
更新时间:2023-05-29 14:09:03 阅读: 评论:0




2. 年龄不是问题,身高不是距离,问题是没感情什么都白搭。

3. 我有一个很疼我的外婆,不过她不在了,可我还是很爱她!

4. 随身听里装满了我对你的缱绻,带上耳机却听见一个人的梦魇。

5. 从来都是隐身着。因为我知道就算我在线也没有人愿意理我。

6. i have the best vision of the winter, is to go to the white head with you.

7. 桃树漂亮,洋葱叫我们流泪。可是洋葱没有核,桃子却有核。

8. 就算是醉生梦死,也是记忆的一种,因为你始终不能忘记什么。

9. the sun on the red face, the dim suddenly off campus shazhang.

10. dont give up the things that belong to you and keep tho lost things in memory.

11. to e a world in a grain of sand. and a heaven in a wild flower.从一粒沙子看到一个世界,从一朵野花看到一个天堂。

12. the life is not always full of multiple choices, but application questions, which need us to prove little by little.

13. 我受够了虚伪,做作,只想做最真实的自己,我真的累了。

14. love is not only a ntiment but also an art.爱情不仅仅是感情,它也是艺术。

15. the winter is suitable for falling in love, while saying the hand is very cold while putting the hand into your pocket, in the pocket cretly mimi steal you 50 dollars.

16. don’t let the past steal your prent.

17. 因为喜欢你,所以偶尔喜欢跟你唱反调,这种感觉太美妙。

18. 不是我喜欢的样子你都有,而是你所有的样子我都喜欢。

19. 你的梦想也许遥不可及,只有坚持,它总有一天可以实现。

20. 即使自己不快乐,也绝不去打扰别人的幸福,这是原则。

21. 后来砸碎了酒瓶也没换来清醒,弄脏了自己也没换来爱情。

22. if i could only be with you in my dreams ,baby, well ... i would want to sleep forever. 如果只有在梦里才能和你在一起,那么,宝贝,我宁愿长睡不起。

23. 别去打扰一个不愿意理你的人,他心里那个最重要的人不是你。

24. 风在吹,我和我的梦都慢慢睡着了。没有梦的城市,好寂寞。

25. 一次次迁就你是因为我还爱你,失望攒够了我便不会再回头。

26. the calm water in the river, came from the winter plain, is the color of nature dresd in green cuicui.河道里平静的水,从冬天的素净中苏醒过来,被大自然的色彩打扮得青青翠翠。

27. 爱情原如树叶一样,在人忽视里绿了,在忍耐里露出蓓蕾。

28. 最怕的就是你一直觉得很重要的人,而它最重要的人却不是你。

29. until all is over ones ambition never dies.

30. byron: i am never away from you. even now, i shall not leave you. in another land, i shall be still that one who loves you, loves you beyond measure beyond measure.

31. 我爱过一个人,一心想和他在一起,他说他爱我,我相信了。

32. 越喜欢一个人越觉得他长得丑,越看越丑,越丑越喜欢。

33. if i cried for every time that i thought about you i would end up drowning.如果每次想起你我都要哭的话,我将会最终被淹死。

34. 我可以,陪你去看星星,不用再多说明,我就要和你在一起。

35. live for today and stop stressing out about tomorrow.

36. 成功的人是跟别人学习经验,失败的人只跟自己学习经验。

37. 因为所在的是同一片天空的缘故么,就连距离也变得温柔起来。

38. 听到一些事,明明不相干的,也会在心中拐好几个弯想到你。

39. the winter is good, wear a big hoodie, drink hot milk tea, e the snow everywhere, all this gentle just right.

40. 逞一时清静,好坏不是重点。求一场历练,成败何必看重?

41. meet a better version of yourlf this winter.在这个冬天,和更好的自己碰面。

42. autumn is quiet, in this ason you can calm down to taste the life of each ction.秋是安静的,在这个季节可以静下心来品味生活的每一段。

43. a person has at least one dream, there is a reason to be strong.

