Application Rearch of Knowledge Management in R&D Enterpri Project Management

更新时间:2023-05-31 14:08:17 阅读: 评论:0

Application Rearch of Knowledge Management in
R&D Enterpri Project Management
TANG Dingyong 1, 2
,  TAO Yizhen 2
,    JIANG Long 2
,  CHENG Zheng
1  CAD Center, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu, China
2    Institute of Computer Application, China Academy of Engineering Physics, Mianyang, China
Abstract —By means of studying project management body of knowledge and analyzing cha r acte r ist
ics of R&D enterpri project management, the differences between R&D enter pr i pr oject management and the cur r ent constr uction pr oject management in management content, pr ocess and methods are explored, the view that R&D project management pr ocess consists of knowledge innovation and knowledge management is emphasized, and then knowledge management in R&D p r oject management is discusd, knowledge management methods in R&D enterpri project  are studied, and the view that c r eating standa r dized p r
ocess and
technical documentation templates, establishing knowledge management info r mation system and  const r ucting a
knowledge sha r ing cultu r e a r
e efficient ways to solve
knowledge management is put for war ded. Fur ther mor e, in conjunction with the practice of R&D enter pr i information system, the view that knowledge management-bad pr oject management system is an effective approach is confirmed. Keywords-project management; knowledge management; technology innovation;knowledge integration framework; KMSystem
In aviation, electronics, equipment and software industry and other project management-bad enterpris, knowledge is a very important resource. If the enterpri can effectively manage and u knowledge, it will improve project management quality, shorten project operation time and increa customer satisfaction[1]. Especially in today's social environment with frequent movement of the people and dynamic and changing knowledge innovation, how to manage project-related implicit and explicit knowledge is a necessary prerequisite for success of the project, but managing the intellectual asts is a new and challenging project management process [2 ,3].
R&D enterpri has a typical project management-bad business organization model, Product R&D  process is a process, in which intellectual workers make u of explicit knowledge (enterpris’ various norms and historical information and other recorded information) that enterpris have already accumulated and implicit knowledge (skills, experience, insight and intuition) to carry out rearch activities and create new knowledge and intellectual asts[4]. Therefore, how to manage knowledge in the process of R&D  enterpri project management is also an important issue. On the basis of characteristics of clo relationship between R&D enterpri knowledge innovation
and knowledge management, this paper focus on and
explores implementation methods and means of knowledge management in R&D enterpri project management. II.
A.Project management body of knowledge
As a new discipline, project management professional organizations have established their respective project management body of knowledge (PMBOK) to guide and promote the application and development of project management. At prent, the most influential PMBOK is A Guide to the PMBOK  which is issued by American Project Management Institute (PMI) and PMBOK standards of International Project Management Institute (IPMA) -International Project Management Professional Qualification Standards[5]. The establishment and issuance of the bodies of knowledge will play an active role in promoting project management professional development and improving the level of
project management personnel. However, the body of knowledge of project management in fact only includes the knowledge of project general management, and doesn’t include project-related knowledge content in application areas. Bad on our analysis on characteristics of R&D  project management and management elements, it’s not difficult to find there are some differences between project management bodies of knowledge implemented by PMI and IPMI.
