normal fault 正断层
normal loading condition 正常荷载条件
normal means of egress 正常出路
normal reciprocating 普通往复式
normal rent 原来租金;一般租金;十足租金
normal stress 正应力;正向应力
normally consolidated soil 正常固结土
North West New Territories Ba Strategy Studies 新界西北部基本发展策略研究
North West New Territories Village Flood Protection Study 新界西北部乡村防洪措施研究
Northwest New Territories Development Strategy Review 新界西北发展策略检讨
nosing 梯级边缘;“级嘴”
nosing tile 梯级边缘砖;“级嘴”瓷砖
Notes for Tenderers 投标须知
清澈的小河像什么像什么Notice by a Landlord of Increa in Rent by Agreement 业主呈报协议加租通知书
Notice by a Landlord of Rent Agreed for New Tenancy 业主呈报新租约所订租金通知书
Notice by a Landlord or Principal Tenant of Increa in Rent 业主致住客或主租客致分租客加租通知书
Notice of Alternation in Rent by Agreement 协议更改租金通知书
Notice of Asssment for Property Tax 物业税评税通知书
notice of authorization 授权公告
notice of cancellation 撤销通知书
Notice of Cancellation of Vesting 撤销转归公告
Notice of Correction of Valuation List 更正估价册通知书
notice of decision 决定通知书
Notice of Deletion 删除估价册内物业通知书
Notice of Evacuation 令迁出通知书
Notice of Eviction 收回房舍通知书
Notice of Increa in Rent 加租通知书
Notice of Increa in Rent on account of increa in rates or imposition of rates 业主因差饷增加或开征须向租客发出的加租通知书
Notice of Intention to Amend Valuation List 拟修正估价册记录通知书
Notice of Intention to Apply for a Closure Order 拟申请封闭令通知书
Notice of Interim Valuation 临时估价通知书
Notice of Lodgement of Money in Court 向法庭交存款项通知书
Notice of New Letting or Renewal Agreement 新租约或重订租约通知书
notice of objection 反对通知书
Notice of Objection to a Propod Interim Valuation 就建议临时估价而提交的反对通知书
Notice of Payment of Subsidy 按揭还款补助金发放通知书
Notice of Rateable Value 应课差饷租值通知书 大港区
Notice of Removal of Projections or Objections 饬令拆除突出建造物或障碍物通知书
Notice of Re-occupation 物业重行使用通知书
Notice of Resumption 收地通告
notice of termination [tenancy] 终止租赁通知书
Notice of Termination of Principal Tenancy 终止二房东租约通知书
Notice of Termination of Tenancy by Landlord 业主终止租约通知书
notice of the alteration in rent 更改租金通知书
notice of transfer 转让通告
Notice of Vacancy 物业空置通知书
notice of valuation 估价通知书
notice to quit 迁出通知书
notifiable works 应呈报工程
Notification of Change of Ratepayer’s Name and Address 差饷缴纳人更改姓名及地址通知书
notional building cost 估计建筑成本
notional rates 名义上的差饷
novation 约务更替
nuclear family 核心家庭
nuclear houhold 核心住户
nullah 明渠;防洪渠
nullah bridge 明渠大桥;防洪渠桥
nullah bund road 防洪渠旁道路
nullah deck clearance 清拆渠面僭建物
obscure wired glass 闷光钢丝网玻璃;毛面钢丝网玻璃
obscured glass 闷光玻璃;毛玻璃
obrvation well 观测井
obstruction 堵塞物;障碍物
obstruction detection system 障碍探测系统
occupancy position 住用情况;租用情况
occupancy rate 入住率;租用率
occupancy survey 居民登记
occupant 占用人;住客
occupation 占用;使用;居住
occupation certificate 入住证明书;“入伙纸”
occupation density 居住密度
occupation permit 入住许可证;“入伙纸”;居住许可证〔平房区〕
occupier 占用人
occupier-owner 自住业主
offer 建议;编配单位
offer letter 配屋通知书;补偿及安置建议函件〔九龙城寨〕
offer letter to buy 购楼意向书
offeree 受要约人
offeror 要约人
office land 办公楼宇用地
Office Land Development Strategy 办公楼宇用地发展策略
office premis 写字楼
office-bearer [mutual aid committee] 执委〔互助委员会〕
offload jetty 卸货码头
off-port backup land 离岸后勤用地
off-port container backup facility 离岸货柜后勤设施
offshore 离岸地区;近海地区
offshore engineering 离岸工程;近海工程
offshore wave 离岸波
offshore wave climate 离岸波况
off-site 工地外
oil-ba paint 油性漆
old estate 旧型屋
old scheduled agricultural lot 旧批农地;旧批约农地
防欺凌教案old scheduled building 旧批建筑物;旧批约建筑物
old scheduled building lot 旧批屋地;旧批约屋地
old scheduled lot 旧批地段;旧批约地段