Ca Study Three: Approaches to HRM in the hotel Sector
As outlined in Box 3.1, HRM in the hotel ctor is strongly influenced by the variability of demand, particularly in tho establishments rving the asonal tourism industry. The hotel ctor is also heavily dependant on the external labour market as staff turnover is typically high and, therefore, a ready supply of both skilled and unskilled labour is often required to meet customer demand. This high turnover often results in problems of skills shortages in key operational areas, such as waiting or kitchen staff. However, while the hotel industry context often acts to constrain managers’ choice in HRM strategy, policies and practices, evidence suggests a variety of approaches to the staffing and managing the workforce. The following ca studies contrasts the employment practices adopted in two ‘similar’ hotels operating in the same UK city.
The Mercury Hotel
The Mercury is a franchi establishment of a large US hotel chain. It is 4-star rated and mainly rves the commercial market catering for business clients and hosting conferences
and minars. It has almost 300 guestrooms, is located in the centre of a large UK city and directly employs over 200 members of staff. Two-thirds of employees are employed full-time on 39-hour contracts with working times varying from week to week. Any hours worked beyond this are paid as overtime. The remaining third of employees are part-time (up to 25 hours per week). This structure appears to provide a balance between the need for flexibility in predictably busier periods throughout the year and as cover for short-term increas in demand. Management also make extensive u of return staff, mainly students who live in the area during term time or holiday periods, to provide a further element of labour flexibility. Such employees are en as a ready supply of trained labour but who have no claim to minimum hours, that can be shed with limited notice and who are most willing to work unsociable hours. Further shortfalls in labour are met either by other casual labour (e.g. recruited via temping agencies) or by increasing permanent staff hours at short notice. Contracted casual employees are ‘on-call’ so that managers can demand that employees work ‘as and when required’, principally being ud for functions such as wedding receptions. Management eks to minimi the potentially da
maging effects on rvice quality by minimising the u of ‘temp’ casuals and ensuring that, whilst providing a degree of flexibility, most employees are a ‘known quantity’ and have received at least some training by the hotel. Moreover, rather than relying solely on numerical forms of flexibility (altering staffing levels in line with demand), The Mercury形容冷的成语 attempts to meet the challenge of variable demand by training members of staff across a range of different areas; a rudimentary form of skills flexibility. The approach to staffing adopted at 小楼吹彻玉笙寒The Mercury appears to reflect a compromi between the need for labour flexibility and employee stability with management attempting not to overly manipulate employee hours simply to meet the direct needs of the organisation.
In terms of employee involvement and communication, formal departmental meetings are held weekly for staff to discuss operational aspects of the hotel. Open staff meetings are held monthly, for both permanent and casual employees, the purpo of which is twofold. Firstly, to pass on information on the performance of the hotel and condly, to act as a forum in which staff can ask questions directly of the general manager. Most importantly, a consultative committee, known as the ‘Employee Forum’ meets monthly and is chaired
by the hotel general manager or the personnel manager. This forum is comprid of elected staff reprentatives from each department and allows staff to rai issues related to their working environment. It is also where recognition is pasd on to staff for good rvice and employee reprentatives vote for an ‘employee of the month’.
内部聆讯Staff turnover is not considered a significant problem at The Mercury albeit within the context of the industry. Management reported annual turnover rate of approximately 35% (the company target is 25%and turnover in many hotels can be considerably higher). However, the HR manager claimed to do a significant amount of work to reduce this figure, particularly in the recruitment process. For example, department managers received training in interviewing techniques and ensured that candidates are made aware of the idiosyncrasies and demands of the industry. In addition, staff retention is targeted by ensuring staff development is offered to ‘capable’ employees and good performance is rewarded and recognid. Turnover is mainly attributed to mistakes made in recruitment and candidates’ misconceptions about the industry generally, specifically pay levels and working hours. This is reflected in the fact that departing staff rarely left to work in other h
otels, unless at a higher level, but tended to leave the industry. Abnteeism at The Mercury 狂欢节is considered acceptable. The personnel manager at the hotel suggested that an environment in which ‘team-working’ has evolved at the hotel and a degree of peer pressure discourages unnecessary abnce.
Management at The Mercury 中性皮肤considered skills shortages to be a huge problem in the industry, compounded by the highly-competitive nature of the local labour market where it is felt that during most of the year most employees would be able to leave employment at one hotel and gain employment ‘five minutes down the road’ in another. The HR manager claims however that the inherent local skills shortages are not felt as keenly in this hotel as in others becau their image as a ‘good employer’ is uful in attracting and retaining staff. The package of benefits available to staff are described by management as ‘exceptional’ and are claimed to be central in recruiting and retaining high-quality, skilled employees.
两者都不的英语The Luna Hotel
The Luna is located approximately 1 mile from The Mercury and is part of a large UK hotel chain. It has 201 rooms, is also 4-star rated and employs 128 members of staff. It rves both the commercial marketplace – albeit without conference facilities – and the typically short-stay tourism market. The hotel was subject to a takeover six months ago and is in a period of transition, not least in the way in which HRM is conducted. Again, two-thirds of the workforce is脾虚怎么补最好的方法 家风作文800字full-time, but the current management are eking to significantly reduce this figure and claimed they are overstaffed with permanent employees. They plan not to replace leavers in certain departments or replace them by offering workers flexible contracts and express a willingness to rely heavily on casuals and agency staff to plug gaps in the workforce. Even permanent employees are now employed on significantly less favourable terms than prior to the takeover. Management claimed that this provided ‘working-time flexibility’ for both employer and employee. The number of hours and shift patterns are adjusted and planned on a weekly basis according to business levels with both parties able to request more or less hours in a given period. No attempt had been made to train employees across a range of tasks to provide greater
skills flexibility nor is there any intention to do so given the stated desire to kept training costs to a minimum.