
更新时间:2023-06-01 06:30:48 阅读: 评论:0

1. Abnt: =preoccupied 出神的
2. Agonized [ˋægənaizd]: as if in pain or tormented 极度伤悲、痛苦的(源于Agony)
3. Alluring  [əˋljuəriŋ]: attractive, in the n of arousing desire 诱人的,激发人的某种欲望的
4. Appealing: attractive, in the n of encouraging goodwill and/or interest 动人的,引起人浓厚兴趣的,
5. Beatific  [͵bi:əˋtifik]: =blissful 洋溢着幸福的,喜气洋洋的
6. Bilious: ill-natured (源于bile胆汁, 这里是说脾气恶劣的)
7. Black: angry or sad, or e hostile (心怀敌意的,不友善的)
8. Bleak: e grim and hopeless (狄更斯的<荒凉山庄>就是Bleak Hou,毫无希望的,阴森冷酷的)
9. Blissful: showing a state of happiness or divine contentment (幸福满足的)
10. Blithe: carefree, lighthearted, or heedlessly indifferent(无忧无虑的,漫不经心的)
11. Brooding: 玩深沉、耍阴郁,就可以用这个词 She's all brooding. Just leave her be.
12. Bug eyed: frightened or surprid(像昆虫一样眼睛大的出奇,是因为惊恐而"怒目圆瞪"或因为惊喜而"目瞪口呆")
13. Chagrined  [ˋʃægrind]: humiliated or disappointed(悔恨的,苦恼的,失落的)
14. Cheeky: cocky, insolent(cheek脸颊,cheeky脸颊厚的=厚颜无耻的,自大傲慢无礼的)
17. Choleric  [ˋkɔlərik]: hot-tempered, irate易怒易暴的,承乾容易被触犯的
18. Coy: flirtily playful, or evasive (一个是故作羞态、扭捏做作但真正目的是诱惑男性的样子,还有就是躲躲闪闪的、含糊其辞的)
19. Deadpan: =straight-faced, expressionless, to conceal emotion or heighten humor(pan平底锅,毫无表情的样子一个是为了掩盖自己的真实情绪,还有种情况是"冷面笑匠"的功力了--比如蔡明在说谁给谁开门那句台词的时候,眼睛瞪得很大,其实是为了努力忍住让自己不笑,
喜剧演员越不笑,就让ta所演绎的幽默越好笑.所以"冷面笑匠"习惯上说deadpan comedian,而不要自己想象编造用pokerface comedian)
20. Dejected: despondent = depresd = discouraged =downcast 气馁的,垂头丧气的,萎靡的
21. Derisive [diˋraisiv]: e sardonic [sɑ:ˋdɔnik] 嘲弄讥讽的
22. Doleful: sad or afflicted (dole施舍、救济,doleful就是接收救济品的人们脸上的表情--忧郁的,满目愁容的,备受折磨的)
23. Dour: stern or obstinate(严厉,严峻的,苛刻的,固执的)
24. Dreamy: distracted by daydreaming or fantasizing (做白日梦一样的,恍惚的,出神的)
25. Ecstatic: delighted or entranced(记住"漫卷诗书喜欲狂"的感觉)
26. Furtive: stealthy [ˋstelθi]鬼鬼祟祟的
27. Glazed: expressionless due to fatigue or confusion(由于过度疲累而面目麻木或因困惑而面无表情)
28. Gloomy: e despondent and sullen(阴郁的,阴沉的,绷着脸的)
29. Glowering [ˋglauəriŋ]: annoyed or angry (触怒了的,虎视眈眈的)
30. Grim: e despondent; also, fatalistic or pessimistic (令人生畏的,冷峻的)
31. Grave: rious, expressing emotion due to loss or sadness(grave墓穴,因悲痛或损失带来的肃穆严峻的表情)
32. Haunted [ˋhɔ:ntid]: frightened, worried, or guilty(惊恐的,过度焦虑或被罪恶感困扰的)
