1.Tell me about the most creative or unique idea you have shared. Was it implemented? Why or why not? 请说出一个您最有创意或最独特的观点。 它被采纳了吗? 为什么?
2.Describe a process or procedure in your area that works well and that you consider innovative or creative. 请描述一个在您的工作范围内,您认为是有创新的并且效果很好的流程或方法。
3.Tell me about a best practice you have shared with or learned from others. What were the benefits? 请说出一个您与别人分享或从别人那学到的最好的方法, 它有什么好处?
4.Describe a time when you had to come up with a creative solution becau there was no policy that fit a particular situation. What did you do? What was the outcome? 请描述:当在某个特定的情况下,因为没有现成的政策规定,您不得不创造一个新方法时,您是怎样做的? 结果怎样?
5.Give an example of a creative contribution you have made. How did the idea come to yo
u? How was it received/ud? 请举例说明您做出的创造性的贡献。 您怎样会有这个想法的? 它是怎样被应用的?
6.Describe your style of contributing to a work team. What does the team expect from you? How creative or innovative are you compared to other members? 描述您对工作小组做贡献的风格。您的团队对您的期望是什么? 与其他成员比较,您的创造力如何?
7.Just about anybody can give a routine answer to common problems; however, the payoff is often in developing unique solutions to common problems. Give me an example of one of your unique solutions.任何人对普通问题都有常规性的答案,但决定因素经常是对普通问题有自己独特的解释。请举您自己有独特见解的一个例子。
8.Give an example of a time when you think you were particularly creative in prenting information using graphics, models or displays. In giving your example, focus on how your methods produced results. 请举一个您认为自己非常有创造力地用图表、模型或展示来传递信息的例子, 并重点描述您的方法怎样产生了结果的。
9.芋丝糕的做法Creativity often means departing from regimented ways of thinking. When have you been able to break out of a structured mind t and intuitively play with concepts and ideas? What was the outcome? 创造力通常意味着与有规则的思考方法背道而驰。您何时曾脱离结构性思维模式而凭知觉得到概念和观点?结果怎样?
10.Tell me about a time when you were working as part of a team and felt that you could achieve better or faster results on your own. How did you handle it? What was the outcome? 请告诉我, 当您作为团队的一员工作时,您感觉如果是您自己做可能会更好或更快的情况。您是怎样处理的?结果如何?
11.Tell me about a time when you were a part of a team that worked very well together. What did you do to foster the success of that team? 请告诉我, 您作为工作得很好的团队的其中一员的例子。为了促进团队的成功,您做了什么?
12.Describe a time when you were part of a team but were not clear about your role. What did you do about it and what was the outcome? 当您是团队的其中一员,但是不明确自己的角色时,您是怎样做的,结果怎样?
商业计划书怎么写13.Tell me about a specific time when you experienced conflict with another team member. How did you handle it. What did you learn from the experience? 当您与其它的团队成员发生冲突时,您是怎样处理的? 您从中学到了什么?
鼻子右边有痣14.Describe a time when a project did not go well due to a lack of teamwork. To what did you attribute the lack of teamwork? What action did you take and what was the outcome? 请描述一个因缺少团队合作精神而导致项目进展不顺利的情况,您对缺少团队合作精神的看法是什么?您采取了什么行动,结果如何?
15.Describe actions you have taken to encourage team members to feel comfortable sharing their opinions, even if they differ from your own. Give a specific example. 请举具体例子说明,即使您的团队成员与您意见不同,您也鼓励他们分享各自观点。
16.Give examples of what you have done to model collaboration and teamwork. 请举例,您做过的团队合作的模范行动。
什么流砥柱17.Describe a time when you helped a team member who joined the team later or in mid-
stream. How did you bring this team member up to speed with the rest of the group? What was the outcome? 请举例说明,您是怎样帮助后进的团队成员赶上团队速度的?结果如何?
18.Tell me about a project for which you were that required getting outside help.. What did you do and what was the outcome? 请告诉我一个您需要请外援的项目?您怎样做的,结果如何?
19.Describe a time when you shared your team's success with others. Why?请描述您与其他人分享您团队的成功的例子,为什么?
20.To what extent do you consider yourlf a "team player"? What does that mean to you? 在哪种程度上,您将您自己看做团队组织者?这对您意味什么?
21.Describe a time when team requirements came into conflict with your individual goals and objectives. How did you handle it and what was the outcome? 请举例说明,当团队要求与您个人目标相冲突时,您是怎样处理的,结果如何?
22.Tell me about a time when you had to work with a team member who was less experienced or knowledgeable than other team members. What effect did it have on you and the team? What did you do and what was the outcome? 请描述一个您必须与一名缺乏经验或知识的队员合作的情况,这对您和您团队的影响?您是怎样处理的,结果如何?
23.Do you feel more motivated when working as a team member or when working as an individual contributor? Explain. 您做为团队成员或独立工作者,哪一个更有动力?为什么?
24.离婚需要什么条件Tell me about a time when it was necessary to confront a negative attitude in your team. Specifically what actions did you take and what was the outcome? Now, tell me about a time when you were not successful. 在您的团队里,当您面临消极的态度,您如何处理,结果如何? 并请举一个您未能成功的例子。
25.Tell me about a time when you had your greatest success in building team spirit. What specific results were accomplished by the team? 请举一个您在建设团队精神方面的最成功的例子。团队完成了什么具体任务?