鉴赏美 Once upon a time, a fox made friends with a stork and decided to invite her to lunch.While he was wondering what to rve for the meal, he thought he'd play a trick on the bird. So he prepared a tasty soup and poured it into two flat plates.香港买房条件
"Help yourlf, Miss Stork! I'm sure you'll enjoy this! It's frog soup and chopped parsley. Taste it, you'll find it's delicious!"
"Thank you very much!" said the stork, sniffing the soup. But she quickly saw the trick the fox had played on her. For no matter how she tried, she could not drink the soup from the flat plate. The sniggering fox urged her on, "Eat up! Don't you like it?" But all the stork could do was bluff. With a casual air she said, "I'm afraid I've such a headache that I've lost my appetite!" And the fox fussily replied, "What a shame! And it's such good soup! Too bad! Maybe next time." To which the stork quickly replied, "Yes, of cour! Next time, you must h
ave lunch with me !"妙字组词