后缀也有意义, 但主要的作⽤⼀般是更改词性, 即改变原词的语法功能。所以我们以更改为何种词性来做后缀的分类标准的。思路依然不变。
-eer: skilled in, engaged in, 与…有关的⼈,技艺娴熟的⼈
engineer, profiteer, mountaineer
-er: having as dominant characteristic, denizen of, 具有…特征之物, 与…有关之⼈, 做…⼯作的⼈, …地⽅的⼈,来⾃…的⼈Teenager, glover, Londoner, three wheeler
-ess: female, ⼥性,
Empress, priestess, stewardess, hostess
①compact, ⼩,
kitchenette, cigarette
②imitation, female, ⼥性, ⼈造的
Leatherette, suffragette
-let: small, unimportant, ⼩,不重要。
Droplet, booklet, starlet
-ster: involved in, 与…有关的⼈;有…品质的⼈
gangster, youngster, songster抽象名词: 名词加上名词性后缀,转为意义抽象的名词
age: measure of, process or state, ⼀定程度, 过程或状态。
Mileage, poundage, footage, storage, wastage
①state, condition, 状态,状况
②the group of, 表⽰群体、集体
③the rank of; an area ruled by, 表⽰职位、地位、领域
-ery, -ry:
①condition or behavior associated with, 有关的状况或⾏为
Slavery, delivery, roguery
②place, ……地⽅
Bakery, winery
③collection of, 群体(或类)的事物
Jewelry, machinery, pottery
-ful: amount contained in, 充满…所需的量
Armful, houful, mouthful, pocketful
-hood: state, condition, 状态、状况。
Adulthood, childhood, widowhood, spinsterhood
简单素描图片-ing :
①the material of, 由某种材料构成, 此处的意义核⼼是材料
Tubing, matting, carpeting
②activity connected with, 表⽰相关活动
Farming, golfing
-ism : doctrine of, practice of, 信条;主义;学说, ⾏为, 实践Abnteeism, consumerism, terrorism, xism -ship :
①occupation, position, ⼯作, 职位
Ambassadorship, governorship, authorship纸皮包子
②skill and ability, 技巧,能⼒。
Craftsmanship, sportsmanship
③relation, 关系
Partnership, friendship, acquaintanceship动词转名词转为代理⼈名词(agential nouns)
-ant :
①occupations and participation, ⼯作职业,参与⼈
Assistant, contestant, informant, applicant
②an object or substance, 某体或物质
Coolant, pollutant, decongestant
-ee :
①receiver of the action, 受动者
Internee, transferee, assignee
②doer of the action, 施动者(⼀般指⼈)
Abntee, divorcee, cohabitee
ent : a person or thing, 某⼈或某物
Respondent, correspondent, dependent
-er, -or : doer of the action, 施动者(可以指⼈, 物)
Commander, photographer, recorder, cooker, mixer
若原词是源于现代拉丁语或希腊语1, 则常⽤–or (with neoclassical bas, the spelling is often –or.)。转为抽象名词, 指⽰⾏为,结果,过程,状态等(Denoting action without process state, etc.)。
-age : action of, instance of, ……的⾏为, ……的实例
spillage, marriage, linkage, carriage
-al : the process or state of, ……的过程或状态
Survival, portrayal, dismissal
-ance : action, process, state, ⾏为, 过程, 状态
Performance, insurance, attendance, attendance
-ation, -ition, -tion, -sion, -ion : process or state of, product of, produced by, ……的过程或状态, ……的产物,
Institution, realization, imagination, addition, protection, decision, commission, 1如何查看词源呢, 可以买⼀本朗⽂当代英语词典
-ence : action, process, state, ⾏为, 过程, 状态
Persistence, existence, dependence
-ing : action of, ……的⾏为
Wedding, christening
艾叶的功效和作用亦可构成具体名词: building, earning
-ment : result of, ……的结果
Asssment, puzzlement形容词转名词
-ity : state or condition, 状态或状况, 缀于源于现代拉丁语、希腊语或法语的词, 以及以–able, -al, -ar, 结尾的形容词。Intensity, productivity, superiority, morality, popularity, familiarity
-ness : state or quality, 状态, 性质
Youthfulness, permissiveness, up-to-dateness
