1. wavy:having reg ular cur ve s
A wav y l ine ha s arie s ofregu lar cu rve s alongi t.
The wa vy linesare m eantto represe nt water.
Here in th e text the word desc ribe s them ar ks in w av y pattern s on theclay groun d left bythe broo m.
*im age -1* (此处加一细曲线图)
2. g roov e: a l ong narrowp ath or tr ack madein a surfa ce, esp.t o guideth e movem ent of st h.
A groo ve is a w ide, d eep line c ut into as urface.
T he cupboar d door sli des opena long th e g rooveit f its i nto.
3. hom el y:sim ple,n ot grand, (of peop le, faces, etc.,) no t good-l oo king, u gly
If so m eon e ishom el y, t hey ar e n ot verya ttractive to lookat; uadin Am.E.
4. awe:A we is t hefeelin g of resp ect a nd a m azeme ntthat yo uhave when you arefaced with sth. wond erful, f ri ghtenin g o r comp lete ly un known., w onder
The childst ared ath im in sil ent awe.
5. confro nt: to f ac e boldl y o r thre aten ingly, enc ount er
Ifa p roblem,t ask, ord ifficulty confronts you, ory ou are c on fronted wi th it, itiss s th. t hatyou ca nno t avoida nd mustd eal with
I was conf ronted wit h the ta sk of des ign ing an d bu ildin g the new syste m.
6. to tt er: to mo ve in anunsteady w ay fromsi de to si de as ifabo ut tofall, towalkwith weakuns teady s te ps
The ol d lady to ttered dow n the stai rs.
7.l imousin e:A limo usin e isa lar ge a nd ver y c om forta bl e car, es p. one wi th a glass screen be tween th efront a ndback s eats. Lim ousin es a re usu all y drive nby a chau ffeur [ou]
d an / saloo n is a c ar with s eat s forfour or m ore p eopl e, a f ixe d roof,a nd a boot (the spa ce at theback of th e car, c ov ered by alid, i n wh ich y ou ca rrythings su ch lugg ag e, shoppi ng or too ls) that i s parate from th eating pa rt ofthecar
c onver tibl e: a c arwith aso ft rooft hat can b e folded d own or rem oved
spo rt s car:a l ow usu. op en ca r wit h ro om for on ly 2 pe op le for tr aveling w ith high p ower ands peed
cou pe […ku:p ei] a car wit h a f ixedroof, a sl opi ng back,two doors and at s for four people
st ation wa go n (Am E) / estat e ca r (Br.E) a car which ha s a lon gbody with a door a t the back end ands pace beh in d the b ack ats
8. gra y / g rey: udtodescrib ethe colou r of peop le‟s hairwhen it ch anges fr om its or igi nal co lour, usu. asthey get o ldand bef or e it beco m es white
9. tack y: (Am.E,slang) s ha bby
10.overal ls:are a sing le p iece o f c lothingt hat combi nes trous ers and ajacket. Yo ur wearov erallsove r your clo thesin or derto pro tec t themfr om dirt,paint, et c. while y ou are wor king
Theb reast p ock et ofhisovera lls w as f illedwit h tools.(工装裤)浇水
11. hog:
a. a pig,esp. a fat one fore ating
b. a m alepigthathas b eencastra ted
c. adi rty perso n
swine:(old & tec h) pig
boa r [o:]:ma le pigona farm tha t iskeptforbreedi ng
sow [au]: fully gr own femal e pig
12. sledgeh ammer: l ar ge, hea vyhammer for swin gingwith bothhan ds, a l ar ge heavyhammer wi th a longhandle, us ed for s ma shing c onc rete
13. barl ey: 大麦
14. pa nca ke: a t hi n, flatc ircle ofcooked bat ter (糊状物)m ade ofmi lk, flo urand eg gs.usu.rolle d up or fo lde d and e at en hot wi th a swee t or savor y fillinginside什么是小品文
15. sidl e:walk a s if read y toturn or go th e otherw ay
If yo u sidle s om ewhere,you walkt here unc er tainlyorcautio usly, asif yo u do not w ant anyonet o noticeyou
A m an sidled up to m e and asked i fI wante d a ti cke t fo r the m atc h..
16.shu ffle: s lo w draggin g walk
If you shuff le, you wa lk witho ut liftin g y our fe et p roper ly of f th e grou nd
He slip pe d on hisshoes and shuffledout of the room.
I fyou shu ffl e, you mov e you r fee t ab out wh ile standi ng or moveyour bott om about w hile sitti ng, ofte nbecause yo u feel unc om for table orembarr ass ed.
I w as shufflin g in my s eat.
t otter (n.6), sidle(n. 15),shu ffle
17. blaz e: to bur n with abrightfl ame
A woo d fire wa s blazing, but there was noot her lig htin the roo m.
n. thesudd en sha rpshootin gup of af lam e, a v ery bright fire
Thefire bur ne d slowl y a t firs t, b ut so on bu rstinto a bl aze.
18. sweetg um tree:a large No rth Am eric an treeof the wi tch hazel (榛子)
fam ily,with alter nat e m aple li ke leaves, spiny (多刺的) fruit balls, an d flagra nt juice美洲金缕梅, 落叶灌木或小乔木. 原产于北美和亚洲.其分叉小枝从前用为魔杖, 这寻找地下水, 故俗称魔杖.
19. di ngy: dirty and faded
A build in g or pl ace thatis d ingyis ra ther darkand depres si ng and do es not se em to have been well lookedaf ter,.
T his is th e di ngies t str eetof the to wn.
Clo th es, curta ins, etc. that aredingy aredirty orf aded.
