issue 常用替换词

更新时间:2023-05-31 23:53:30 阅读: 评论:0

巨大: big-colossal/ enormous/ immen/ gargantuan/ grandio/ massive/ monolithic/ prodigious/ titanic/ tremendous
小的: small-diminutive/ miniature/ miniscule
快的(副词):fastly—by leaps and bounds
加强: strengthen-bolster/ buttress/ consolidate/ reinforce/ intensify/ fortify (可以用在argument)
强的: strong-brawny/ muscular/ sinewy/ impregnable/ invincible/ potent/ robust/ virile/ stalwart/ stout/ sturdy
强人: baron(巨头) magnate/ mogul
削弱: weaken-diminish / debilitate/ enervate/ sap/ undermine/perish/wane
弱的: weak—feeble/ decrepit/ frail/ flaccid/ impotent/ puny/ tenuous
重要的: important –conquential/ momentous/ eminent/ prominent/ pivotal/ substantial/ significant/ crucial/ esntial/ fundamental
重要: importance—core/ hub/ esnce/ gist/magnitude
居首位的: leading—foremost/ paramount/ overriding /predominant/ prevailing/ preeminent prevalent/ supreme
不重要的: unimportant—marginal/ peripheral/ negligible/ trifling/trivial
超过: surpass—eclip/exceed/override/overwhelming/prevail/transcend/ be superior to/ outwit / outweigh /  be inferior to(劣于)= be subordinate to
霸权: ascendancy/hegemony/supremacy

初始: beginning—debut/premiere/ prime/ genesis/ inception/ ont/ threshold/ lead off/ lead out (to begin with好得多拉 )
(或者说什么的到来:advent of something)
初始的: beginning-- primitive//budding/ fledgling/ embryonic/(古老的意义解时archaic or antiquated or obsolescent or obsolete
开始: begin/start—commence/ initiate/ embark/ inaugurate
开始:begin/start=undertake / embark upon
增长: grow—multiply/mushroom/proliferate/ sprout/accelerate/ burgeon(慢慢增长)
使其增长: increa--amplify/ magnify/     add-augment/ supplement
加重,升级 aggravate (恶化) / escalate/ exacerbate/ deteriorate/ impair       
减少,减弱: decrea—abate/attenuate/ detract/ diminish/ slacken/curb/ curtail/ (number)pare/ prune/ slash/ trim/ whittle/
减轻decrea---allay/ assuage/ mollify/ soothe/mitigate/
变弱decrea—dwindle/ ebb/ subside/ wane/ weaken/ impair
上升: ascend—lift / surge/ rocket/ boast/ soar/ boom
达到顶峰 culminate 顶点: peak—acme/apex/ pinnacle/ climax/ apogee n.远地点/ zenith(nadir最低点 or abyss深渊) (zenith&nadir特别适合用在比喻 强调两者的区别大~两个词的来源大家可以查查~两个对比强烈哦 )
下降: descend/ plummet/ plunge/ slump/ tumble (fluctuate波动)

gather聚拢:accumulate/ amass/ asmble/ congregate/ garner/ glean/ muster/ rally(为反对或支持而召集)
group群组:battalion/ bevy/ cluster/ drove/ flock/ swarm/ throng
combination集合:assortment/ medley/ mosaic(马赛克)/ motley(五花八门:形容词也可以)
a lot of/ a great many of= manifold 许多 – abundant/ ample(充足) / copious(大量的)/ fraught with/ replete with/ numerous/ innumerable(不计其数)/  myriad 很多/ a multitude of/ multitudes of/ a myriad of 无数的人们/ limitless无限的/ a deluge of/ beaucoup <> adj.非常多的
(很多同学都喜欢用~a lot of~a great number of~这里注意:numerous这里表达的不是无数很多那样~之表示一般的多~这一点从G猫老外改得一篇文章可以看到)
large quantity: 大量:avalanche/ spate(比喻意大量的某物) / exodus大量流出/ 大量流入influx/ multitude大量 / plethora 比喻意:大量/ profusion 丰富,繁多
拥有大量:boast/ abound / deluge(被大量的某物所淹没)/ teem到处
散开:spread- dispel(驱散)/ disper/ disminate
稀少的:scarce/ meager/ scant/ scanty/ skimpy/ spar/ dearth
节俭的:frugal/ thrifty/ mirly/
富裕的:rich- affluent/ lavish/ luxurious/ opulent/ sumptuous/ palatial
浪费的:improvident/ prodigal son(浪荡子)=improvident/ profligate
贫困的:poor= destitute/ impoverished/ impecunious/ indigent (形容人)

