胸壁切除术(小于10公分) Chest wall rection<10cm
胸壁切除术(≧10公分) Chest wall rection≧10cm
恶性肿瘤胸壁切除 Wide excision of malignant chest wall dias
熬夜脱发能恢复吗开胸探查术 Exploratory thoracotomy
支气管镜并做肿瘤切(摘)除 Bronchoscopic excision/remove of tumor
胸膜固定(黏合)术 Pleurodesis
胸骨或肋骨骨折开放复位手术 Correction for sternal or rib fracture open reduction
经胸迷走神经切断术 Trans-thoracic vagotomy
胸腺切除术 Thymectomy
广泛性胸腺切除 Extensive thymectomy
密闭式引流术 Clod drainage
歌词秀开放式引流术 Open drainage
简单胸廓扩创术 <10公分 Simple debridement of chest wall <10cm
复杂胸廓扩创术 ≧10公分 Complicated debridement of chest wall≧10cm
探查式肺切开术 Exploratory pneumonotomy
肺脓疡切开术 Lung incision for abscess
肺单元切除术 Segmental rection
肺楔状或部份切除术 Wedge or partial rection of lung
气管、支气管、细支气管异物除去术-气管镜 "Removal of tracheal,bronchial or bronchioral foreign body--by bronchoscopy"
气管支气管伤修补术 Repair of tracheo-bronchial tree
气管支气管再造术 Reconstruction of tracheo-bronchial tree
胸壁切除术及肌肉移植术 Chest wall rection & myoplasty
先天性凹凸胸矫正术 Reconstruction of congenital funnel or pigeon chest
支气管内扩张术 Endobronchial dilatation
简单凹凸胸矫正术 (<6根) Reconstruction of congenital funnel or pigeon chest
复杂凹凸胸矫正术 (≧6根) Complicated correction of chest wall deformity 冯翰铭
成人凹凸胸矫正术 Correction of adult chest wall deformity
胸腔成形术合并肌肉移植或人工网膜修补术 Thoracoplasty with myoplasty (or mesh)
肺膜剥脱术 Decortication of pleura
胸膜内( 外 )肺松解术(剥离术) "Pneumonolysis, intrapleural(extrapleural)"
全肺切除及胸廓成形术或支气管成形术 Pneumonectomy with concomitent thoracoplasty or bronchoplasty
一叶肺叶切除 Lobectomy
二叶肺叶切除 Bilobectomy
肺全切除术 " Pneumonectomy, total"
球填充术 Plombage thoracoplasty
空洞成形术 Cavernostomy
支气管瘘管闭锁术 Clo of bronchial fistula
肺合并脏器切除 Combined rection of lung cancer
肺袖式切除 Sleeve rection
门脉减压术 Surgery of portal hypertension
气管、支气管、细支气管异物除去术-开胸术 "Removal of tracheal, bronchial or bronchioral foreign body--by exploration"
气管内腔置管术 Tracheal stent intubation
探查性心包膜切开术 Pericardiotomy with exploration
心包膜穿刺放液术 Pericardiocentesis
心包膜切除术 Pericardiectomy
心脏缝补术 Cardiorrhaphy for heart wound or injury
探查性开心术:包括移除异物 Exploratory cardiotomy including removal of foreign body
人工A.S.D. Blalock-Hanlon 法 "Creation of atrial ptal defect, Blalock-Hanlon type, clod"
人工A.S.D. Rashkind 法 "Creation, atrial-ptal-defect Rashkind type, including-cardiac catheterization"
人工 A.S.D.血流进口阻断法 Creation of A.S.D. with inflow occlusion
心内肿瘤切除及绕道手术 "Excision of tumor, intracardiac"
经胸切开术装置或置换永久性心内节律器及心肌电极—单导线 Inrtion or replacement of permanent interal pacenaker & myocardial electrodes by thoracotomy—Single electrode catheter
经胸切开术装置或置换永久性心内节律器及心肌电极—多导线 Inrtion or replacement of permanent interal pacenaker & myocardial electrodes by thoracotomy—Multiple electrode catheters
插入或置换永久性节律器—单导线 Inrtion or replacement of permanent pacemaker—Single electrode catheter
插入或置换永久性节律器—多导线 Inrtion or replacement of permanent pacemaker—Multiple electrode catheters
经静脉插入暂时性电极—单导线 "Temporary inrtion, transvenous electrode —Single electrode catheter"
经静脉插入暂时性电极—多导线 "Temporary inrtion, transvenous electrode —Multiple electrode catheters"
瓣膜成形术 Valvular and/or annuloplasty
主动脉瓣或二尖瓣或三尖瓣之置换手术 Single valve replacement
两个瓣膜换置 Double valves replacement
三个瓣膜换置 Triple valves replacement
心室动脉瘤之修补 " Repair, ventricular aneurysm"
A.S.D. 修补 " Repair, atrial ptal defect, cundum"
质量计划肺动脉瓣气球扩张术 Balloon pulmonary valvuloplasty
心内膜垫缺陷之修补手术 "Repair, endocardial cushion defect"
Valsalva-sinus 瘘管之修补手术 "Repair, fistula sinus of Valsalva"
冠状动脉绕道手术- 一条血管 Coronary artery bypass grafting(CABG)--one vesl
冠状动脉绕道手术- 二条血管 Coronary artery bypass grafting(CABG)--two vesls 怀孕可以吃板栗吗
冠状动脉绕道手术- 三条血管 Coronary artery bypass grafting(CABG)--three vesls
腔静脉回流右心房异常之修补手术 "Repair, anomalous venous return total or partial"
心室中隔修补手术 (六岁以上) Repair of VSD (>6-year-old)
心室中隔修补手术 (六岁以下) Repair of VSD (≦6-year-old)
四合群症之修补(TF) (六岁以上) Repair of TF (>6-year-old)
四合群症之修补(TF) (六岁以下) Repair of TF (≦6-year-old)
心脏瓣膜扩张术—单瓣膜 "Commissurotomy,single valve,clod heart"
心脏瓣膜扩张术—多瓣膜 "Commissurotomy,multiple valve,clo heart"
心内膜切片 Endocardium biopsy
心外膜切片 Epicardium biopsy
主动脉转位症手术 Correction of transposition of great arteries
心房-肺动脉回路成形术 (六岁以上) Fontan operation(>6-year-old)
心房-肺动脉回路成形术 (六岁以下) Fontan operation(≦6-year-old)
心脏摘取 Heart procurement
心脏植入 Heart implantation
体外循环 Extracorporeal Circulation
肺脏移稙(单肺) Lung transplantation,补英文
肺脏移稙(双肺,连续性或同时性) Lung transplantation (bilateral quential or en bloc double lung)