20. rais e: t o col lecttoge ther
r ais e an ar my / raiseenough mo ney for aholiday
Hi s wife r ai d the mo ney by l lingher j ewel lery.
We‟re tryi ng to raise funds to establish a scholar ship.
21. under nea th: (s o as to g o) un der(sth..)
T he lett er was push ed undern eath the d oor.
Didy ou findve ry m uch gr owingunde rneat h the sno w?
(He reit sugg es ts a repr essive an d imposing qualityi n her vo ic e.)
22.m ake-b elie ve: a stat e of prete ndi ng or t he thingsw hich arepretendedShe livesin a m ak e-believe wo rld /a wo rld o f m ak e-be lieve.
Do n‟t beaf raid ofm onster -the story‟s only mak e-believ e.
The li ttl e girl m ad e bel ieveshewas apri ncess.
23. shove: to push, esp. ina rough or careles sway
The rewas alotof pu shing and shovi ngto geton the bus.
Help me to shovethis furni ture asi de.
If yo u s hove s b. o r sth., yo u pu sh the mw ith a q ui ck, rathe r, violen t m ovement. He dragg ed her o ut to the do or and sho ved h er in to t he str eet.
24.d imwit: (i nfml) anignorant a nd stupidperson
d im: faint, n ot bri ght
wit: inte llig ence,wis dom
aton e‟s wit‟s end: atthe end of one‟s tet her
25.organdy: (Br. Eorga ndie) very fin e tran spa rent mu sl in (麦斯林纱,平纹细布) wi th a stiff finish (最后一层涂饰),ve ry fine ra ther s tiff cott on ma teri al use d e sp. for w om en‟s dr ess
(蝉翼纱, 玻璃纱)
26. pump:low shoet hat gri psthe fo ot c hiefl y atthetoe an d t he heel
27. star e down an y disaster in her ef forts: f ac e up an d d efeatanydisas ter w ithher ef for ts
柠檬英语star edown: two people l ooking ateach other persist en tly unt ilone sh ifts hiseye 28. flick er: to mov ebackwards and forw ards unste adily
shad ows flic ke red onthe wall
flic kerin g eye lids
29. st um ble:to stop and /or make mistakesin speakin g or rea di ng alou d
安徽天堂寨t o catc h th e foo t ontheground wh ile m ov in g alonga nd startto fall
Sh e stum bleat/overth e longwor d
He s tumb led a nd st oppe d read ing.
st ammer: to speak or say withpaus and repeate dsounds, ei ther h abit ually or
b ecau ofexc item ent,fear, etc.
stammer er
stutter: to speak or saywi th diff icu lty in pro ducin g sou nds, esp.hab ituallyh olding ba ck the fi rst conson ant.
stutt erer
30. good-n atu redly: nat urall y kin d, r eady t o h elp, tof orgive,n ot to beangry A pe rson or an imal tha tis good-na turedis n atura lly f rien dly an d d oes note asily get angry.
a good-natu red police m an
31.m ossy:
mo ss: an y of ve ral t ypes of asma ll flatg reen ory ellow flo werless pl ant thatg rows inathick f urr y m ass onwet s oil,or o n a we t s urface
32. hook: to catch with or a s if witha hook
t ohook afis h / arich husb and
h ookn o
He re: to att ac k with th e horn of the cow
33. sooth e: to ma ke less a ngr y, exc ited or a nxiou s, c om fort or calm,to m ake les s painful
soot he one‟sf eelings
34. sh ingl e: asm all thi n piec e o f build in g m ateria l (such a s wood) of ten witho ne end t hi cker th anthe ot herfor l aying inoverla ppi ng rowsa s a cover ing for t he roof or sides ofbuilding
c f: tile; a flator c urved piec e of fired cl ay, sto ne, or conc rete ud esp. forroofs, flo ors, orwa lls a
nd of ten fo r or namen tal w ork
35.por thole:al so port,a sm all u su. circul ar windowor openi ng in a s hip for l ight or a ir
36.shutte r:a. oneth at shuts
b. m ovabl e cover (w ooden pane l or iro nplate,hin ged, o r se parat e and det achabl e)for a w in dow or do or, to ke ep out lig ht or burg lars.
c f: Veneti anblinds
The shop fron t is fitte d w ith rol li ng shutte rs.
c. de vice thatopens toa dmit lig ht throug h t he len s of a ca m era
37. past ure: landwh ere grass is grown and where cattle fe ed on it
38. fu rti ve: st ealt hy, I f sb. isfurtiv e,he / sh ebehavesa s if he / she wants to keeps th. cr et or hid den
绝处逢生的近义词Theysudd enlylooke d fu rtivewhe n I goti nto ther oom.
I wa tched himfurtivelypencil an ote and sl ip itbetw een t he pa ges.
A wom anwith fu rt ive looksidled up to m e and asked fur tively w he ther Ihad /
wan tedrecei pts.
39. hang ab out: tow ait or st ay near a place wit hout purpo or ac ti vity
40. washd ay:alsowashi ng d ay, th e d ay whenc lothes ar e washed
41. impr esd with her: im pr esd b y h er m an ner,
42. wel l-tu rned:(of a phra se) careful ly formed and pleas antly expr esd
awe ll-turn edphrase: 恰当的词语
43.cute: deli ght fully p re tty ando ften sm al l
If you d escribe sb. as cut eyou m ea n t hat yo u fi nd th em at trac tive,oft en in as exual way
44. sc ald: to bu rn with ho t liquid
H e scald edhis to ngue on / with the hot c off ee
scal di ng: boili ng or ashot as boi ling
court: If a m an courts awom an, hepaysa lot ofattent ion to herb ecau he wants to m arry her.