春暖人间Rearch on the Cultivation of Students'Cultural Self-confidence in the Departmental Edition of
Chine Textbooks for Junior Middle School
Since the reform and opening up,Chine national economy has developed rapidl y,but due to the weakness of traditional culture and education,coupled with the contin uous influx and impact of western culture and values,many Chine have lost their ide ntity to their own culture.Culture is the soul of a nation.Therefore,the Party and the g overnment attach great importance to cultural construction.The 19th CPC National Co ngress of the Communist Party of China clearly put forward to build our country into a socialist cultural power and strengthen the "four lf-confidence ".To strengthen the lf-confidence of road of socialism with Chine characteristics,theory and system is to strengthen the cultural lf-confidence.As a cultural judgment and choice,cultural lf-confidence ne eds to be realized by means of education.The students in junior middle school are in th e critical period of physical and mental development,and also in an important period for the formation of their world outlook,outlook on life and values.The plasticity of students'cognitive develop
ment is very strong in this stage,so it is ve ry important to pay attention to the cultivation of their cultural lf-confidence in this st age.And the school is the main position of cultural inheritance education,Chine textb ook,as the main carrier of national will and mainstream ideology,has important educat ional function,so it is obliged to have the responsibility to infiltrate cultural lf-confid ence into the teaching materials and transfer it to students.What is cultural lf-confidence?Cultural lf-confidence is the confidence of excellent Chine traditional culture,revolutionary traditional culture,socialist advanced culture and other excellent cultures.Cultural lf-confidence consists of cultural lf-confidence cognition,cultural lf-confidence attitude and cultural lf-confidence practice.This paper attempts to rearch three contents of this study through literature rearch,content analysis of Chine textbooks compiled in junior middle school,and surveys and interviews of teachers and students in the u of Chine textbooks.The first one is the pedagogical logic of the cultural confidence in junior high school Chine teaching materials lies in "cultivating people with morality"and "ideological and political cours".The cond one is the compilation of junior middle school Chine textbooks has basically achieved cultural confidence,but it can still be optimized and improved.The third one is the u of junior middle school Chine teaching materials for cultural lf-confidence cultivation needs to be further systematic reform.Survey found that in terms of textbook writing,compiling version in the junior middle school language teaching material ab
out culture to increa lf-confidence class lection,type also more abundant,has been basically realize cultural
lf-confidence,but still has room for optimization,such as the appropriate increa in type revolutionary dedication culture and innovative culture related lected article,lected article,and the systematic increa Chine excellent culture.In addition,there are still many problems in the process of cultivating cultural confidence by using Chine textbooks of junior middle school compiled by the ministry.It is difficult for students to have emotional resonance when teaching is parated from their life.Lack of cultural practice,students lack of cultural practice field;Teaching evaluation ignores the cultivation of students'cultural confidence.In view of the above problems,this study puts forward the following three measures.First,we should pay clo attention to the implementation of the cultural confidence of teaching materials,and improve teachers'ability to interpret and develop teaching materials.Second,insist on taking life as the foundation,open up the bridge between the text world and the life world;Third,reform the teaching evaluation mechanism and
pay attention to the development of students'cultural attitude.Key words:junior middle school Chine teaching textbook;cultural lf-confidence;lection;teaching
摘要.....................................................................................................................................................................II 第一章绪论. (1)
一、选题缘由 (1)
(一)新时代国家和社会的发展迫切需要树立文化自信 (1)
(二)语文教材与文化自信的天然契合性 (1)
(三)初中生是文化传承的未来主力军 (2)
秋天漠漠向昏黑二、研究目的与意义 (2)
(一)研究目的 (2)
(二)研究意义 (2)
三、核心概念界定 (3)
(一)文化 (3)
(二)文化自信 (6)
四、文献综述 (7)
(一)文化自信相关研究 (7)
(二)初中生文化自信培育相关研究 (8)
(三)部编版初中语文教材相关研究 (9)
(四)部编版初中语文教材的文化自信研究述评 (11)
五、研究思路与方法 (12)
(一)研究内容 (12)
(二)研究思路 (12)
(三)研究方法 (13)好看小说
第二章部编版初中语文教材文化自信的教育学逻辑 (15)
我身边的科学一、国家的逻辑:推进课程思政,落实立德树人 (15)
(一)部编版初中语文教材文化自信是推进课程思政理念的重要抓手 (15)
(二)部编版初中语文教材文化自信是坚持办学正确政治方向的应有之义 (15)
(三)部编版初中语文教材文化自信是落实立德树人根本任务的现实需要 (16)
(四)部编版初中语文教材文化自信是构建“两个体系”和完善“三全育人”的有效切入点 (16)
二、语文课程的逻辑:体现语文课程的人文性,践行课标精神 (17)
(一)部编版初中语文教材文化自信符合语文课程人文性的价值取向 (17)
(二)部编版初中语文教材文化自信符合语文课程标准精神 (17)
三、学生的逻辑:培养核心素养,实现全面发展 (18)
(一)树立文化自信是培养学生核心素养发展的必由之路 (18)
(二)培育文化自信符合学生全面发展的需要 (18)
第三章部编版初中语文教材文化自信的文本表征 (20)
一、宏观统计分析 (20)
(一)总体分布 (20)
(二)三个维度各自的分布 (21)
二、微观文本解读 (21)
(一)中华优秀传统文化 (21)七月的英文
(二)革命传统文化 (25)
(三)社会主义先进文化 (27)
三、文化自信选文的特点与可提升之处 (30)
(一)部编版初中语文教材文化自信选文特点 (30)
(二)部编版教科书文化自信内容呈现的待改进之处 (31)
第四章部编版初中语文教材培育学生文化自信的实践问题 (32)
一、教材使用过程中初中生文化自信培育现状 (32)
(一)初中生的文化认知还不够深入 (32)
(二)部分初中生文化认同存在偏差 (34)
(三)初中生文化践行意愿强烈,但践行情况欠佳 (35)
(四)语文教师在教学过程中不够重视文化自信培育 (36)
二、使用部编版初中语文教材进行文化自信培育过程中存在的问题 (39)
(一)教师对教材解读不够深入,忽视学生文化感悟 (39)
(二)教学脱离学生生活,学生难以产生情感共鸣 (40)
(三)文化实践活动不足,学生缺乏文化实践场 (40)
(四)教学评价忽略学生文化自信培育 (41)
第五章部编版初中语文教材提升学生文化自信的优化建议 (43)
一、对部编版初中语文教材文化自信选文的优化建议 (43)
(一)调整中华优秀传统文化选文的呈现形式 (43)
(二)适量增加革命奉献文化和革命创新文化选文,凸显革命文化的重要意义 (43)
二、对使用部编版初中语文教材培育学生文化自信的优化建议 (44)
(一)紧抓教材文化自信的落实,提升教师教材解读和“二次开发”能力 (44)
(二)坚持以生为本,打通文本世界和生活世界的桥梁 (45)
(三)改革教学评价机制,关注学生文化自信态度发展和文化自信践行 (46)
参考文献 (48)
附录 (55)
致谢 (68)