传统 Tradition
Tradition is best for small empires, with many Policies that improve the Capital City. Adopting Tradition will immediately provide a bonus of +1 Food per turn in the Capital.
* 贵族政治 Aristocracy: 建造奇迹+33%速度 +33% production bonus for Wonders.
* 寡头集团 Oligarchy: 国境内作战+33%战力
* 君主国家 Monarchy: 购地价格减半(需要寡头集团)
* 绅缙阶层 Landed Elite: 首都成长速度+33%(需要寡头集团、贵族政治)
* 律法主义 Legalism: 减少首都33%由人口导致的不满 Reduces unhappiness from population in the Capital by 33%.
自主/民权 Liberty
Liberty is best for civilizations which desire rapid expansion. Adopting Liberty will speed up the training of Settlers by 50% This branch cannot be active at the same time as Autocracy.
* 集体共治 Collective Rule: 新建造的城市起始拥有获得第二个人口所需粮食的50% Newly founded Cities start with 50% of the Food necessary to gain their cond Citizen.
* 共和政体 Republic: 每座城市+1锤子(需要集体共治) +1 Production bonus in every city.
* 公民资格 Citizenship: 建造工人施速度+25%
* 代议制度 Reprentation: 每座城市+1文化(需要公民资格)
* 英才领导 Meritocracy: 每一座连接到首都的城市,+1帝国快乐(需要公民资格)
荣誉 Honor
Honor improves the effectiveness of one's army in a variety of ways. Adopting Honor gives a +25% combat bonus VS Barbarians and notifications will be provided when new Barbarian Camps spawn in revealed territory.
* 尚武精神 Warrior Code: 免费大军事家
* 部队传统 Military Tradition: 单位作战获得双倍经验(需要尚武精神)
* 军事纪律 Discipline: 兔子贝贝邻近己方单位作战+15%战斗力
* 阶层 Military Caste: 每一座有驻军的城市降低1点帝国的不满(需要军事纪律) Each City with a garrison reduces empire Unhappiness by 1.
* 职业军队 Professional Army: 升级单位花费减半(需要阶层)
虔诚 Piety
Unlocks at Classical Era.
Piety increas the Happiness of empires, and allows their Culture to flourish. Adopting Piety immediately increas the Happiness in the empire by 2.
* 制式教团 Organized Religion: 进入黄金时代所需的快乐-25% Amount of Happiness required to start a Golden Age reduced by 25%
* 神权政治 Theocracy: 非占领城市因人口造成不满-20%(需要制式教团)
* 宗教改革 Reformation: 帝国立即进入6回合的黄金时代 (需要制式教团) The empire immediately enters a 6-turn Golden Age.
* 受命于天 Mandate of Heaven: 50%多余快乐转化为文化
* 信仰自由 Free Religion: 2个免费的社会政策(需要宗教改革)
赞助/恩惠 Patronage
增加与城邦交好获得的利益,对城邦影响力下降的速度减半 Patronage enhances the benefits of City-State friendship. Influence with City-States degrades 50% slower than normal.
* 美学理论 Aestheticswps怎么求和: 所有城邦影响力不会低于20
* 文化外交 Cultural Diplomacy: 城邦提供的资源数量提升100%;获赠的奢侈品资源所带来的快乐提升50%
* 学术名流 Educated Elite: 结盟城邦偶尔会赠送伟人
* 慈善公益 Philanthropy: 给城邦的金币捐赠额外给予25%影响力现场6s管理
* 经院哲学 Scholasticism: 所有结盟城邦给予你一份研究奖励相当于他们自己研究的33%
工业时代解锁 Unlocks at Industrial Era.
* 电子信息工程考研方向共产主义 Communism
* 语文数字民族主义 Nationalism:给予单位未知晋级
* 计划经济 Planned Economy:城市数造成的不满减半
* 社会主义 Socialism: 建筑维护费减少10% Gold maintenance costs of Buildings reduced by 10%.
* 统一战线 United Front
工业时代解锁 Unlocks at Industrial Era.
* 全面战争 Total War: 20回合内所有军事单位提升33%进攻力 For 20 turns, all Military Units receive a 33% attack bonus.
* 法西斯主义 Fascism
* 黩武主义 Militarism
* 警察国家 Police State
* 民粹主义 Populism
启蒙时代解锁 Unlocks at Renaissance Era.
采用自由后,降低所有专业人员一半的不满? Upon Adopting Freedom, specialist population in cities produce half the normal amount of Unhappiness.
* 言论自由 Free Speech: 降低解锁政策树所需文化30%? Reduces the Culture cost of future policies by 30%?.
* 民间社团/公民社会 Civil Society: 专业人口消耗粮食减半 Specialists consume only half the normal amount of Food.
* 宪法章程 Constitution
* 民主主义 Democracy
* 普选参政 Universal Suffrage
启蒙时代解锁 Unlocks at Renaissance Era.
* 世俗主义Secularism: 每个专家+2科研
* 自由思想Free Thought: 每个贸易站+2科研(需要世俗主义)
* 人文主义Humanism: 每座大学+1快乐
* 科学革命Scientific Revolution:2个免费科技(需要自由思想)
* 主权国家Sovereignty: 帝国处于快乐状态时,+15%科研(需要人文主义)
为海洋帝国及注重金钱产出的帝国提供奖励,首都金钱产出+25% Commerce provides bonus to naval empires and tho focud on Gold. Adopting Commerce will boost Gold output in capital city by 25%.
* 海军传统Naval Tradition:海军单位+1移动力,+1视野
* 联合工会Trade Unions: 道路铁路维护费-20%
* 重商主义Mercantilism: 城市购买项目(也就是花钱加速建造)费用-25%(需要联合工会)
* 商船舰队Merchant Navy: 沿海城市+3工业(需要海军传统)
* 贸易保护Protectionism: 每个奢侈品资源快乐+1(需要重商主义)