Name姓名:______________ Position职位:_____________________ Date Joined入职日期:__________________ Dept.部门: Signature确认签字:益气活血________________ |
*All new colleagues have to be clear about the following contents either regarding the company or the department within 7 days after joining. Signature is required to confirm the understanding and willingness to follow. *新入职员工须在入职七日内了解以下公司及部门情况,签字确认完全明白并愿意遵守相关规定。 * Plea “v” on the relevant box to show that you are clear about the contents. 请在相关栏目打“V”以示你已知悉其内容。 |
公司情况General Background □公司战略目标Company Business Strategies & Objectives □公司情况介绍Detailed Introduction of our Company |
部门情况介绍 Department Background □部门任务及目标 Dept Mission & Objectives □工作时间/地点树的英文单词 Work Hours / Office □部门结构 Dept Organization Structure □部门的规章制度 Departmental Rules |
薪资与福利 Compensation & Benefits □发薪日期 Pay Day □超时工作规定 Overtime □个人所得税 Income Tax □日期的英文工资构成 Payroll Particulars □工作餐/福利补助 Meals & other Benefits □通讯费用报销 Mobile Expens □社会保险 Social Insurance □绩效考核制度 Performance Appraisal |
工作内容及责任要求 Tasks and output expectations □ 工作职责/目标 Job Responsibilities/Objectives □ 主管上级对您工作表现的期望和要求 Managerial Expectations on Work Performance |
信融财富 内部财务程序无可厚非的意思 Internal Finance Procedures □零用金报销规定 Petty Cash Reimburment □借款程序 IOU Procedure □费用报销 Expens Claim □采购申请 Purcha Requisitions □差旅审批 Travel Approvals |
人事管理 HR/Administration □休假规定 Vacation Planning □纪律政策 Disciplinary Polices & Procedures □请假制度 Reporting Abnce □需参加的会议 Meetings to Attend □保密规定 Disclosing Agreement □行为规范 Code of Conduct □员工手册 Staff Handbook |
英雄联盟本子其他 Others □介绍/认识同事 Introduction to Colleagues/Management □服装要求 Dress Code □办公室钥匙签收 Office Key □对母爱的理解电话使用 U of Telephone □内部网络使用 U of Intranet |
*If you are not able to obtain the above information, come to our Human Resources Department. We will be very glad to help you. *如您在入职后一周内仍无法获得到以上的详细资料和说明,请直接与人力资源部面谈。 |
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