困难的:difficult= arduous/ strenuous/ daunting/ formidable/ exacting/ insuperable/ impassable/ onerousissue中大量存在"困难"的表达)
困境:(陷入困难的处境就是困难)difficult situations= deadlock/ impas/ stalemate/ dilemma/ predicament/ quandary/ mire泥沼/ morass/ swamp/ quagmire/ standstill停止,僵局/ labyrinth迷宫(很好的比喻的说法~我的烦恼可以说什么问题把我们陷入了一个迷宫~僵局等~)
陷入:reduce/ get bogged down/ plunge into
复杂的:complicated/ intricate/ complex/(这里介绍一个很好的押韵的方法:complex and perplexed/ complicate and intricate or sophisticated用在表达困难的地方可以显示出词汇
复杂的事情:imbroglio/ mesh/ tangle/ labyrinth迷宫= maze
卷入复杂的境地:involve= embroil/ ensnare/ entangle
从复杂境地脱身:escape= extricate
难以理解:abstru/ recondite/ intricate/ arcane只有少数人可以理解=esoteric/ cryptic 简短却令人迷惑/ enigmatic 谜一般的 enigma 形容词形式/ inexplicable无法解释/ inscrutable无法捉摸=unfathomable/ mysterious/ supernatural/ mystical/ extraterrestrial
(这里的词很多都表示 难以理解~ 很多题目学习类~教育类~社会类~历史类~艺术类~只要表示某某问题把我们难倒了都可以用)
mystery-puzzle= enigma/ conundrum/ riddle/迷宫labyrinth/ maze
令人迷惑:puzzle = baffle/ befuddle/ bewilder/ confound/ mystify/ perplex
令人沮丧:depresd= with depression/ frustrating/ daunting/ dismal/
使可以理解:clarify= elucidate/ enlighten启迪教化/ explicate阐明/ expound on/upon  /illuminate照亮说清楚
可以理解的:intelligible = explicit/ lucid
阻碍:hindrance名次= fetter/ shackle/ trammel枷锁桎梏/ onus负担重任
阻碍:动词hamper = encumber造成负担/ foil/ stymie/ thwart阻碍或者挫败工作完成/ handicap/ hinder/ impede/ retard
压制:smother/ stifle 令人窒息,压制约束 suppress/ pin down张惠妹的听海
协助促进:aid = facilitate/ foster/ nurture/ buttress/

著名的:famous = celebrated/ renowned/ reputed/ distinguished/ illustrious/ prestigious/ outstanding/ distinctive/ eminent/ notable/ noticeable/ striking/ remarkable/ preeminent
be famous for = take pride in
elite= meritocrat (meritocracy n.知识界精华)(用上的话超级有文采~嘻嘻)
有特色:feature = savor/ 因为什么而闻名可用famous一系列
臭名昭著:disreputable = infamous/ notorious/ nefarious因为极坏而臭名昭著
好的名声:reputation = esteem/ prestige
坏的名声:宝宝身高标准disgrace/ disrepute/ ignominy/ infamy/ odium/ opprobrium/ stigma 不好的声誉,
尊重 名次:respect = reverence/ veneration/ homage
高尚的:noble = rarefied/ sublime/ lofty
不尊重 名次:disrespect = scorn蔑视
招人轻视的:contemptible = despicable
尊重:动词idolize/ worship/ lionize 对待名人一样的崇拜/ revere敬爱,敬畏
不尊重:动词 disrespect/ deride/ scoff嘲笑/ despi/ disdain/ slight/ snub
赞扬:名次prai= accolade赞美,奖项/ approbation/ encomium/ eulogy/ panegyric/ plaudit/ tribute/ tribute用来表示赞美的行为或者发言
赞美:动词prai = acclaim/ applaud/ hail欢呼/ commend/ extol/ laud高度的,常常带有美化成分的赞美
谴责:condemn= censure/ denounce/ reprimand/ decry/ deprecate/ deplore叹惋/ lament 叹惋 / remonstrate争辩,申辩
责备:admonish/ reproach/ reprove温和的责备
严厉责备:动词 berate/ castigate/ chasti/ chide/ excoriate/ inveigh/ rail/ revile/ upbraid
令人讨厌的事物:名次 anathema
谩骂的:abusive/ vituperative

有害的事物:harmful things=
contagion传染病瘟疫 epidemic/ pandemic也有流行的意思/pestilence/ plague
疾病:malady 瘴气:miasma比喻意为有害的气氛或者影响 灾患:scourge
不再害怕看到世界中心深处的毒气:unafraid to look deep into the miasma at the heart of the world.
有害的:harmful = deleterious/ detrimental/ noxious/ toxic/ virulent/ monstrous/ murderous
邪恶的:evil/ devil= cruel/ crude/ brutal/ wicked/ vicious/ malicious/ atrocious/ virulent/ venomous / sinister/ hafarious/ vicious/ pernicious/ destructive/ detrimental
致命的:fatal/ lethal前两个并非贬义/ pernicious极其有害的
有益的:形容词:hygienic/ sanitary 广义的卫生的/ salutary/wholesome有益身心的
有害的事物: bane致命的毒药 / blight植物的枯萎病/
损害:harm = blemish/ deface/ disfigure/ eviscerate/ impair容祖儿>二年级下册数学书减损/main mutilate毁伤肢体/ mar/spoil破坏 demolish
有益的事物:antidote 解毒药/ remedy药物:纠错/ panacea 万能良药 elixir 炼金药,万能药(有贬义含义)/ boon赐福blessing / tonic 补药
改善:improve = ameliorate/ amend/ 对法律的修改/ rectify/ redress/
毁坏,毁灭:destroy/ annihilate彻底消灭/ exterminate终结/ eliminate/ eradicate/ decimate/ demolish/ dismantle/ raze 彻底摧毁夷为平地/ devastate/ ravage/ wreck遭受重创,严重破坏/ obliterate擦去/ pulverize 磨成粉末状/ subvert 颠覆
可怕的:awful = horrible/ terrible/ tragic/ wretched / dire
复苏,复兴 动词:运动心得体会50字revive= rejuvenate/ resurrect/ resuscitate/ revive
动荡的,混乱的 形容词:tumultuous/ turbulent/
混乱:名词:chaos/ confusion/ disorder / mayhem/ disarray/ havoc大面积的破坏-混乱 pandemonium 撒旦居住的地方,比喻嘈杂,混乱的地方/ shambles废墟/ turmoil 混乱,动
/ upheaval突发的巨变
菜盒子的做法灾难:calamity/ cataclysm/ catastrophe
危险 名词:danger/ hazard/ peril
危险的:hazardous/ perilous/ precarious/ treacherous
危及:动词 endanger/ compromi/ imperil/ jeopardize
保护:protect = safeguard

本文发布于:2023-05-31 23:53:30,感谢您对本站的认可!



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