Unit5: Crime in Cyberspace
New technogical developments prent unprecedented opportunities for computer crime.
----- Peter Grabosky
----- Peter Grabosky
Robyn Williams: 罗宾·威廉斯
1 Last week, Ockham's Razor was prented by the Director of the Australian Institute of Criminology in Canberra, who reflected on his experience of being burgled偷盗, and how to design homes and business to avoid such an experience. This week we look at theft outside such physical structures: being robbed or otherwi interfered with in cyberspace. There's plenty of risk, but what can you do about it? This is the Director of Rearch at the I
nstitute, Peter Grabosky.
Robyn Williams:银行新年祝福语
1 上周,澳大利亚堪培拉犯罪学研究所主任演示了奥卡姆剃刀定律,他回忆了自己被盗的经历,并且告诫家庭和公司如何避免此类事件。本周,我们再介绍下此类实质形态之外的盗窃:网络抢劫或网络上的其他干涉行为。网络上存在着大量风险,但是我们应该怎么做呢?这是澳大利亚犯罪学研究所研究部主任,Peter Grabosky
Peter Grabosky:互联网草根
2 It has almost become trite迂腐 to suggest that we are entering an age as significant and profound 意义深远in its impact as was the Industrial Revolution. When you think about it, the convergence集合 of computing and communications has already affected most, if not all, of the major institutions of society. It has created unprecedented1 opportunities for education, health rvices, recreation and commerce. Unfortunately, it has also created unprecedented2 opportunities for crime. It ems to me that identifying t
he vulnerabilities, and mobilizing appropriate countermeasures will be one of the great challenges of the next century.
3 This challenge is so great that it defies藐视 the capacity of law enforcement alone to control. Conquently, new forms of policing, involving the harnessing治理 of non-government resources, will become esntial. Given the fact that cyberspace knows no boundaries, and that computer crime often transcends national frontiers边疆, effective countermeasures对策will also require a degree of international co-operation which is without precedent3先例机会投资. Let me describe nine types of crime involving information systems as instruments and/or as targets.
4 First is Theft of Information Services.①
qq怎么关联账号The means of stealing telecommunications rvices are diver, and include the 'cloning' of cellular phones, counterfeiting伪造of telephone cards, and unauthorid access to an organisation's telephone switchboard. In one ca, hackers were reported to have obtained access to the telephone facilities of Scotland Yard, and made over a million dollars worth of phone calls.
4 第一种是窃取信息服务。①
5 Next are Communications in Furtherance of Criminal Conspiracies阴谋.②
Modern information systems clearly provide an effective means by which offenders can communicate in order to plan and execute their activities. There is evidence of information systems being ud to facilitate organid drug trafficking, money laundering, child pornography and trade in weapons. Although the u of information facilities does not cau such illegal conduct to occur, it certainly enhances the speed and ea with which individuals范例教学理论 may act together to plan and to execute criminal activity.
仪式的准备5 第二种是通信促进犯罪阴谋。
6 Emerging technologies新技术 of encryption and high speed data transfer can greatly en
hance the capacity of sophisticated复杂高级 criminal organizations, and place their communications outside the reach of police. Increasingly, police are encountering 天然气热水器排名encrypted communications, and as cryptography密码学 becomes more widely accessible, I predict that its u to conceal criminal communications will increa markedly.
7 Then we have a range of activities to which we collectively共同的refer as Information Piracy海盗, Counterfeiting and Forgery伪造.③Digital technology permits perfect reproduction of software, text, images, sound, and combinations of the-what we call multi-media content. The potential for copyright infringement版权侵犯, falsification伪造 of documents, and fabrication of negotiable instruments流通票据, has never been greater. It is now possible to download compact disks光盘 and feature films校园恰恰恰故事片 from the Internet.
Copyright infringement can occur quickly and without difficulty, by anyone, from the comfort of your own home. But I would not encourage you to try it.