Electromagnetic Wave Absorber
狗狗喜欢吃什么The microwave absorbing material is new macromolecule compounds
which can absorb electromagnetic waves and prevent interference among
RF electronic elements. It can effective reduce the damage or interference女爵士
caud by electromagnetic waves on the human body or communication
devices, in civil u; in military u, as one of the most important and
effective part in the stealthy technology, it is ud in stealth airplanes,
stealth tanks, and stealth ships. Particularly with new developments in the开始答题
design of mobile phones, new requirements have been emerging on the
electromagnetic radiance to the human body (SAR). As the driving
frequency of LCD in multimedia mobile phones become higher, the
radiance and interference is question which must be dealt with riously.gta5没有声音
Wave-absorbing materials can provide a quick and effective solution.
As a new anti-radiance and anti-interference product, JONES-SOB
城阳国wave-absorbing material is made of new macromolecule functional
compounds. It consumes electromagnetic waves by means of heat, which
will not cau repeated reflection of electromagnetic waves in the shielded
cavity. It reduces electromagnetic interference on the equipment, and also
prevents effectively electromagnetic harassment and damage to the
surrounding equipment and personnel. It is an effect means to reduce
呐喊的呐组词electromagnetic pollution. Various specifications can be offered and
customized according to your requirements.
Mainly mobile phones, notebook computers, PDA, RF part of communication equipment;
Medical and military communication equipment;
Radar antennas;
LCD flat cables, I/C and RF devices, where it can contain RF radiance interference from high-speed microprocessors.
Electromagnetic Wave Absorber关于月亮的文章
Technical data
PSA W/O PSA Frequency range 100MHz~6GHz Temperature range(℃)-30 to ~+150 Surface insulation resistance(Ω) 1.0×103(Min.) Absorbing performance -5~-35dB
Dimensions 150mm×210mm Absorbing performance