Org. culture
1. 四种企业文化:一是硬汉型文化(tough-guy macho culture),反馈快,危害大;二是苦干型文化超市策划(work-hard/play-hard culture),反馈快,危害低;三是出差型文化(process culture),反馈慢,风险低;四是赌注型文化 bet your company culture反馈和回报速度慢,风险低。
诗经名字2. Canteen culture: 极端保守右派英国底层警察愤世嫉俗的文化
3. Long-hours culture:where people are expected to work for a long time each day
淘宝的特点4. 竞争和合作并不是绝对的矛盾不可兼容的(they are not rivals, can co-exist),我主张企业内部协作/合作,与外部企业竞争为主,合作为辅(比如企业协会/行业协会的成立,团结起来,在国际市场上进行竞争, 企业之间不团结的结果,比如宝钢与其他钢企与力拓,必和必拓的谈判),才是王道;企业内部的竞争,可能会导致人性关怀的缺失,比如某些企业所谓的考核淘汰制,会导致企业人员的流失,员工间的不信任,甚至互相排挤,又怎么能够建设一支团结的队伍,与市场上的其他对手进行竞争。企业内部协作会形成明确的分工,效率更高,而一个高效融洽的团队氛围会增加团队的凝聚力和战斗力,心情愉悦了才能好好工作。同时可以增强员工的归属感,利于企业留住人才。
而现在很多的企业在recruitment AD里,都会要求applier是一个team player, 不是个人achievements, 而是contribute more to the team’s great achievement.
5. I’m working for (firm name), I work on (work discipline/ department).
I run/in charge of this dept and manage a team of designers: 20 people work under me.
I’m responsible for the coordination between…. And ….. I deal with a lot of different orgs in my work and work cloly with Project Manager.
6. At work 上班,出勤 off work:缺勤,不上班 in work: 就业 out of work: 不工作,无工作
7. Sb works full/part time ; temporary/permanent job
8. What sort of job would u like to do? What routine would u like to have?
9. I leave for work at 8 am every morning.
10. Office worker 白领,It’s a nine to five job with regular working hours. It’s not very interesting, but I like to be able to go home at a reasonable time.
11. Clock in and clock out/ clock on and clock off: 打卡上下班
12. I work in shifts: 我跟别人倒班 night/day shift. I may be on the day shift one week and the night shift the next week
13. Commuter 汉堡男孩[kə'mju:tə]
1. a pasnger train that is ridden primarily by pasngers who travel regularly from one place to another
2. someone who travels regularly from home in a suburb to work in a city. 通勤者
I commute to work every day, like thousands of other commuters.
14. I don’t like repetitive job/ doing the same thing again and again.
15. Nature of work:工作性质
My work involves solving problems/ travelling a lot/ dealing with customers/ human contact/ a lot of team work.
16. Headhunter:猎头 eg: headhunters may be called on to headhunt people for very important jobs, persuading them to leave the organization they are working for. This process is called headhunting.
Eg: This job is very critical, I think we need headhunt someone.
17. Be fed up with travelling a lot: 厌烦了/烦透了大量的出差
18. A covering letter shall explain/tell why you want this job and why you are the right person for it.
19. After the surveillance, we shortlist(选择,选取) 2 or 3 suppliers as standby options.
20. Turn down an job offer:拒掉工作机会
21. Referee:一般求职信里的工作推荐人/介绍人
22. Offer a job to sb: 给某人工作机会/offer, 你可以turn it down or accept it.
23. Backgrounds of the applicants
关于动物的词语24. Recruits: 雇员,新成员
25. I graduated from AUFE in English major in 2009.
26. In-hou training: 公司内部培训
27. 关于新毕业的学生只有paper qualification, lack of work experience and don’t know how business works. 驳斥:Education is to teach people how to think and act, not prepare them for a particular job. We could let em know business operation via in-hou training.
国防交通All of us was starting same like them, rookie with no experience. They got potential and loyalty to the company.
28. Sb is good with figures/people/computers: 擅长数字处理/与人相处/与电脑打交道
29. 学校里面接受的是education,而在社会中,工作以后获得技能的途径和方式叫做training
30. Methodical, systematic and well organized: 做事有条理性,井井有条
31. Get paid every month: 拿月薪 working overtime: 加班 perks: 额外津贴,小费
32. I love my job, even if I don’t earn much. 我喜欢我的工作,尽管我挣得不多。
33. Minimum wage allowed by the law: 法律规定的最低工资标准
34. Tips:小费
35. I am a salesman bad in Paris, I get a basic salary, plus commission(提成): 1 percen
tage on everything I ll. If I ll more than a particular amount in a year, I also get extra money----a bonus(奖金), which is nice.
36. Fringe benefit: 额外福利, 小额福利:比如说公司给你配车:give u a company car and make payments for your pension,(付养老金)
炒南瓜藤All that makes a good benefits package.
37. Compensation/remuneration package(企业中高管的报酬):包括像share/ stock option 股权激励: the right to buy the company’s share at low prices.
Performance related bonus:绩效奖金
38. Severance pay: 解雇费,遣散费,补偿金
39. Salary: 指比较固定的定期报酬,月薪;Wage: 工资,金额较低,从业人员水平也较低,比如waitor; Benefits: 指公司额外的的福利 Bonus:只实现一定目标后的奖金