B.The characteristics of R&D  project management
At prent, aerospace, aviation, electronics, equipment institutes and rearch centers in large enterpris all belong to the R&D project management model. The operation result of R&D  enterpri project management model is not only providing high cost of intellectual products, but also creating rearch products and producing knowledge. R&D
enterpri project’s efforts are generally intelligence-intensive and capital-intensive multi-variety low-volume, single-piece and small-batch or custom-order discrete products, as rearch products relate to a wide range of disciplines, a high degree of knowledge pooling, strong product innovation, complex technology and process, high cost, undergo demonstrate, proposal, development, design and engineering stereotypes, delivery and maintenance guarantee, and other typical product life cycle management
2009 International Conference on Information Management, Innovation Management and Industrial Engineering
stages, therefore, R&D enterpri products’ development process will generally manage in accordance with the organization pattern of model ( project) .Compared with the  construction project management, there are some differences between management elements and characteristics: (1) The construction project management system focus on the u of network planning technique and other system engineering theories to effectively organize and manage project time, cost and scope, so as to achieve the shorter duration, reduce costs and improve project management quality and achievement rates, the result of which is a deliverable architecture or engineering, while the effort of R&D enterpri project is not only producing direct products, but also managing the knowledge produced by the development process.(2) The construction project management subjects to the constraints of time, scope and cost, such as the construction of a bridge, the construction of a power plant, etc, time, scope and each resources and tools can all be measured and assd. For the R&D project management, the project resources are mainly human beings-the main bodies of creating intellectual asts, the resources are not as visible as the traditional resource and can’t be valuated and measured accurately. (3) The WBS result of each project in traditional engineering c
onstruction projects can be measured, the efforts can be tested during the construction of each project, the results tend to be qualified or unqualified, the progress and technical risk is relatively easy to control, while the new product development process is the creative process of using intellectual knowledge to create new knowledge, basically, each WBS result is to carry out knowledge transfer through the technical documentation, often due to individual differences, the results are quite different, the process test criterion is difficult to determine, and its technological innovation and its verification takes a long time, resulting in more risk factors for the project.(4) Compared with the construction industry adopting vertical project-bad management model, in order to enhance domain knowledge and skills of different functional organization, the R&D enterpri’s organizational structure is often a typical cross-functional and cross-organizational project management model in which functions would be combined with the project, the operation of the project is often a mixed matrix model of the function, project management office is responsible for the overall planning and monitoring of the project, The distinguished characteristics of R&D project and construction project are shown in Table 1.
Characteristics Construction Project R&D project
The results  Products Products and knowledge Measurable of tools
and  resources
Easy to quantify Not easy to quantify Technical and
schedule risks
Easy to control Not easy to control
Management model Vertical management  Matrix management
A.The basic elements of knowledge management
Knowledge is an integration of information resources
stored in the form of words or language and experience,
thinking in Human minds. Knowledge has implicit
knowledge and explicit knowledge, explicit knowledge can
be procesd by the information system, can be encoded, can
also be cataloged, stored and protected, implicit knowledge
exists in people's minds, implicit knowledge is difficult to
transfer [6], the majority of knowledge asts (their skills,
experience, insight, intuition and a variety of relationships
both within and outside the organization) exist in the minds
of knowledge workers, this part of knowledge is difficult to
asss, share, and measure. Knowledge management is to
effectively identify, acquire, develop, decompo, store and
transfer knowledge, in order to improve and enhance痛彻心扉什么意思
华润锦华individual, departmental and organizational innovation,
responsiveness, productivity and skills quality. The value of
knowledge management is reflected in two aspects: first,
improving work efficiency through knowledge-sharing;
cond, creating new value through knowledge innovation.
The process of knowledge management is divided into
落日鱼辉knowledge transformation process and knowledge cycle
process, the knowledge transformation process is to specify
the relationship between implicit knowledge and explicit
knowledge; the knowledge cycle process is to elaborate two
process of knowledge innovation and sharing [7,8].
B.Knowledge management in project management
As viewed from project management process, the scope
of knowledge management is included in the periods of time
of project life cycle, knowledge that needs to u and
manage is also full of features, knowledge management
stage of the project can be divided into: (1)the formation of
project concepts; (2) the analysis of the project environment;
(3)the determination of the objectives and scope; (4)detailed
project planning, resource allocation, project approval; (5)
project implementation and control; (6) project evaluation
and promotion [4,8].
As viewed from cross-functional and cross-
organizational project management, knowledge management
in project management can be understood as the
management of knowledge integration, it includes
integration efficiency, scope and flexibility of knowledge [6].
Knowledge integration management is esntially a process
of enhancing the project benefits and managing social
relations by managing the project team. In knowledge
integration of cross-functional and cross-organizational
project management, project management experience, past
integration experience and organization's social capital play
an important role in influencing the level of teamwork and
integration efficiency, scope of knowledge [9].
As viewed from project management body of knowledge,
in accordance with knowledge management framework of
project management body of knowledge, it includes
objectives, risks, constraints, and measurement of
knowledge management. Knowledge management in project management mainly includes knowledge identification, acquisition, development, decomposition, u and storage in the operation of the project, its core is knowledge sharing .In the project team, it emphasizes the exchange and sharing of knowledge, improves team efficiency, saves the project knowledge and enhances their core competitiveness of enterpris[10].
