The study of large-scale groups, organizations or social systems.
Male breadwinner
Until recently in many industrialized societies, the traditional role of the man in providing for the family through employment outside the home. The 'male breadwinner model' has declined in significance with changes in family patterns and the steady growth in the numbers of women entering the labour market.
Male inexpressiveness
The difficulties men have in expressing, or talking about, their feelings to others.
The idea, first advanced by Thomas Malthus two centuries ago, that population growth tends to outstrip the resources available to support it. Malthus argued that people must limit their frequency of xual intercour in order to avoid excessive population growth and a future of miry and starvation.
Managerial capitalism
Capitalistic enterpris administered by managerial executives rather than by owners.
Manifest functions色戒原著
The functions of a type of social activity that are known to and intended by the individuals involved in the activity.
Manufactured risk
Dangers that are created by the impact of human knowledge and technology upon the natural world. Examples of manufactured risk include global warming and genetically modified foods.
伴郎Market-oriented theories
Theories about economic development that assume that the best possible economic conquences will result if individuals are free to make their own economic decisions, uninhibited by governmental constraint.
A socially approved xual relationship between two individuals. Marriage almost always involves two persons of opposite xes, but in some cultures, certain types of homoxual marriage are allowed. Marriage normally forms the basis of a family of procreation - that is, it is expected that the married couple will produce and bring up children. Many societies permit polygamy, in which an individual may have veral spous at the same time.
Mass customization
The large-scale production of items designed for particular customers through the u of
new technologies.
Mass media
Forms of communication, such as newspapers, magazines, radio and television, designed to reach mass audiences.
Mass production
The production of long runs of goods using machine power. Mass production was one outcome of the Industrial Revolution.
Master status
The status or status that generally take priority over other indicators of social standing and determine a person's overall position in society.
Materialist conception of history
The view developed by Marx according to which 'material' or economic factors have a prime role in determining historical change.
Maternal deprivation
The abnce of a stable and affectionate relationship between a child and its mother early in life. John Bowlby argued that maternal deprivation can lead to mental illness or deviant behaviour later in life.
Relating to, bad on, or tracing ancestral descent through the maternal line.
Family systems in which the husband is expected to live near the wife's parents.
A statistical measure of central tendency, or average, bad on dividing a total by the number of individual cas.
Means of production
The means whereby the production of material goods is carried on in a society, including not just technology but the social relations between producers.
Means-tested benefits
Welfare rvices that are available only to citizens who meet certain criteria bad not only on need but also on levels of income and savings.
Measures of central tendency
The are ways of calculating averages, the three most common being the mean, the median and the mode.
Media imperialism
A version of imperialism enabled by communications technology, claimed by some to have produced a cultural empire in which media content originating in the industrialized countries is impod on less developed nations which lack the resources to maintain their cultural independence.
Media regulation
The u of legal means to control media ownership and the content of media communications.
The number that falls halfway in a range of numbers - a way of calculating central tendency that is sometimes more uful than calculating a mean.
Medical gaze钢铁行业
In modern medicine, the detached and value-free approach taken by medical specialists in viewing and treating a sick patient.
A term favoured by Manuel Castells to describe large, intenly concentrated urban spaces that rve as connection points for the global economy. It is projected that by 2021, there will be 36 'megacities' with populations of more than eight million residents.
The 'city of all cities', a term coined in ancient Greece to refer to a city-state that was planned to be the envy of all civilizations, but ud in modern times to refer to very large - or overlarge - conurbations.