
更新时间:2023-05-30 20:16:06 阅读:31 评论:0

大豆卵磷脂胶囊WORD STUDY: Stem and Affixes
Using context clues is one way to discover the meaning of an unfamiliar word. Another way is word analysis that is, looking at the meanings of parts of words. Many English words have been formed by combing parts of older English, Greek, and Latin words. If you know the meanings of some of the word parts, you can often guess the meaning of an unfamiliar English word.
For example, report is formed from re, which means back, and port which means carry. Scientist is derived from sci, which means know, and ist, which means one who. Port and sci are called affixes, that is, word parts which are attached to stems. Affixes like re, which are attached to the beginning of stems are called prefixes. Affixes attached to the end, like list, are called suffixes. Generally, prefixes change the meaning of a word and suffixes change its part of speech. Here is an example:
Stem pay (verb) honest(adjective)
Prefix repay (verb) dishonest(adjective)
Suffix repayment (noun) dishonestly(adverb)
Word analysis is not always enough to give you the preci definition of a word you encounter in a rea
ding passage, but often it will help you to understand the general meaning of the word so that you can continue reading without stopping to u a dictionary.
Below is a list of some commonly occurring stems and affixes. Study their meanings. Your teacher may ask you to give examples of words you know which are derived from the stems and affixes. Then do the exercis which follow. Some questions require the u of a dictionary.
com-, con-, col-, cor-, co- together, with
in-, im- in, into, on
in-, im-, il-, ir- not
micro- small
pre- before
re-, retro- backward, back, behind Stems:
audi-, -audit- hear
-chron- time
-dic-, -dict- say, speak
-graph-, -gram- write, writing
潮汕哪里好玩-log-, -ology- speech, word, study
-metr-, -meter- measure
-phon- sound
-scop- e, look at
-scope- instrument for eing or
-scrib-, -script- obrving
-spect- write, look at
Exerci 2
Following is a list of words containing some of the stems and affixes introduced in this unit. Definitions of the words appear on the right. The words are probably unfamiliar to you. It is not the purpo of this exerci to teach you the definition of all the words. Instead, the exerci is designed to rve as a review of the stems and affixes defined in this ction and as a way for you to practice using the technique of words analysis to guess the meanings of familiar words.
Put the letter of the appropriate definition next to each word.
1.___microscope    a. the science of hearing
2.___audition    b. an instrument ud to make small objects
large enough to e and study
3.___phonoscope    c. the act or n of hearing
4.___audiometer    d. an instrument which tests the quality of
strings for musical instruments
5.___audiology    e. an instrument for measuring hearing
Stop. Check your answers before going on to the next part.
6.___gramophone    a. an instrument for doing extremely small
7.___chronometer    b. an instrument ud to make small distances
关于奋斗的作文8.___micrometer    c. the science of dating events accurately and
arranging them in order of occurrence
9.___micrograph    d. phonograph; an instrument that records or
produces sound
10___chronology    e. an instrument for meaning time very
11.___chronoscope    a. the sign or symbol reprenting a sound or
12.___phonogram    b. an instrument to measure small periods of
13.___microphone    c. the study of speech sounds谜底是元宵节的谜语
14.___phonology    d. the study of unimportant matters
15____micrology    e. an instrument ud to make weak sounds
16.___audiphone    a. a graph showing the percentage of hearing
loss in a particular ear
17.___chronic    b. a historian
18.___audiogram    c. long-lasting; constant; habitual
19.___phonometer    d. a device to help the partially-deaf hear
20.___chronicler    e. an instrument ud to measure the intensity
and vibration frequency of sound
1-5 bcdea 6-10 debac
11-15 baecd 16-20 dcaeb
WORD STUDY: Stem and Affixes
Below is a list of some commonly occurring stems and affixes. Study their meanings, and then do the exercis that follow. Your teacher may ask you to give examples of words you know which are derived from the stems and affixes.
ante- before

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