Donate your blood as a Chine patriot
As you donate your blood, love and affection in the society is enhanced and propagated. 3、献血无损健康,救人功德无量。
Blood donation, risk-free to your health, can save human life, therefore a great feat benefiting the society.
While donating blood, your affection matters more. 5、献出的血有限,献出的爱无限。
Although the blood you donated is not limitless, your affection is.
6、你血输在我身,你情深入我心。 Y our affection is transfud as your blood
The tree of life is thriving for ever as blood and marrow is donated.
8、我以我血献爱心。 Blood donation is the best way to display affection. 9、手拉手,心连心,献血不分你我他。
Hand in hand and heart by heart, blood donation is indiscriminate. 10、热血是生命的标志,无偿献血是文明进步的标志。 Blood characterizes life and therefore blood donation characterizes our enlightened civilization.
11、献血的意义在于:拯救别人,圣洁自己。 Blood donation can save life and purify your soul. 12、您的献血,是托起他人生命的希望! As your blood is donated and tho in its anticipation will be more hopeful
13、一份血,万份情,无偿献血最光荣。 A drop of blood donated by you means your great benevolence, and therefore blood donors are most glorious. 14、爱心+勇气=光荣的献血者 The glory of blood donation consists in affection and coverage.
The greatest contribution you can make for your compatriot执行申请书
is to save his or her life.
42、“给一点你的血,救一条命” Donate your blood and thereby save a life.
43、“手术、血、兄弟” Operation, blood, fraternity 44、“献血拯救生命” Donate your blood to save a life 45、“一人为众人”
A blood donor can rve many people 46、石中能取血,何需向君求。 If blood could be collected from rocks, there would n ’t be any need for you to donate blood. 47、“用您的爱心重铸生命!”
Save life with your affection
48、捐血献髓表爱心,拯救生命风雨无阻。 Donating your blood and marrow not only shows your affection, but also saves human life under any circumstance,.
49、芸芸众生献爱心,涓涓碧血汇玉壶。 While people donate blood with affection, it will trickle into a jade pot which is precious to human being. 50、殷殷血流,是您赠我的生命之弦,让我重拨希望之
歌! The blood stream is the chord of life donated by you which, like a great song, reinvigorates the hope for life . 51、我没见过你,但我祝福你。 May god bless you although we are foreign to each other.
52、美丽的生命,从你卷起袖子开始! When you roll up your sleeve, a precious life is saved. 53、无偿献血奉献爱心,拯救生命风雨无阻。
Donating your blood not only shows your affection, but also saves human life under any circumstance,. 54、枯草清水浇,滴血润新生。 Just as withered grass is nurtured by clean water, a new life is nurtured by blood donated.
Plea donate your regenerative blood to help tho lives in jeopardy.
16、无偿献血——健康公民的标志。 Blood donation is what symbolizes a healthy citizen. 17、无偿献血,既为今天的别人,又为明天的我们。 Blood donation is helpful not only to the current patients, but also to yourlf in the future. 18、点点滴滴热血浓,人道博爱处处情。 Drops of blood donated show that there is affection and humanity everywhere in this world.
手机otg功能19、你想为社会做点贡献吗?你愿为他人献点爱心吗?请参加无偿献血! If you want to make some
contribution to the society, or help others with affection, plea donate your blood. 20、献血献爱心,血浓情更浓柬帖
Blood donor is full of affection which is more invaluable and important than the blood.
21、为何血浓于水,因有爱在其中。 With affection the blood is more invaluable and important than water.
More blood donated, more virtue and merit accumulated. 23、献血,从我做起!
Let ’s every citizen begin blood donation now. 24、无偿献血,利国利民利家。
Blood donation is good for the people, family and nation. 25、向勇敢无私的献血者致敬! Let ’s pay tribute to tho brave and lf-giving blood donors.
26、无偿献血者功德无量。 The virtue and merit of blood donors is immeasurable and unlimited.
27、鲜血诚可贵,助人价更高。 Helping others with precious blood is very invaluable and laudable.
28、人有旦夕祸福,谁改说:我不要输血? No one can be so sure of his immunity against misfortune and catastrophe as he dare to say that he does not need blood forever. 29、每人献出一滴血,将汇成生命海洋。 If everyone is a blood donor, the blood donated will be converged into a a of life. 30、无偿献血,终生荣耀。
Blood donors are glorious for their whole life.
功。 Risk-free to your health, donating your blood or marrow can help saving human life, thereby being a great blessing to the society.
56、我憧憬文明,我追求奉献,我由衷献血。 I donate my blood sincerely becau I am dedicated to promoting the civilization and making some contributions to the society.
57、但愿人长久,热血注心田。 It is a great blessing to the patient when your blood is
延。 Just as a people can ri with unlfish contribution made
by its member, life is maintained and prolonged with the vigorous and energetic blood.
59、无偿捐血做善事,救死扶伤显爱心。 As a blood donor you show your benevolence and
affection by helping people in urgent need of blood. 60、救护他人,幸福自己。
When you help others, you can also be very happy. 61、捐献“青春热血”,彩绘人生画卷。
By donating your young and vigorous blood, your life can be more interesting and appealing.
I will meditate about everyday of my life in a good spirit becau of you.
63、捐血救人,珍爱生命! Life is precious and plea donate your blood to save human life.
64、同在蓝天下,共享生命的感动! Plea share and enjoy the happiness of life under the same blue sky.
65、荐我热血点燃他人生命之光。 The blood donated by you can save the life of others, just as a match can ignite the candle. 66、用爱心为生命加油! Promote human life with your benevolence. 67、好人献上一滴血,病者除却万分忧。
A drop of blood donated by a kind-hearted person can remove much worry and anxiety of the patient.
68、点滴奉献筑造爱心工程,伟大义举塑造深圳形象。 A project of benevolence can be constructed by drops of
Blood donors help everyone.
Helping others with precious blood is very invaluable and laudable.
Only a little courage is needed in donating blood.
Donating blood properly and within limit isn’t injurious to your health.
Everyone should donate his or her blood.
Plea donate blood for the sake of helping others.
Y our life may be saved in the future if you donate blood now.
Blood donors are glorious
A drop of your blood to help others means that you are good-spirited and affectionate.
Blood is esntial to the human life at any moment. donation, while the image of ShenZhen can be promoted by your great feat.
I am proud of being a blood donor.
The more contribution you make, the more perfect your life is.
The spirit of dedication to the society is more extensive than the ocean or the sky.
Y our noble-minded spirit is shown by donating your blood.
Y our affection is transfud as your blood
Blood characterizes human life.
Blood donors are glorious for their whole life.
Let’s regard our blood as the spiritual bond which keeps us together.