33. Hopeless: depresd by a lack of encouragement or optimism (绝望的 抑郁的)
34. Hostile: aggressively angry, intimidating, or resistant(有攻击性的愤怒感, 令人生畏的,抵触抗拒的)
35. Hunted: ten as if worried about pursuit(被猎捕的无助感,就是精神极度紧张的,惊恐的)
36. Impassive:(passive被动的,这里是毫无表情之意) e deadpan
37. Inscrutable: mysterious, unreadable(scrutinize详细查看的,inscrutable则是不可被理解的、难以被解读的神秘表情)
38. Jeering: insulting or mocking (cheers是欢呼声,jeers就是嘘声,jeering嘲弄、讽刺、奚落的表情)
39. Languid: lazy or weak(倦怠,乏力的,毫无生机的,动作迟缓的)截然不同近义词
40. Mischievous: annoyingly or maliciously playful(有点恶作剧或恶搞的淘气样子)
网名男英文41. Pallid [ˋpælid]: e wan (苍白无血色的)
42. Peeved: annoyed (pet peeves是他人让你很反感、难以忍受的行为,比如吃面条非要发出吸鼻子的声音,说话口沫横飞,用叉子刮金属器皿的声音,peeved恼怒的,被惹到的,厌烦的
@漂泊的卫星 老师有专门为pet peeves录制讲解视频,请参照他的围脖)
43. Pitying: sympathetic (怜悯的,同情的)
44. Pleading: eking apology or assistance (期待道歉的, 求助的神色)
45. Pouting: e sullen (pouted lips撅起的嘴,嘟囔着嘴,不悦的样子)
46. Quizzical: questioning or confud (quiz小测验,quizzical让人充满疑问的,不解的)
47. Radiant: bright, happy(radiation辐射,传播,radiant容光焕发的,散发着快乐、洋溢着青春的)
48. Roguish [ˋrəugiʃ]: e mischievous (rogue [rəug]耍无赖,小淘气的意思)
49. Sanguine [ˋsæŋgwin]: confident (血红色的,自信满满的,可以想象血气方刚的青年满怀希望的样子)
50. Sardonic: mocking
换路由器怎么重新设置51. Scornful: contemptuous [kənˋtemptjuəs]蔑视,瞧不起的 or mocking嘲弄的=sneering
52. Scowling: displead or threatening(皱着眉头,阴沉着脸,不悦之色)
53. Shamefaced感觉丢人的: ashamed or bashful(羞怯不安的)
54. Slack-jawed: dumbfounded [͵dʌmˋfaundid] or surprid (slack松弛的,松垮的,jaw下巴,下巴因为过度惊吓或惊喜而张开)
55. Sly: cunning [ˋkʌniŋ]; 狡猾奸诈的
56. Snarling: surly (snarl咆哮的,怒吼的,surly不是surely,surly为脾气坏的,粗鲁的,不友善的)
57. Somber [ˋsɔmbə]: 忧郁的,闷闷不乐的,严峻的
58. Sour: unpleasant (不悦的,令人不愉快的)
59. Sulky:  [ˋsʌlki]生气,绷着脸的
60. Ten: = high-strung 情绪容易激动的,十分紧张的,易怒的
61. Vacant: blank or stupid looking (没有租出去的房子vacant hou,那vacant look就是空虚茫然的,心不在焉的,甚至是智商低下的感觉)
62. Veiled: veil面纱,被蒙上了面纱=inscrutable=神秘叵测的,难以解读的
63. Wan: pale, sickly; 有些病态的,病容的,面目苍白无血色的=pallid
64. Wary [ˋwɛəri]: cautious 警觉的,小心翼翼的
65. Wide eyed: frightened or surprid 睁大双眼的(或惊恐,或惊喜)
66. Wild eyed: excited, frightened, or stressful(情绪过激的,过分受惊的,或精神高度紧张的)
67. Wistful: yearning or sadly thoughtful (渴求的,或沉浸于哀思中的)

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