A Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements
for the Degree of Master
Rearch on Conduction and Diffusion Mechanism of Construction Project Environmental Risks
Candidate : Wang Guangrong
Major: Early-Warning Emergency Management
Supervisor: Prof. She Lian
Huazhong University of Science and Technology
如何提高情商Wuhan, Hubei 430074, P.R.China
May ,2013
The environmental risk is an important source of risk in construction projects. Incomplete access to i
nformation, and bounded rationality is the root of the project environmental risks. Environmental risks of construction projects have the characteristics of uncertainty, ambiguity, unexpected, variability, complexity, and so on.Risks in the external environment, includes the natural environment, economic environment, political and policy environment, social and cultural environment.
Though the energy in risks constantly accumulates with the construction process, the inherent lf-organizing, adaptive and lf-adjusting capability makes the risks still in steady-state equilibrium would be formed. In the economic fields, environmental risk exceeding the risk capacity, in the form of risk flow between the risk conduction nodes, through risk conduction carrier,along the risk transmission chain, dynamic transfers. Liquidity and transformed risks interact with the external environment, form larger more complex risks, and result in significant coupling effect. At last,in the ecosystem and social fields, the project environmental risks out of control may also through the interest chains and the laws of nature, diffu within a certain way ,such as chain, cycle, radiation and mixture. The local environmental risks of the project evolve the global projects environmental risk events. The project risk diffusion sourced the external environment and the environmental risk diffusion risk sourced project prent their respective characteristics and rules. Therefore, identificati
on of project environmental risk source and discussing the mechanism of formation, conversion, conduction and diffusion in projects environmental risks, can coordinate with nature, people and social development.
艾滋病的起源Key words:construction projects; environmental risk; project risk management; risk conduction; diffusion mechanism
摘要.............................................................................................................. I Abstract ........................................................................................................... I I 1 绪论 .. (2)
1.1 研究背景与意义 (2)
1.2 研究的理论与现实意义 (3)
1.3 国内外研究现状 (4)
1.4 研究内容与方法 (7)
2 建筑工程项目环境风险基本体系 (9)
坚果类食物2.1 建筑工程项目风险 (9)
2.2 项目风险管理 (10)
2.3 建筑工程项目环境风险 (12)
3 建筑工程项目环境风险的形成机理 (15)
3.1 项目环境风险产生的原因 (15)
3.2 项目环境风险源 (16)好吃好玩
3.3 项目环境风险的累积与突发原理 (19)
4 建筑工程项目环境风险的传导机理 (23)
4.1 项目环境风险传导载体 (23)
4.2 项目环境风险能量流动 (25)
4.3 项目环境风险传导过程及其耦合效应 (27)
4.4 项目环境风险传导路径 (29)
5 建筑工程项目环境风险的扩散机理 (31)
5.1 项目环境风险扩散要素 (31)
5.2 项目环境风险扩散方式 (33)
物上请求权5.3 项目环境风险扩散路径 (36)
6 总结与展望 (39)
6.1 论文的主要工作与不足之处 (39)
6.2 需要进一步研究的问题 (39)
致谢 (40)
注释 (41)李嘉欣整容
参考文献 (43)
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