James Ramsay MacDonald
Today,as I read about the Peace,as I hoped andprayed about the Peace,I thought of the almostcountless graves scattered in the centre of Europe.Many of our children are lying there.It must be inthe hearts of all of us to build a fair monument totho men who will never come back to bless uswith their smiles.Do they not want a grand andmagnificent monument built for them so that thenext generations,even if they forget their names,shall never forget their sacrifice?That is what Iwant.I almost felt I heard the grass growing overthem in a magnificent,soothing harmony,and thatsimple soothing peace of the growing grass emedto grow louder and more magnificent until the riotand distractive sound of the guns were stifled andstilled by it.Can we not have that ntiment to-day,that feeling in our hearts?Can we not go inimagination to where our children lie,and feelthat,in Europe,in our own hearts,that samepeace shall rule,and through sorrow and throughsacrifice we shall obtain that wisdom and lightwhich will enable Europe to posss peace for ev-er?与朋友交而不信乎