44. 我嫉妒每一个评论你说说的人。他们不是了解你就是关心你。

45. 走一遭人生路,过四季幽曲径。望得世事皆憔悴,思日月对错。

46. 生命总有坎坷,只要我们迎着朝阳,前方终会看到光明。

47. winter is ing, when are you going to e that you super want to e the person ah.

48. 看透了那美丽,断了念想。君欲求心静,只是求之不得罢!

49. 流泪的天使,孤单的北极星,是伤心凝固在枫叶上的记忆。

50. 有时想着微风扑面,纯美的画面。才明白,这是不可实现的美。

51. 回忆过去的那些痛苦不堪,原来我也是一个可怜的小孩。

52. in such a cold winter, single dog may upgrade to wang wang bing bing bar. 在这么冷的冬天里,单身狗可能会升级为汪汪碎冰冰吧。

53. the weather was so cold that the lake formed a thick ice just boiled water, a landing on the ice.天气冷得能把湖水结成厚冰刚烧开的水,一落地就结冰了。

54. however long the night, the dawn willbreak.

55. who says its winter now? when youre by my side, i feel spring blossoms, birds sing cicadas.

56. however the world fails you, never fet your mercy and kindness that lies within.

57. 我们每天期待去学校,只是因为里面有一群我们爱的人。

58. 所谓幸福,就是和对的人,以彼此都舒服的方式,一起过日子。

59. 虽然以后可能再也不会拥抱,但依然感谢曾经相拥的日子。

60. autumn is ing, the fruit is ripe. the pears, red apple, sparkling grape.

61. dont be discouraged; its often the last key in the bunch that opens the lock.

62. i love you, love can not my world without you.

63. dream is what makes you happy, even when you are just trying.梦想就是一种让你感到坚持就是幸福的东西。

64. 往往有一处美丽的伤口,成为你身体上不能愈合的一部分。

65. 你越在乎,你失去的就越多,当一切结束的时候你就越心碎。

66. dont focus too much which will let you down.

67. 放弃一个人比爱一个人还要难,而要想彻底的忘掉他就会更难!

68. there are no trails of the wings in the sky, while the birds has flied away. 天空没有翅膀的痕迹,而鸟儿已飞过 。

69. some people sueed becau they are destined to, but most people sueed becau they are determined to!

70. give so much time to improving yourlf that you wont have time to criticize others.

71. if living on the earth is a mission from the lord… living with you is the award of the lord…

72. until the autumn of ptember eight, my white flowers do evil; cupola fragrant array through changan, cur of the golden flower.待到秋来九月八,我花开尽白花煞;冲天香阵透长安,满城尽带黄金甲。

73. 要珍惜今年陪你跨年的人,因为今年是爱你一世到爱你一世?

74. 爱一个人,原是爱到七分就够了,还有三分要留着爱自己。

75. 为什么要在成功面前感慨万千呢?应该去向前一步迈向它。

76. 青春这东西,我们总是嫌它不够好,又怕它走得太匆忙。

77. 只愿在人潮拥挤的街头与命中注定到白头的人撞个满怀。

78. “you couldn’t e my tears cau i am in the water.” fish said to water.“but i could feel your tears cau you are in my heart.” answered water.鱼对水说你看不到我的眼泪,因为我在水里。水说我能感觉到你的眼泪,因为你在我心里。

79. 为什么从前的要一直幸福,走到最后却只剩下了祝你幸福。

80. 我们只能是朋友,无论我怎么努力还是无法改变这样的现实。

81. 就算你拿着枪朝我的心开一枪,我到死也相信,那只是走火!

82. the weather is so hot, as if a little spark can cau an explosion like.

83. red sun just from the surface of the a, to the beautiful and quiet a with a layer of ro.火红的旭日刚刚透出海平面,给美丽恬静的大海抹上一层玫瑰色。

84. we shall always save a place for ourlves, only for ourlves. andthen begin to love. have no idea of what it is, who he is, how to loveor how long it will be. just wait for one love. maybe no one will eout, but this kind of waiting is the love itlf.

85. dont give up when you are able to fly.