A.The importance of R&D enterpri knowledge
In accordance with an internationally renowned consulting firm CIMdata's view, throughout the product life cycle, the product development process is the process of creating intellectual asts by enterpris; the production process is the process of creating tangible asts by enterpris. Thus, the process of product development is the process of creating social wealth through the creative labor
of intellectual workers. In the process of product development, it is the process of using explicit knowledge that enterpris have already accumulated and implicit knowledge of intellectual workers to complete rearch activities. In a broad n, R&D enterpri knowledge management is the process of making each knowledge worker in rearch activities of the product development project u explicit knowledge in combination with implicit knowledge of individuals to create new knowledg
e process and results, record and verify. This process includes the process of knowledge workers making implicit knowledge explicit, implicit knowledge exists in the minds of individuals. Due to differences in personality and knowledge, each knowledge worker plays a different role in the project, resulting in different results. In the generalized ca, rearch workers will only distribute and deliver results and records that need to deliver, the only include some parts of knowledge; while the discussion, exchange of different views on the creative process is also the content of making important knowledge explicit, thus, how to regulate management delivery and summary of the discussion is an important issue of managing enterpri knowledge. Through regulating knowledge, accumulated knowledge can be managed, the enterpri’s core competitiveness can be enhanced, loss caud by staff turnover can be reduced, and the efficiency of project operation can be enhanced[12]. B.The primary exploration of R&D project knowledge
舞开头成语management methods皮包怎么保养
(1) Standardizing documents and process records
In the knowledge management process of project management, the knowledge ud for transferring the exchanging is often the explicit knowledge, standardized documentation and process records in
projects are important means of knowledge management, the process records mainly concern the project implementation process, and the documentation mainly records the knowledge through the prentation and structure of the document. Relevant technical documentation is not only to obtain a standard business process diagrams or the results of the project, but also to obtain project feasibility study report, summary, technical reports, design picture files, analysis reports, and ur manuals, etc, and the cau for failure or how to effectively address the topics is also a very important record.The project operation process records include project planning, operation, control, and project changes, etc, which benefits to project comprehensive analysis and knowledge reu. In general, well-known knowledge-intensive enterpris are using this management method, for example, the Swiss bank "project ca study method"- all project reports have the explicit goal of knowledge transfer for future projects. The reports should include conclusions and recommendations, etc. in the n of summarizing what can be improved in future projects.
Establishing various process records and technical document templates is an effective method. Enterpris enhance core competitiveness continuously through different projects, the corresponding project plan template (including the WBS, team roles, document structure, etc.) can be established according to different types of projects. In the operation of the new project, enterpri
s can refer to the template to establish the project plan quickly. By analyzing the enterpri's technical documentation, in accordance with the requirements of quality system documentation and the elements of knowledge transfer, the enterpri's document template can be established so as to facilitate the u of the team.
(2) Es
ablishing informa
ion sys
em of en
erpri knowledge management
Knowledge management information system is the platform of achieving enterpri knowledge management (knowledge creation, capture, sharing and innovation). Knowledge management system is not a single t of application system, but needs to  carry out organic integration according to the operational characteristics of enterpris and enterpri applications and IT infrastructure, and deploy the implementation of knowledge management functions and management strategies. The R&D enterpri business system includes product R&D project management (PM), product data management (P
M), technical conditions management system (CMS) and other systems. As viewed from system functional requirements, the knowledge management system includes:
The IT infrastructure of knowledge management, it is made up of the support parts of knowledge management (such as databas, document libraries, computer networks and workflow systems, office automation systems, e-mail system, etc.);
The operational framework of knowledge management,it includes product R&D project management systems, product data management systems, technical conditions management system and production process management systems, etc;
The knowledge editing and processing architecture-it includes knowledge acquisition, creation, sharing and
retrieval and other functions, thes functions are completed through the enterpri knowledge management portal.
Figure 1. The structure chart of R&D enterpri knowledge management
information platform
(3) Creating a cultural atmosphere of knowledge sharing and exchange
To a certain degree, knowledge management is one of the elements of enterpri strategic management, thus establishing scientific and effective knowledge management systems and easily exchange environment is very esntial.
