第一类 动植物类
1.Zoo Conrvation Programmes(C1T1 R2P22)
2.Migratory Beekeeping(C1 T2R2P42)
3.Population Viability Analysis(C1 T4R3P86)
4.A Remarkable Beetle(C3T2R1 P38)
5.What Do Whales Feel?(C4T1 R2P23)
6.Understanding Bee Behaviour(C4GBP126)
7.The Effects of Light on Plant and Animal Species(C5T4R3P94)
第二类 语言
1.Spoken Corpus Comes to Life(C1T3R1 P59)
2.Overcoming the Language Ba rrier(C2T2R2P38)
3.Lost for Word(C4T2R1 P42)
4.Obtaining Linguistic Data(C4T3R3P74)
5.The Bi rth of Scientific English(C5T2R3P48)
第三类 人类重大发展史
1.A Spark.a Flint:How Fire Leapt to Life?(C1 T1 R1 P18)
2.The Rocket—from East to West(C3T1 R1 P15)
3.The Department of Ethnography(C3T3R1 P60)
4.The History of Early Cinema(C4GAP111)
5.Johnson’S Dictionary(C5T1 R1 P16)
6.Bakelite(C5T2R1 P38)
艾灸腹部8.The Power of the Big Screen(C6T3R1 P63)
第四类 交通运输与旅游
2.What Is a Port City?(C2T2R3P43)
3.The Motor Car(C2T3R2P62)
4.The DiscoveH of Uranus(C2GAP102)
5.(C3T4R1 P84)
6.The Impact of Wildness Tourism(C5T4R1 P86)
第五类 教育
1.Right—and Left.Handedness in Humans(C1 T2R1 P38)
2.Children’S Thinking(C2T1 R3P21)
3.Reading Passage 2(C2T4R2L83)
4.Visual Symbols and the Blind fC4T1 R3P27)
5.Play Is a Serious Business(C4T2R3P50)
6.Nature or Nurture(C5T1 R2P20)
亲密爱人原唱7.What’S So Funny?(C5T2R2P43)
8.Ea rly Childhood Education(C5T3R1 P62)
9.The Return of Artificial Intelligence(C6T3R3P71)
10.Do Literate Women Make Better Mothers?(C6T4R2P89)
11.Bullying:from Crisis Management to Prevention fC6T4R3P94)
第六类 公司管理
1.A Workaholic Economy(C1 T3R3P67)
2.Why Some Women Cross the Finish Line ahead of Men?(C1 T4R2P83)
3.Implementing the Cycle of Success:a Ca Study(C2T2R1 P34)
4.Abnteeism in Nursing:a Longitudinal Study(C2T3R1 P58)
5.The Concept of Role Theory(C3T2R3P47)
蜀道难全文6.Measuring Organisational Performance fC2T4R3P92)
7.First Impressions Count(C3GBP122)
8.Micro—enterpri Credit for Street Youth(C4T3R1 P65)
9.Movivating Employees under Adver Conditions(C6T3R2P68)
第七类 建筑结构
1.Architecture—reaching for the Sky(C1 T1 R3P26)
2.Moles Happy as Homes Go Underground(C1 T3R2P63)
3.Glass(C1 T4R1 P79)
4.Ai rports On Water(C2TT1 R1 P13)
5 Disappearing Delta(C5T3R2P67)
6.Flawed Beauty:the Problem with Toughened Glass(C5T4R2P89)魔兽时间
第八类 医疗健康
1.Changing Our Understanding of Health(C2T1 R2P18)
2.In Search of the Holy Grail(C2T4R3P87)
3.The Risks of Cigarette Smoking(C3T1 R2P19)
ative Medicine in Australia(C4T2R2P46)
5 How Much Higher?HOw Much Faster?
6.Lake of Sleep(C5GAP109)
7.Greying Population Stays in the Pink(C6T2R2P44)
8 The Search for the Anti.aging Pill(C6T3R3P71)
9.Doctoring Sales(C6T4R1 P86)
第九类 社会科技
1.The Keyless Society(C2T3R3P66)
肉沫2.Robots at Work(C2GBPl 1 6)
3.The Scientific Method(C3T1 R3P24)
4.Votes for Women(C3T4R2P88)
5.The Nature and Aims of Archaeology(C4T4R2P92)
6.Australia’S Sporting Duchess(C6T1 R 1 P1 8)
第十类 农业
1.Green Wave Washes over Mainstream Shopping(C2T4R1 P79)
2.Environmental Management(C3T2R2P43)
第十一类 自然环境
1.Paper Recycling(C1 GPl 01)
2.Secrets of the Forest(C3T3R2P65)
3.Highs and Lows(C3T3R3P69)
4.(C3GAPl 08)
5.(C4T1 R1 P1 8)
6.Volcanoes——Earth.Shattering News(C4T3R2P71)
7.The,Problem of Scarce Resources(C4T4R3P97)
8 The Truth about the Environment(C5T1 R3P24)
9.Climate Change and the Inuit(C6T1 R3P27)
10.The Water Crisis(C6GAP110