Advances in Social Sciences 社会科学前沿, 2020, 9(3), 319-324 Published Online March 2020 in Hans. www.hanspub/journal/ass doi/10.12677/ass.2020.93049
春夏秋冬歌词文章引用: 孟令光. 公共选择理论视角下的民主选举与贤能政治[J]. 社会科学前沿, 2020, 9(3): 319-324.
小河居DOI: 10.12677/ass.2020.93049
Democratic Elections and Meritocracy in the Perspective of Public Choice Theory
Lingguang Meng
School of Political Science and Public Management, Shanxi University, Taiyuan Shanxi
Received: Mar. 3rd , 2020; accepted: Mar. 16th , 2020; published: Mar. 23rd , 2020
Democracy, as the political system practid in most modern countries, is sometimes overrated. And the political system that was practid before the democratic politics was overrated. It is ne-cessary to make scientific evaluation of democratic politics and meritocracy, so as to promote the
organic combination of the two and promote the progress of political life. From the perspective of public choice theory, this paper studies the pros and cons of both, and demonstrates the impor-tance of scientific combination. Keywords
八大智能Public Choice Theory, Democratic Politics, Democratic Elections, Meritocracy, The Political System
公共选择理论视角下的民主选举与贤能政治 孟令光
应季蔬菜山西大学,政治与公共管理学院,山西 太原
摘 要