86. 我认为最美好的事,是人潮拥挤你自然而然牵紧我的手。

87. i am not afraid of storms, for i am learning how to sail my ship.

88. all the dark are left to the past, from the beginning of meeting you, winter is gone, the stars.


1. 最浅薄的关系就是你一个错误,便让他忘记了你所有的好。

2. 该趁着年轻,和爱的人一起,制造些比夏天还温暖的事。

3. whatever is worth doing is worth doing well.

4. 我允许你住在我的左心房,但你不可能占据我的整个心脏。

5. 一个人什么时候最有满足感或者说幸福感,在梦想成真的时候。

6. 与其无法言说,不如一笑而过;与其无法释怀,不如安然自若。

7. 你改变不了昨天,但如果你过于忧虑明天,将会毁了今天。

8. 我做的每一件事情都是延续生命的一种方式,即便只是听音乐。

9. 再回来陪我喝一杯烈酒走走旧路,你还欠我一句好久不见。

10. if you can, this winter together to eat hot pot, fireworks, and watch snow, i mean, with you.

11. it is time to breathe on the glass and write the names of the people you like.

12. you can go as far as you want to go.

13. the squirrel winter eds are ready, the black bear found a fortable position to hibernate, you are afraid of the cold e to my arms.

14. wherever you go, whatever you do, i will be right here waiting for you. 无论你身在何处,无论你为何忙碌,我都会在此守候。

15. don’t struggle so much,best things happen when not expected.不要做太多的抗争,最好的的东西总是发生在出乎意料的时候。

16. 说走就走的旅行可能还在,说爱就爱的冲动却再也没有了。

17. your life only lasts for a few decades, so be sure that you dont leave any regrets. laugh or cry as you like, and it‘s meaningless to oppress yourlf.人生短短几十年,不要给自己留下了什么遗憾,想笑就笑,想哭就哭,该爱的时候就去爱,无谓压抑自己。

18. love does not consist of gazing at each other ,but in looking outward together in the same direction. 爱不在于彼此凝视,而是注视着同一个方向。

19. 如果,你不能骗我一辈子,请你不要骗我,哪怕只是一个字。

20. love is a carefully designed lie. 爱情是一个精心设计的谎言。

21. 当有人伤了你的心,一定会有另一个人在等着为你修补。

22. 幸福,是一种有节制的满足。满足,本就是一种莫大的福气。

23. 那往昔已如隔夜的梦,散落在这飘渺的夜空,寂静安然。

24. 他们依旧各自修行在自己的世界里,安静从容地幸福着。

25. 什么都会过去,何必在当下耗费掉无必要的喜悦和悲怆?

26. 我喜欢听音乐,总是单曲轮回,听到厌烦,然后再删掉。

27. the world has no eternal night, the world has no eternal winter. ——ai qing

28. 如果有下辈子的话,我希望,我们不要像现在这样痛苦了。

29. 时间并没有让我忘记你,只是让我习惯了没有你的日子。

30. 真正懂得悲痛的人,就能获得深刻的哲理和充实的信念。

31. i do not know when, you gently fall on my bright red sweater, you put me as a flower, too?不知什么时候,你轻轻地落在我鲜红的毛衣上,你把我也当成一朵花了吗?

32. 有时候你在他心里掉价的原因,是因为他知道了你喜欢他。

33. a careless word may kindle strife; a cruel word may wreck a life, a timely word may level stress, a loving word may heal and bless.一句无心之失可以触发争端,一句狠心话可以摧毁一生;一句适当的说话可以减轻压力,一句情话可以替人疗伤,抚慰心灵。

34. 请记住你留给我的所有伤口,总有一天,我会加倍偿还。

35. waiting for snowflakes, christmas trees, new years fireworks, and better of us.

36. 能不能假装你是不得不离开我,我真的不能接受你不再爱我。

37. 很多人闯进你的生活,只是为了给你上一课,然后转身离开。

38. give free to him when you fall in love and give free to love when you don’t love.

39. love is a light that never dims.爱是一盏永不昏暗的明灯。

本文发布于:2023-05-29 14:09:03,感谢您对本站的认可!



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