叩天门On the one hand, a standardized system should be established, that is, the project management process should be focud on, knowledge management elements in project management should be analyzed, project management rules and regulations  should be established to standardize knowledge generated in the management project operation; the standardized knowledge management should achieve:(1) The transfer of knowledge: when each work breakdown structure in project management completed, the person in charge should carry out a transfer through the determination (examination, approval) of technical conditions in accordance with the technical information of the template delivery. The transfer of knowledge can not only improve the project team's respective strengths, reduce the maintenance costs of the project, reduce the loss of mobility, but also reduce project risks well. Although the transfer in the project is difficult to achieve, but the standardization and template-bad document management can effectively solve this problem. (2) The communication of project information: among project members, project stakeholders need good communication. The communication relates to customer satisfaction, project cost and project efficiency. In order to transfer messages fast and effectively, the project teams need to riously consider how to design the communication rules in the project, and even need to make u of advanced network environment and information management systems to communicate. (3) Gradually building up performance evaluation mechanism of knowledge management, by means of
establishing performance and work evaluation mechanism with knowledge asssment, stimulating project participants’ good atmosphere of learning, communicating and sharing knowledge.
On the other hand, a good corporate culture should be established, employees should be motivated to participate in knowledge sharing and facilitate knowledge conversion. Through creating an atmosphere of knowledge sharing and exchange in the enterpri, a kind of corporate culture can be developed, a coordination and communication environment can be established, a "community" of knowledge sharing and exchange can be established, which will help to achieve the atmosphere and effect of knowledge sharing and exchange.
A.Knowledge management-bad project management
system architecture and its function
The knowledge management bad project management  system has been developed according to the  demands of R&D project management.On the aspect of software architecture, J2EE-bad multi-
tiered system architecture has been ud; on the aspect of project management,  project definition, organizational team building, resource management, project plan and monitoring, project and document process control, technical documentation version control and management, and project-bad roles and process rights management and other functions have been achieved; on the aspect of knowledge management, the supporting environment of knowledge sharing and exchange, and enterpri knowledge ba have been constructed. According to characteristics of R&
projects, various project management templates can be established. Project knowledge structure organizations (document classification and management mode), project planning WBS, the definition of delivery contents, a variety of delivery documents, meeting summaries, interview contents and other templates, project organizational structure and process, etc. are included in templates.
Figure 2.  The class chart of knowledge management-bad project
management sysytem
The application of standardized template management techniques is emphasized in knowledge man
agement-bad project management system. The main function of template management is that it has a normative management process (project plan templates, organizational structure templates, approval process templates, etc.), explicit knowledge creation, normative exchange (technical document template, meeting summary templates), normative project management (through project knowledge bas and regeneration templates after the end of the project operation).Through creating and using templates, project management efficiency and project knowledge sharing can be improved, Fig.3 us the XML file of a plan template as the example.
Figure 3. Project plan XML template
Knowledge management-bad project management system us the project plan as main thread, comprehensive management of the project has been achieved. Among other things, the system design focus on project knowledge management, the organizational breakdown structure (OBS), the project breakdown structure (PBS) and the work breakdown structure (WBS) have been effectively and organically integrated, so as to integrated manage various activities of the project from multiple dimensions and views, as shown in Fig.4. The system realizes project process automation, supports project management process, document approval process and change process. By means of project management process, its aim is to make the knowledge manage
ment of the project run rationally. Every employee acquires business-related knowledge, while at the same time, they are able to contribute their knowledge, experience and experti. The process of scrutinizing, reviewing, publishing and archiving all documents will be developed a full-cycle management and will have an automated archiving. Enterpri information and knowledge will be identified, precipitated, and the knowledge formed in the process of working will be stored in the information system in a normative way. The process management of engineering change will standardize and orderly manage business change process, control the technical conditions of the product development process, and ensure the project's
Figure 4.  Project management sysytem EPS, OBS, WBS multi–view
integrated management
Knowledge management-bad project management system emphasizes knowledge sharing. The system can effectively achieve knowledge sharing within the corresponding scope in accordance with the project organization, project, project knowledge management structures (folders) and files (knowledge carriers) etc. different access rights. The team can not only acquire related information of the project on the platform, but also establish discussion topics for discussion in project, project planning and delivery documents and other managed objects, through the exchange of the platform knowledge (such as through establishing a meeting mechanism in the project).
B.Application examples of knowledge management-bad
笔画大全>1986年多大project management system
The writer’s enterpri is a rearch institute, R&D project management information system is established within the enterpri. The functional requirement of knowledge integration management is fully taken into
account in the implementation. The project management

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