开洗衣店利润怎么样>讹传Differential susceptibility to rearing environment depending on dopamine-related genes: New evidence and a meta-analysis 期刊名称: Development and Psychopathology
作者: Marian J Bakermans-Kranenburg,Marinus H van Ijzendoorn
年份: 2011年
最浪漫的国家期号: 第1期
关键词: Humans;Dopamine;Genetics, Behavioral;Object Attachment;Social森林防火知识宣传
Behavior;Altruism;Child Rearing;Child Development;Parenting;Genotype直薄
摘要:In the current paper we prent new empirical data and meta-analytic evidence for the role of dopamine-related genes as a susceptibility factor interacting with the rearing environment for better and for wor, that is, increasing children's susceptibility to both the adver effects of unsupportive environments and the beneficial effects of supportive rearing. In Study 1 we examined the readiness of 91 7-year-old children to donate their money to a charity (UNICEF). We tested whether the association
between attachment and donating behavior was moderated by the prence of the dopamine receptor D4 (DRD4) 7-repeat allele. The attachment story completion task was ud to asss attachment as an index of the quality of the rearing environment. Children with cure attachment reprentations donated more but only if they