塞莱斯>壁纸欧美 篇一:破产姐妹经典台词
2. sometimes when you think the sky is about to fall down, you might be standing tilted!
4. why do you even have a phone if youre not gonna pick it up?
6. how will you ever live with the shame?
7. why are the hot ones always gay?
篇二:破产姐妹 经典台词台词深圳上牌
(1)this is the williamsburg diner,owned by han lee, who just changed his name to bryce lee. becau i guess he wants people to take him even less riously.eight months ago he bought it from the russian mob. clientele ud to be all eastern bloc criminals and crack whores, but then he took it over and ruined it.
这是max和caroline初次见面,max向她介绍餐厅的对白。”take sb./sth. riously”表示对某人或某物的重视和关注。max的老板因为身材矮小不受关注,常常做各种不能理解的蠢事来引人注目,也因此常被max挖苦。”mob”指“暴民、黑帮”。clientele和client一般意义上均指“客户,当事人、委托人”,主要区别是前者比较正式一般是上流社会的人使用。后者比较随意。max在caroline面前用clientele是讽刺她的上流社会出身。“eastern bloc”直译为“东方集团”,借指来自东欧的小混混,反映了美国对东欧一贯的敌视。
(2)is that annoying? is that obnoxious and rude? would you find it distracting if someone did that to you while you were working? oh, you don’t have a job, sorry.
obnoxious: 令人讨厌的,可恨的。max在这里形容顾客打响指使唤她的行为。
“piss off”是个非常常见的俚语,一般有两种用法:
微信红包限额 max经常喜欢拿自己素未谋面的老爸吐槽,当然这也是她一直的心结。
模仿的近义词 (1)(refering to manhattan)she’s a bitch. always shoving her stuff in u can never have it. (曼哈顿)是个贱货。
(2)you are a bartender who’s clo to liquor all night and you are not an alcoholic.so clearly you don’t know how to ize an opportunity.你只是个整晚守着酒的酒保,而且你还不酗酒。显然你不是懂得把握机会的人。 alcoholic,酗酒者,酒鬼。-holic是个英语词根,意为过分沉迷于某事,无法自拔。作为词根不单独使用,一般作为形容词词尾。
(1)slippery slope 走下坡路;滑坡理论
max: look, why don’t you just take some of our cupcake business savings and go to a good dentist office. you know, one where you won’t get a staph infection just from looking at the floor.
caroline: no, we can’t do that. that’s our future. once we start doing that, it’s a slippery slope.