Practical English for Business Situations
1. 商务会议
How to U English in Meetings
传统节日古诗大全 chair 会议主席 item 事项,项目
handout 书面资料 quarterly 一季的
premi 前提 motion 提议,动议
majority 多数 status report 状况报告
minority 少数 comments 意见
agenda 议程 designate 指派
周小琪·OK. The fist item on the agenda is…
好的, 这个议程的第一个项目是…
·What does everyone think about…
·Let’s progress to the next item, which is…
我们进到下一个事项, 就是…
·I’d like to ask all your opinions on…
·Before I begin, does everyone has a copy of…
会议现场 1
学习重点: 1.会议的开场白;
2. 描述客户所反映的问题及寻求解决之道
Customer Service
S Mgr= Sales Manager
S Mgr: OK, let’s get started. What’s the first item on the agenda?
Abby: Let’s begin with the recent complaints about customer rvice that we received. Brian?
Brian: One of my clients nt a monitor in for some repairs three weeks ago, and he still hasn’t got it back. He said his company will look for another supplier if our turnaround (n. 改变, 好转, 停航时间) time doesn’t improve.
S Mgr: This is unacceptable. Quick rvice is one of Liveville International’s strongest lling points. If we get the reputation for being unreliable, our sales volume will drop.
Brian: I’ve also had complaints from customers who say that the rvice department is going downhill (adv. 向下, 走下坡). One company had to nd a monitor back three times before the problem is solved.出尔反尔的意思
珠海防疫政策Abby: It’s uless to be prompt if we are incompetent. I wonder whether the recent layoffs (裁员) are affecting the quality of our customer rvice.
S Mgr: I’ll ask the vice president to meet with the rvice manager and find out what’s going on.
Language Notes:
·lling point 卖点 (通常用于营销业务,表示产品定位与产品特色.)
e.g. One-time delivery is one of their lling points! 准时配送是他们的卖点之一.
学习重点: 如何在会议中表达或坚持自己的意见
Pricing Policy (定价策略)
S Mgr= Sales Manager
S Mgr: Let’s proceed to the next item on the agenda. Chris, you have some concerns about pricing. What’s on your mind?
Chris: To put it bluntly (率直地, 直言不讳地), we’re being undersold by our competitors! Our prices are too high. I’m losing customers, even though Liveville has a great product line.
S Mgr: Brian and Abby, what’s your take on this?
Brian: I’m more worried about our after-sales rvice. Customer satisfaction is more important than low prices. I really don’t want to lo a buyer becau of a poor rvice record.
Abby: I just earned one of my highest monthly sales commissions ever, and I have veral new clients. So, I can’t say that I’ve noticed any problems.
S Mgr: Maybe our marketing department can conduct a survey to determine whether high prices are affecting our competitiveness. I’ll nd a memo out about that tomorrow.
Chris: OK. I’ll emphasize the high quality of Liveville’s products when making my sales pitch. But I still think our prices are too high.
Language Notes:
·What’s on (one’s) mind (某人)怎么想的呢?---此问句多用于对象有烦恼或不悦时.
e.g. You look upt. What’s on your mind? 你看起来很沮丧. 有什么心事呢?
(one’s) take on (something) (某人) 对 (某事) 的想法, 解读
e.g. What’s your take on the company’s recent announcement?
学习重点: 1. 询问与会者意见的说法
2. 与其他相关部门的沟通与协调
Annual Work Plan
S Mgr= Sales Manager
S Mgr: We need to discuss our work plan for next year. Abby, did you prepare a list of action items?
Abby: Yes. Does everyone has a copy? It’s only a draft, so I would appreciate any feedba
ck before I forward it to the other departments.
Brian: I e that expanding our product line tops the list of priorities. Although product development is important, I also think we need to find ways of upgrading our distribution network.
S Mgr: I’ve asked the marketing department to follow up on that. I intend to incorporate some of their suggestions into the work plan before we submit the final report.
Chris: We should also brainstorm with the folks in advertising to make sure that our target audience is getting the message.
Brian: We’ll have to be careful about how we prent our ideas. Tho creative types can be awfully nsitive!
Abby: I’ll speak with the assistant director in the advertising department. We have a good working relationship, and I think she’ll be receptive to our ideas.