⼀、单选题(共20 道试题,共60 分。)
1. The street was () by the police for fear that there was a bomb
A. deceived
B. delivered
C. damaged
D. blocked
2. By () computation, he estimated that the repairs on the hou would cost him a thousand dollars.
A. coar
手机屏幕亮着但是死机B. crude
C. rude
D. rough
3. He sat for a time, his clothes ()
A. dripping
B. clear-cut
C. hurled
D. bubbling
4. Jill was () by her employees becau she often scolded them for not working hard enough
A. loathed
B. appreciated
C. cherished
D. praid
5. The trip to the west has been () due to the lack of the funds.
A. insisted
B. canceled
C. infected
D. inferred
苹果手机和安卓手机哪个好father, who was in his sixties, was eing his world _and his options narrow.
A. infuriate
B. dwindle
C. peer
D. shrink
7. My daughter usually enjoys her bedtime stories immenly, which are () made up with my wild imagination.
A. elegantly
B. eventually
C. magnificently
D. elaborately
8. In education there should be a good () among the branches of knowledge that contribute to effective thinking and wi judgment.
A. distribution
B. balance
C. combination
D. assignment
9. A sign announcing “No Meeting” was () on the door.
A. removed
B. hung
C. delayed
D. panted
10. The concert was intended to be () to the 1960s Woodstock, promoting peace and love.
A. a test
B. an honor
C. a contribution
D. an activity
11. Simple survival needs like hunger, thirst, and xual desire are relatively (), and we quickly learn what particular discomfort is attached to the denial of the basic needs.
C. dripping
D. clear-cut
12. When I returned the books, she lent me more. Soon I began to e her almost every weekend, and my well of knowledge about natural history began to () over.
A. extravagance
B. brim
C. pursue辞职文案
D. grimace
13. You need to () the time for the meeting or you will come late.
A. measure
B. maintain
C. confirm
D. mend
14. In general, the amount that a student spends for housing should be held to one-fifth of the total () for living expens.
A. acceptable
B. available
C. advisable
D. applicable
15. The () of jet travel has made the world em smaller.
A. remark
B. relationship
C. removal
D. innovation
16. And today, at 29, he has discovered the power of another good idea that has helped him ri in just a few years from teen to ()
A. tycoon
B. distraction
C. decorated
17. Mr. Crowther, for his part, had also suffered some ()
A. tycoon
B. distraction
C. decorated
D. interact
18. The reader is urged to be a leader, rather than a follower; to rely on his own power, rather than to ()
A. inform
老舍小说代表作B. conform
C. deform
D. reform
19. The city is ()of three ctions, which are parated by rivers.
A. upt
B. valued
C. compod
D. ventured
20. When I was working with a young college student, he () into my office once with a smile on his face and excitement in his voice.
A. bounced
B. concentrate
C. acclamation
D. deregulation
⼆、判断题(共20 道试题,共40 分。)
1. mortal is angel
语文学习目标A. 错误
B. 正确
2. encircle means to surround sb. or sth. completely
A. 错误
广东顺德旅游攻略3. superior means better or having a higher position
A. 错误
B. 正确
4. beckon means to make a signal to someone with a hand or arm to show that you want him/her to come toward you
A. 错误
B. 正确
5. .invaluable means of no value
A. 错误
B. 正确
6. delicacy means food with very bad taste
A. 错误
B. 正确
7. contented means being dissatisfied
B. 正确
8. .profit is money that you give by lling things or doing business
A. 错误
B. 正确
9. hover means to stay in the air in one place一般现在时练习
A. 错误
B. 正确
10. memoir means an account written by someone, esp. a famous person about his/her life as experiences
A. 错误
B. 正确
11. challenge means to invite sb. to compete or fight to prove who is better
A. 错误