-ity , -ness 偶尔可以缀于同⼀个词, 前者在字⾯上和词义上更贴合原词。由于有同义词缀, 故造成异形同义词现象。
如justice = justness , appropriacy = appropriateness名词、形容词双性后缀
有⼀⼩撮后缀, ⽤于和⼈、民族国家有关的词后时, 构成的新词,既是名词,也是形容词。
-e :
①member of, language of, ……的成员, 说……语⾔
Chine, Lebane, Japane
②style of, ……的风格
Officiale, Americane
-an , -ian :
①citizen and language of , ……的市民, 说……语⾔
与朋友交Australian, Cambodian
②adhere to, relating to, ……时期的⼈, 具有……特征的⼈, 信奉、忠于……者
Darwinian, Shakespearian
-ist :
①adhere to beliefs and behavior, …主义者,…信仰者”,…主义的,信仰…的
Loyalist, racist, socialist
②occupations or study, …专业⼈员,…专家,从事…的⼈
Artist, violinist, bassist
-ite : adhere to , member of , ……的成员, …主义者, 忠于……主义的,多⽤于⼈名之后
Chomskyite, Troskyite
-ian, -ist, -ite 有时能缀于同⼀个词之后。但语意的轻重有所不同。-ian 暗⽰⼀种强烈的忠诚和信仰。(He is an out-and-out Darwinian. 他是个彻头彻尾的达尔⽂主义者。)-ist 语义显得中⽴些,故⽽可有⽐较级。(Isn’tthat approach rather Darwinist? 那⽅法不更倾向于达尔⽂主义吗?)-ite 有贬义之嫌, 可⽤在挖苦的语境中。(’He is a Darwinite’ rather than ‘I am a Darwinite’ 我可不是什么达尔⽂主义者,他才是。)
-ed : 缀于noun( adj )–noun 式复合词中
Pear-shaped, blue-eyed, giant-sized
-ful : full of, providing, 充满……, 提供
Merciful, tactful, graceful, dutiful
-ish :
①somewhat like, approximately , 像(某类⼈或事物)的,…左右的, 含贬义
Monkeyish, snobbish, sixtyish
②language and nationality, 有关语⾔、国家的
Polish, Jewish
③somewhat, 有点……的
Plumpish, thinnish
朝发夕至-less :
①without, ⽆
nameless, brainless, humorless
②unmeasurable, ⽆法度量的
priceless, timeless
-like : like, 象, 中性, ⽆明显褒义或贬义
animallike, ladylike, dreamlike
-ly :
①having the quality of , 具……的品质、特点, 褒性
soldierly, friendly, cowardly, deadly
②frequency, 频度
hourly, fortnightly
y :我的新老师作文
①somewhat like, characterized by, 像(某类⼈或事物)的, 具有……特点
smoky, flowery, grassy
②with names to show similarity or affection,
doggy, birdy, Johny关于
关于–ly, -like, -ish, 各举⼀例: manly, manlike, mannish。manly 指男⼦的强健或英雄⽓质; manlike指像⼈的,⽽⾮指⼈; mannish 暗指⼥⼦⾝上带有的不被接受的男性特征。
-al, -ial, -ical : relating to, 与…有关的
residential, philosophical, ntimental
-esque : have the properties of, in the style of , 有……特点的, …风格(或样式)的, 常缀于著名作家、画家等⼈的姓后Beethovenesque, Dantesque
-ic : rembling, involving, connected with, 类似的, 与……有关的, 常缀于以–ist 结尾的名词后。
patriotic, poetic, traditionalistic, pessimistic
-ous, -eous, -ious, -uous : having a particular quality, 具……特殊品质的
nsuous, marvelous, courageous, anxious
-ic , -ical 可缀于同⼀词后, 并产⽣异义:
classic (great, memorable); classical (of Latin and Greek)
comic (of comedy); comical (funny)
historic (important in history); historical (of history)
economic (in the economy); economical (money-saving)
electric (powered by electricity); electrical (of electricity)动词转形容词
-able, -ible : possibility-showing, 表现……可能性的
washable, admirable, identifiable, convertible, permissible
-ative, -ive, -sive : doing or tending to do sth 做…的;有…倾向的
talkative, expansive, decisive, active, affirmative
-ly : in … manner, to a … degree, 以…⽅式, ⾄…程度, 以–ic 结尾的词, 先插⼊–al, public 例外, 不缀于以–ly 结尾的形容词。gradually, riously, scientifically, publicly
-ward, -wards : showing direction, 只是⽅向, 常⽤于名词和副词之后。
homewards, downward, skyward
-wi :
①in…manner, 以…⽅式
sleep-walker-wi, ostrich-wi