Then I will introduce some commonslang words along with example ntences so you can start using themwith your friends.
Let's firststart with geography. The area known as Los Angeles stretches fromthe beaches to the mountains. The Santa Monica Mountains extend fromthe Hollywood Hills i
美如冠玉n the east to Point Mugu in Ventura County inwest. This mountain range parates the San Fernando Valley (oftenreferred to “the Valley”) in the north from the Los Angeles basinin the south.
The LosAngeles River (known as the L.A. River) flows through Los AngelesCounty in “the Valley” for 48 miles (77 km) southeast down to itsmouth in Long Beach (known as the LBC for short). In truth, the L.A.River doesn't have any flowing water and is ud more as a concreteborder between neighborhoods.
How donatives refer to the areas within LA? First, we say Downtown LA torefer to Downtown Los Angeles (sometimes known as DTLA). The westside of Los Angeles is ref
erred to as “the Westside”. Thisincludes Beverly Hills, which is famous for Rodeo Drive. Locals sayRodeo “Rho-day-yo” for short.
WilshireBoulevard is one of the main roads that runs from Grand Avenue inDowntown Los Angeles to Ocean Avenue in the city of Santa Monica,connecting LA's five business districts together. It runs throughKorea Town, which is called K-town for short.
“ThePier” refers to the Santa Monica Pier, and “the boardwalk”means the Venice Beach Boardwalk. The PCH is short for the PacificCoast Highway, which runs up and down the coast. Surf City, USAdenotes Huntington Beach for its excellent surf breaks and beachesand is really in Orange County which is south of Los Angeles County.
Freewaysare the lifeblood that connects the hundreds of neighborhoods andsuburbs of Los Angles together. The 105 (Century Freeway), the 405(San Diego Freeway), the 10 (Santa Monica Freeway), the 5 (GoldenState Freeway), the 101 (Ventura Freeway), the 110 (Harbor Freeway),all refer to freeways in Los Angles. The formula for freeways is “The[inrt highway]”. The 405 in particular is located on the Westsideof Los Angeles and is notorious for its traffic and endlessconstruction. If you ever are in Los Angeles, avoid the 405 at allcosts.
Westwood isa neighborhood on the Westside of Los Angeles. It is the location ofthe University of California Los Angeles (often just called UCLA).South Pasadena is called South Pass and Pasadena is called the DENA.The whole of Southern California is called SoCal and the North iscalled Nor Cal. The Los Angeles International Airport is alwaysreferred to a L-A-X, not lax or L.A. airport.
Now forspecific slang ud in Los Angeles.
Dude: aword that can be ud for almost any occasion. Commonly ud as agreeting to male friends and jokingly to girls. Can also be ud asan adjective to express amazement or awe.