by Kay Livor illustrated by Cathy Morrison
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流量英语>逆水划船打一成语Cabin Fever (2)
The Bament Court (7)
The First Game (11)
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The children were restless,Aunt Lin noticed.Mark didn’t want his sister around. He pretended to ignore her.Most days,they got along very well.Today though,Mark was annoyed with Maddie.
“My goodness,you two! Why are such good friends so grumpy today?”Aunt Lin asked.
“Mom says it’s too cold to go out,”said Maddie.“Well,there’s nothing to do inside!”
“We’ve done everything there is to do,”said Mark.“We’re tired of this long winter.”
下雨用英语怎么说“We’re tired of being inside,”said Maddie. 2
Aunt Lin thought for a moment.Then she laughed.“Have you ever heard of cabin fever?”
“Cabin fever? Are we sick?”asked Maddie.
“No,silly,”said Mark.“We’re just tired of being inside.We’re tired of sitting around
and tired of each other.I’m sorry I was
mean before.”
“I wasn’t very nice either,”said Maddie.“What can we do about this,Aunt Lin?”
“You can do what Dr.James Naismith did. He made up a new game.”